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Modifiers on Power Adders???

All American


Okay, so I'm gonna ask this in the general forums, too, but I'd like official answers. I apologize in advance if this has been asked before, but I did a search for anything related to modifying power adders and did not find anything remotely close to what I'm looking for.


The short question is: Can you apply power modifiers to only the ADDERS on a power? As an example, could you apply Extra Time and/or Limited Power (defined circumstance) to the Cellular adder for Shape Shift?


The follow-up question would be: Can I make this happen in Hero Designer (v2 OR v3), and if so... how?


The effect I'm trying to create here is a doppelganger-like villain who requires varying degrees of interaction with a target in order to mimic their various aspects. This character would have the Shape Shift power (among others), but how he could use it would depend on a variety of circumstances. Normally, he'll be able to change into any generic-looking and sounding humanoid without any special requirements. If he merely SEES another person, he can make himself look like them (Sight Group Imitation). If he only HEARS them, he can only sound like them (Hearing Group Imitation). If he sees and hears them, then he can effectively disguise himself like them. If he is able to touch them or get a sample of their DNA, he can emulate them on the Cellular level. He would also have some limited Telepathy, so the longer he studied a persons mind, the more he could emulate them on a Mental level (Mental Group Imitation). Finally, if he is able to sample their DNA and read their mind, he will be able to mimic their Skills, Abilities, Talents and Powers (obviously a mimicry VPP with applicable control limitations.) I might throw in some kind of skill roll in order to successfully mimic a target, the difficulty of which would increase based on how many different adders the doppelganger is attempting to utilize.


This brings up another question: Would it be possible for the doppleganger to ONLY mimic the DNA, fingerprints, etc of a target for whom he's sampled their DNA but never had visual contact with (in other words, he'd still LOOK like his normal self)?

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