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"HERO System 101" With Steve Tonight (June 24) At 6:00 PM On G+ Hangouts

Steve Long

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I'm doing a Google+ Hangout this evening at 6:00 PM with Pete Figtree called "HERO System 101." While I doubt many of you on this board need an intro to HERO, I'm sure there'll be an opportunity for questions and general HERO discussion, so please stop by if you'd like.








Hope to see some of y'all there! ;)

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I do not have a Google acount. And since I don't have my own computer, I am not going to be able to get there on time. So, will the chat be loged so all can read it?


I'm intrested in what direction Hero is planing on going. I noticed that there are a lot less Hero Kickstarted projects anounced than last year (then again, this year is only half over, and there might be a spurt near the end of the year). How can we prove that Hero is not dead?

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Lisiteing to this now as I type in the public libary. So far, I'm "less than 3" for it.


Wow...almost half done, and all the focus is on 6ed, and nothing mentioned about Champions Complete. Why?

Because he is the author of 6E. Because Champions Complete is still 6th Edition. Because it is what he is familiar with. I'm sure the list goes on...
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Lisiteing to this now as I type in the public libary. So far, I'm "less than 3" for it.


Wow...almost half done, and all the focus is on 6ed, and nothing mentioned about Champions Complete. Why?

Jason, Champions Complete is considered the core rules by Hero Games. They have no plans on reprinting 6E1 and 2, Champions Complete has essentially replaced them (and Hero System Basic, and Champion the genre book). There were some minor changes, mostly to categorized skills and the (IMO not so minor) change of dropping "Class of Mind" rules from Mental Powers.


In other words, no it is not a subset of 6E, it is 6E.

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Lisiteing to this now as I type in the public libary. So far, I'm "less than 3" for it.


Wow...almost half done, and all the focus is on 6ed, and nothing mentioned about Champions Complete. Why?

Well, that's unfortunate - from my point of view, of course - feels like a step backwards, to the days of Champtions/Fantasy Hero/Danger International. I was actually pretty pleased with Basic and what they did with it - but then, already having 6E1 and 6E2, I wasn't really the target audience.
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Lisiteing to this now as I type in the public libary. So far, I'm "less than 3" for it.


Wow...almost half done, and all the focus is on 6ed, and nothing mentioned about Champions Complete. Why?

I would argue it's not as big of a step back as you feel it is. In the days of Champions/Fantasy Hero/DI, they all had separate rules that were not included in the others. Champions Complete has all the rules from 6E1-2, and those rules can still be used with any game, they are not genre specific.
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Champions Complete has all the rules from 6E1-2




Just to make sure we're all clear here: this isn't correct. CC has all the rules from The HERO System Basic Rulebook, with some additions to make it more broadly applicable to the Superhero genre. If it had all the rules from 6E1-2 it'd be several hundred pages larger. :)



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Champions Complete has all the rules from 6E1-2




Just to make sure we're all clear here: this isn't correct. CC has all the rules from The HERO System Basic Rulebook, with some additions to make it more broadly applicable to the Superhero genre. If it had all the rules from 6E1-2 it'd be several hundred pages larger. :)


The author of CC has blatantly stated I has ALL the rules multiple times. The official announcement from the company when it first came out said the same, that it wasn't a missing rules like Hero Basic it was just streamlined and lacking a lot of the examples.

Unless I'm missing something I think you're simply misinformed about the nature of the book (or The author is confused). Can you name any of the

rules it is missing? I know for a fact it has VPPs and several optional rules which Basic doesn't.

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Lisiteing to this now as I type in the public libary. So far, I'm "less than 3" for it.


Wow...almost half done, and all the focus is on 6ed, and nothing mentioned about Champions Complete. Why?

I hope that isn't the case. I have no use for a Champions book. I only want all of the Hero rules. I remember the days of the BBB when the complete rules were printed as the Champions RPG and I lamented having to purchase a book with a hundred or so pages of extra stuff I didn't need. When Hero finally decided to print a book with just the rules, I was as happy as a clam. I have no desire to go back to the original format in any way shape or form.
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Just to make sure we're all clear here: this isn't correct. CC has all the rules from The HERO System Basic Rulebook, with some additions to make it more broadly applicable to the Superhero genre. If it had all the rules from 6E1-2 it'd be several hundred pages larger. :)




Well, it is more 'complete' than The HERO System Basic Rulebook, that is for shure. It includes powers, skills, and talents 'left out' of the main book. And it is complete enougth that you can run a decent superhero game without needing the 6ed1 and 6ed2 at all. Still, it is not realy 'complete' compared to 6ed1 and 6ed2. It lacks the Classes of Minds rules (it is no biggie, and simple to put back in IF you have a copy of 6ed1).


