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Automaton Power: Takes no Stun and Bestiary not matching up.

Nelio Belmont


Greetings all, I have a question I need help with.


In my home game I am designing a Android for the players to interact with. When building them I ran into some confusion with buying defenses. The android has the power “Takes no Stun” (HeroVol1: P293) in which it clearly states that defense powers cost 3 times the normal amount. I went ahead and bought it some defense.


5 PD / 5 ED (30 pts); Resistant (+1/2). Total cost: 45 pts.

I then went and checked the Bestiary to see a few examples of automatons. Looking there I found that all cases have the Automatons apparently ignoring the triple cost rule for their defenses. (Bestiary Pg 407 Androids; Bestiary pg 141 Golems)


Am I doing something wrong or missing something in the rules, or is the Bestiary just incorrect with their automatons?


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There are reported errata for some (not all) of the defense costs of the robot on HSB 406. I'm not seeing any problem with the Clay Golem on HSB 141.


Since your question was addressed to "all," I assume you're looking for general input. If you still have questions after this, post on the Discussion board (where anyone can answer), and I or someone else will be able to clarify things. ;)

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