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Critique my base please


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I've never built a base before, and some of the rules in UB seem kind of... hard to get a handle on. Could you guys tell me if anything here looks really out of whack?


It's a creepy old New England house owned by a character I'm hoping to play, who is a part-ghoul descendent of Charles Pickman (from the Lovecraft atory Pickman's Model), or a loosely-vieled homage thereof. Hence he's got a bunch of artifacts from Lovecraft's books in a secret room in his home.


EDIT: The Glass from Leng has +4 to INT Rolls linked to the Clairsentience to represent flashes of insight derived from strange visions. I'm not sure if Extra Time on that should be "only to activate" or not, since I'm not sure if levels count as a constant power (the levels apply for one Int Roll/"Flash of Insight" -- maybe buy them Instant?).


Val Char Cost Notes


5 Size 10 25m x 12.5m x 12.5m; +7 OCV

4 BODY 4

4 PD 3

4 ED 3 Total Characteristics Cost: 20


Abilities & Equipment


Cost Power


7 Away from Prying Eyes: Location: Distant Suburb

1 Impressive, Leafy Yard: Grounds: 50m x 25m (plus 2 PD 2 ED fence)


5 PS: Painter 11-

Impressive Library

5 1) Analyze Magic 10-

4 2) KS: The Mystic World 10-

4 3) KS: Magic and Occult Lore 10-

4 4) KS: Extraplanar Entities 10-

4 6) KS: Art History and the Art World 10-

4 7) KS: Antiquities 10-

4 9) AK: Other Planes of Existence 10-

3 10) Cryptography 10- (5 Active Points), Not to Decode/Encode (-1/2)

4 Ritual Room: +2 BODY and +2 PD and ED for an 8m x 4m x 4m area (8 Active Points),

Partial Coverage (-1¼)

11 Hidden Ritual Room: Concealment 20- (25 Active Points), Partial Coverage (-1¼)

4 Mystic Ward: Invisible to Mystic Sense Group, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15

Active Points), IIF Immobile (-1¼), Partial Coverage (ritual room; -1¼)

18 The Silver Key: Extradimensional Movement (any location in any dimension) (45 Active

Points), OAF (-1), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)

7 The Lamp of Al-Hazred: Aid Magic 5d6, any magic special effect one at a time (+1/4),

Reduced Endurance Cost (0 END Cost; +1/2) (52 Active Points), OAF Arrangement (-1¼) ,

Extra Time (1 hour; -3), Concentration (0 DCV throughout activation, unaware of other

events; -1½), Only Aids Other (-1)

19 The Glass from Leng: Clairsentience for Sight Sense Group, Dimensional (any dimension),

Reduced Endurance Cost (0 END Cost; +1/2) (67 Active Points), OAF Immobile (-2), No

Conscious Control (can activate, not control effects; -1) (17 Real Cost) plus +4 to INT Rolls

(16 Active Points), OAF Immobile (-2), Linked (to Clairsentience; -1/4), Extra Time (1 hour; -3),

Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Requires a Navigation (Planar) Roll (penalty to roll is -1 per 20

Active Points; -1/4), Side Effects (something comes through the glass; extreme side effect; -1)

(2 Real Cost)

24 The Shining Trapezohedron: Summon 300-point Spectral Hunter (60 Active Points), OAF

(-1), Only in Darkness (-1/2)

18 Ward: 2d6 Transform (person into person with Strong Psychological Complication Terrified of

Being in House; Major Transform), Continuous (+1), Trigger (person not related to Pickman

tries to open door to hidden room; +1/4), Partial Transform (+1/2) (55 Active Points), IIF

Immobile (-1¼), No Range (-1/2), 1 Recoverable Charge Lasting 1 Minute (-1/4)

12 Ward: Darkness to Sight Group 4m radius, Reduced Endurance Cost (0 END; +1/2), Trigger

(person not related to Pickman tries to open door to hidden room; +1/4) (35 Active Points),

IIF Immobile (-1¼), No Range (-1/2), 1 Recoverable Charge Lasting 1 Minute (-1/4)


Total Powers Cost: 162


Total Base Cost: 182


Value Disadvantages


10 2d6 Unluck

15 Dependent NPC: Gerald the Gardener (Normal, Unaware, 8-)


Total Disadvantage Points: 25


Total Base Cost = 182 – 25 = 157/5 = 31

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Re: Critique my base please


The only problem I can see from a straight up rules point of view is that the Shining Key will transport you somewhere but not back (it has to stay at the base if you are pointing it out as part of it so when you are in the other dimension you cant use it anymore). And the fact that generally speaking items in a base should be considered Immobile already (and thus not be able to take an additional -1 limitation on the focus limitation) but I am not sure about it.


