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The Watchmen


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Guest dan2448
In a fight between Rorschach and Supergirl the Maid of Steel has the edge.


I suppose I'd state this even more strongly. Because I envision Rorschach as essentially human (and a diminutive one at that), I'd personally think that Supergirl would squash him like a bug in any fight.


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Silk Spectre I


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

18 DEX 24

18 CON 16

11 BODY 2

18 INT 8

11 EGO 2

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

7 PD 4

7 ED 3

3 SPD 2

7 REC 0

36 END 0

28 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 75 Points


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Acting 12-

2 AK: New York City 11-

3 Breakfall 13-

12 Combat Luck +6 rPD +6 rED

3 Contortionist 12-

3 Conversation 12-

4 Martial Dodge

4 Martial Strike

5 Money: Well Off

5 Offensive Strike

3 Persuasion 12-

2 PS: Burlesque Dancer 11-

2 Rep: Crimefighter 11-

3 Seduction 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

Total Skills Cost: 60 Points


Cost Powers

5 ES: RPT, OAF: Minuteman Communicator (-1)

2 Running +1"

8 Running 8x NCM, Use Simultaneously (+1/2), No END (+1/2), Only On Appropriate Terrain (-1/2), OIF[bulky]: Sportscar (-1)

Total Powers Cost: 15 Points


Total Cost: 150 Points


75+ Disadvantages

10 Hunted: Minutemen Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

5 Hunted: Press (As Powerful/NCI/Watch) 8-

10 Hunted: Silk Spectre I Enemies (As Powerful) 8-

15 PsyL: Protective Of Innocents (Common/Strong)

10 PsyL: Show Off (Common/Moderate)

5 Rivalry: Silhouette (Professional)

10 SocL: Famous (Occasionally/Major)

10 SocL: Public Identity [sally Jupiter] (Occasionally/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 150 Points

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rorschach's VPP is his ability to build improvised weapons and other tools quickly.


He is the ultimate "Obsessed Crimefighter." He has nothing else in his life other then crimefighting.


Wouldn't that be better represented by using HAPs or the power skill? You're using FRED, right? So you'll probably have to pick up Pulp Hero.


While we're at it, wouldn't it make more sense to give all the Watchmen free gear? The characters are closer to heroes (powerful to very powerful) than superheroic (exceptions: Ozymandias and Manhattan). All the characters, only have as much gear as they can afford (e.g. Nite Owl) or can acquire through government contacts (i.e. the Comedian).

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The characters were interesting, but too dark. That's why the public in that timeline didn't embrace them.


For example if Dr. Manhattan simply turned the air to sleep gas instead of blowing Gangsters up he might have had a better reputation.

That presupposes that he actually cared enough to do so.
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The line gun is the grappling hook gun.


His characteristics are my standard martial artist template (as is Silk Spectre II).


Ah, right, that all makes sense, and also explains why Rorschach's STR score was a little higher than I might've expected as well. (Could he lift a motorcycle? Maybe. But I always envisioned him as small, wiry, agile, ruthless, and resourceful (as reflected very well in your excellent write up); but not necessarily all that strong - especially by super hero standards.)


Reducing some of those characteristic scores and adding a few more complications/disadvantages might allow Rorschach to be built with considerably fewer points, which might reflect elegantly his 'troubled' childhood and background, and diminutive stature.


The stats are great, Cassandra. If you have time, please post more.

Comedian might actually have been stronger than Ozymandias. Veidt was faster. For all of Blake's training and experience he never hit Veidt.
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The characters were interesting, but too dark. That's why the public in that timeline didn't embrace them.


For example if Dr. Manhattan simply turned the air to sleep gas instead of blowing Gangsters up he might have had a better reputation.

It doesn't really presuppose that at all. It's a statement. If he didn't slaughter people he may have had a better reputation. Whether he cared enough or not (he obviously didn't) doesn't effect that statement at all and the statement assumes nothing about Dr. Manhattan's motivations.
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The characters were interesting, but too dark. That's why the public in that timeline didn't embrace them.


For example if Dr. Manhattan simply turned the air to sleep gas instead of blowing Gangsters up he might have had a better reputation.

The whole point behind Dr. Manhattan was that he was slowly, over the years, losing touch with humanity. Kind of like these shows that show characters that don't have a soul as monsters. Why should he care about his reputation where ants are concerned?


By the end of the story the only human that he might have retained any feelings for was Laurie.

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The characters were interesting, but too dark. That's why the public in that timeline didn't embrace them.


For example if Dr. Manhattan simply turned the air to sleep gas instead of blowing Gangsters up he might have had a better reputation.

I completely understand that. I don't think anyone is arguing that point. Cassandra's post sure isn't.
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What's FRED? What's HAP?
Basically the way HAPs work is, at the beginning of each adventure, each player rolls 2d6. That's the number of HAPs for the adventure. After that, they can be used to alter the environment in small but beneficial ways. For example, Rorschach could spend a HAP and find some pepper (great for blinding police) or an aerosol can and some matches (great for starting small fires). And so forth.


That seems easier than giving Rorschach a VPP.

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All my creations are 5th Edition. I think it's the ultimate evolution of the Hero System. The only thing they missed was turning Gliding into a variation of Flight.


I build Standard Versions of Comic Book Characters. Rorschach (and Tony Stark for that matter) would have VPP to represent their ability to build weapons from commonly available material. We saw in Iron Man 3 where Tony built himself an arsenal after a trip to Home Depot. This also works for villains like Victor Von Doom and Lex Luthor.


Speaking of Iron Man, I have a Multiform version of him over at the Hero Templates thread, with the above example of a VPP.

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