My beef with Champions Complete is that there is no aperent suport for it yet on the HERO Games side of things. Again, it is a small beef, made painfuly clear from cash flow problems, and acual time restrants. So, should the guys at HERO do a conversion guide for all published charaters? Reprint the VVs with Champions Complete stats? Reprint Champions Powers with Champion Complete stats? It is not "HERO System 7th Edition", but it is "HERO System 6.1 Edition".

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Just to make sure we're all clear here: this isn't correct. CC has all the rules from The HERO System Basic Rulebook, with some additions to make it more broadly applicable to the Superhero genre. If it had all the rules from 6E1-2 it'd be several hundred pages larger. :)




Well, it is more 'complete' than The HERO System Basic Rulebook, that is for shure. It includes powers, skills, and talents 'left out' of the main book. And it is complete enougth that you can run a decent superhero game without needing the 6ed1 and 6ed2 at all. Still, it is not realy 'complete' compared to 6ed1 and 6ed2. It lacks the Classes of Minds rules (it is no biggie, and simple to put back in IF you have a copy of 6ed1).


My beef with Champions Complete is that there is no aperent suport for it yet on the HERO Games side of things. Again, it is a small beef, made painfuly clear from cash flow problems, and acual time restrants. So, should the guys at HERO do a conversion guide for all published charaters? Reprint the VVs with Champions Complete stats? Reprint Champions Powers with Champion Complete stats? It is not "HERO System 7th Edition", but it is "HERO System 6.1 Edition".

It doesn't "lack" the class of mind rules. Those rules were changed. CC supersedes 6E1+2 in what the current rules are. (At least that's how it was originally presented. Judging from Steve's comment perhaps DOJ changed their mind on that).
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Just to make sure we're all clear here: this isn't correct. CC has all the rules from The HERO System Basic Rulebook, with some additions to make it more broadly applicable to the Superhero genre. If it had all the rules from 6E1-2 it'd be several hundred pages larger. :)




Well, it is more 'complete' than The HERO System Basic Rulebook, that is for shure. It includes powers, skills, and talents 'left out' of the main book. And it is complete enougth that you can run a decent superhero game without needing the 6ed1 and 6ed2 at all. Still, it is not realy 'complete' compared to 6ed1 and 6ed2. It lacks the Classes of Minds rules (it is no biggie, and simple to put back in IF you have a copy of 6ed1).


My beef with Champions Complete is that there is no aperent suport for it yet on the HERO Games side of things. Again, it is a small beef, made painfuly clear from cash flow problems, and acual time restrants. So, should the guys at HERO do a conversion guide for all published charaters? Reprint the VVs with Champions Complete stats? Reprint Champions Powers with Champion Complete stats? It is not "HERO System 7th Edition", but it is "HERO System 6.1 Edition".

There are really NO changes needed to use any 6e characters with CC. Really the only thing that will change in a "conversion" are certains skills will be more comprehensive and Mentalists no longer need to worry about their class of minds. No where near enough to justify any sort of a conversion.
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Just to make sure we're all clear here: this isn't correct. CC has all the rules from The HERO System Basic Rulebook, with some additions to make it more broadly applicable to the Superhero genre. If it had all the rules from 6E1-2 it'd be several hundred pages larger. :)




Well, it is more 'complete' than The HERO System Basic Rulebook, that is for shure. It includes powers, skills, and talents 'left out' of the main book. And it is complete enougth that you can run a decent superhero game without needing the 6ed1 and 6ed2 at all. Still, it is not realy 'complete' compared to 6ed1 and 6ed2. It lacks the Classes of Minds rules (it is no biggie, and simple to put back in IF you have a copy of 6ed1).


My beef with Champions Complete is that there is no aperent suport for it yet on the HERO Games side of things. Again, it is a small beef, made painfuly clear from cash flow problems, and acual time restrants. So, should the guys at HERO do a conversion guide for all published charaters? Reprint the VVs with Champions Complete stats? Reprint Champions Powers with Champion Complete stats? It is not "HERO System 7th Edition", but it is "HERO System 6.1 Edition".

I disagree. I do think even the littest of changes deserves an overhall of published charaters. What is wrong is that HERO hasen't even goten around to converting many of the old 5th ed sources to 6ed, let alone Champions Complete. I mean, Bulletprofe (from Galactic Champions) should benifit from Damage Negation, but exactly how much? Without a legal 6ed copy of the charater, how would we know? How would we know if thay would even want to go that route with his charater sheet?


Please, HERO, give us current writeups of 5ed charaters, even if there is no changes. I'll try to buy as many of them as I can.

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