From a GM's perspective I have a number of issues with it, but then that is just me and opinions may vary. The Key, the glass, and the trapezohedron don't feel like base powers to me. The rest looks fine.

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Re: Critique my base please


The UB says that itens like TVs and so forth (that you can move from one part of the base to the other) don't necessarily take an Immobile (or even Bulky) limitation. They key is a key, so it can be transported about.


The character has the following VPP with a progressively limited control cost:


60 Spells: Variable Power Pool, 60-point reserve


7 Cantrips: + 10 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed as a Zero-Phase Action (+1), Only

Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots must have at least -1/2 of Activation,

Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures, Incantations, or Side Effects; -1/4)


4 Minor Magic: + 10 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed as a Half-Phase Action

(+1/2), Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots must have at least -1 of

Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures, Incantations, or Side Effects; -1/2)


2 Greater Magic: + 10 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots

must have at least -1 1/2 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures,

Incantations, or Side Effects; -3/4)


3 Greater Arcana: + 15 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable

Limitations (all slots must have at least -2 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time,

Focus, Gestures, Incantations, or Side Effects; -1), Takes Hours to Change (-1/4)


2 Rituals: + 15 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations

(all slots must have at least -4 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures,

Incantations, or Side Effects; -2), Can Only Be Changed in Sanctum (-1/2), Takes Hours to

Change (-1/4)


With the exception of the Glass from Leng, he can buy all the powers in the base through the VPP, only with many more Limitations. Which would represent further wardings and so forth. So if he wants to take the Silver Key with him, he buys it through the Rituals final level of the VP with another 2 1/2 limitations.

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Re: Critique my base please


What this effectively does is mean that as long as he is in the base, he does not have to configure his VPP to use these abilities. If he wants access to them outside of the base, he has to spend his VPP pool on them. Instead of spending hours to configure the pool to Summon, he can just use the Summon in the base with fewer limitations.


I'm really not sure if it's legal either -- hence my questions. I don't see a balance issue, but maybe I'm overlooking something.


These artifacts aren't really in there so much for use (that Glass from Leng is incredibly points-inefficient) as because they fit the character.

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Re: Critique my base please


If it helps, thje whole character looks like this:


Randolph Jermaine Pickman (superhero monker forthcoming)


Val Char Cost Roll Notes


20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 [2]

18 DEX 16 13-

20 CON 10 13-

23 INT 13 14- PER Roll: 12-/14-/16-

18 EGO 8 13-

18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3½d6

6 OCV 15

6 DCV 15

6 OMCV 9

6 DMCV 9

8 PD 6 Total: 13 PD (5 rPD)

9 ED 7 Total: 14 ED (5 rED)

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

15 BODY 5 12-

9 REC 5

40 END 4

36 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 168


Movement: Running: 8m/16m

Swimming: 2m/4m

Leaping: 2m/4m


Cost Powers END


Martial Arts: Cane Fighting

4 Block +2 OCV +2 DCV Block; Abort

4 Hook -1 OCV +1 DCV Disarm, 30 STR to Disarm

4 Bash +0 OCV +2 DCV 10d6 Strike

5 Jab +1 OCV +3 DCV 8d6 Strike


60 Eldritch Magics and Invoking Things That Should Not Be: Variable Power Pool,

60-point reserve


8 Cantrips: + 12 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed as a Zero-Phase Action (+1),

Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots must have at least -1/2 of Activation,

Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures, Incantations, or Side Effects; -1/4)


5 Minor Magic: + 12 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed as a Half-Phase Action

(+1/2), Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots must have at least -1 of

Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures, Incantations, or Side Effects;



3 Greater Magic: + 12 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots

must have at least -1 1/2 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures,

Incantations, or Side Effects; -3/4)


2 Greater Arcana: + 12 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots

must have at least -2 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures,

Incantations, or Side Effects; -1), Takes Hours to Change (-1/4)


1 Rituals: + 12 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations

(all slots must have at least -4 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures,

Incantations, or Side Effects; -2), Can Only Be Changed in Sanctum (-1/2), Takes Hours to

Change (-1/4)



9 Heavy Iron Cane: 4d6 HTH Attack (20 Active Points, OAF (-1), HTH Attack (-1/4) 2


3 Rubbery Skin: Resistant Protection 1 PD 1 ED

5 Born to Live in Tunnels: Nightvision

2 Scavenger of Things Best Not Mentioned: +2 to PER Roll for Smell

5 Scavenger of Things Best Not Mentioned: Life Support: Immunity (All Terrestrial Diseases)

-4 Hoofed Feet: Running -4m (8m total)

-1 Hoofed Feet: Swimming -2m (2m total)

2 Burrowing: 1m Tunneling through 2 DEF Material (5 Active Points), Extra Time (1 Turn;

-1 1/4), Limited Medium (soil; -1/2), No Noncombat Movement (-1/4), Concentration

(1/2 DCV throughout; -1/2)

5 Not Completely Made of Mundane Matter: 5 Power Defense

10 Not Completely Made of Mundane Matter: Damage Negation (-1 DC Physical and Energy)


8 Kevlar Costume: Resistant Protection 4 PD 4 ED (12 Active Points), OIF (-1/2)




Cost Perquisites


4 Contact: Dorothy Shelley, art agent (14-, contacts of her own, good relationship with contact,

limited by identity)

2 Contact: Herbert Dunson, rare book seller (11-, contacts of his own, limited by identity)

4 Well Off ($400,000 a year)

2 Positive Reputation: Talented but Disturbing Painter of Macabre Works of Art (medium-sized

group (artists and art connoisseurs), 14-, +1/1d6)

31 157-point Base




Cost Skills


4 +1 with Intellect Skills

2 AK: Other Planes of Existence 11-

3 Analyze Magic 14-

3 Deduction 14-

3 Linguist

1 1) LNG: French

1 2) LNG: German

1 3) LNG: Greek

1 4) LNG: Latin

1 5) LNG: Hebrew

1 6) LNG: Arabic

1 7) LNG: Egyptian

1 8) LNG: Chinese

3 Scholar

1 1) KS: The Mystic World 11-

1 2) KS: Magic and Occult Lore 11-

1 3) KS: Extraplanar Entities 11-

2 4) KS: Art History and the Art World 14-

1 5) KS: Antiquities 11-

6 PS: Painter (INT-Based) 17-

3 Pow: Magic (INT-Based) 14-

2 Cryptography 14- (3 Active Points), Not to Decode/Encode (-1/2)

3 Navigation: Planar, Subterranean 14-

3 Research 14-






Points Complications


10 Distinctive Features: Hoofed Feet (Easily Concealed, Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction,

Detectable with Commonly Used Senses)

5 Physical Complication: Hoofed Feet, Can Only Leap 2m (Infrequently, Barely)

10 Physical Complication: Poor Daylight Vision, -2 to Sight PER Rolls in Bright Light (Frequently,


15 Psychological Complication: Dislikes Modern Society, Architecture, Technology – Everything Modern

(Very Common, Moderate)

5 Psychological Complication: Hungers for Old Books, Antiquities, and Esoteric Knowledge (Uncommon,


15 Social Complication: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)

5 Vulnerability: 1½x Effect from Light-Based Sight Flash Attacks (Uncommon)



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Re: Critique my base please


I can flat out state that as a GM I would not let you normally get away with taking a focus bought as part of a base away from that base. That is a plain and simple points cheat. If it is something he has in his VPP then it can stay there and be used in the VPP. In this VERY SPECIFIC EXAMPLE I guess it is okay because of the "mechanics" of how you do it and the fact that you are using a VPP which already gives you access to pretty much any power in the book (yeah, not a huge fan of them) but RAW I would say that is definitely not allowed.


I did check and you are right that you can take the OAF Immobile limitation on base items. I wasn't sure before.


After further search the only thing I can still say I would object to is the Shining Trapezohedron (ST), The Key isn't that much different from a base teleporter (although I will state again it is NOT just a key and the fact that you are able to simulate it via your VPP is an allowable end run but anyone else using the Key in your base would not be able to "take it with them" and get back). The Lens is just a souped up version of a video camera system really. The ST however still causes issues for me. It might be technically legal but I would definitely say no to it as a GM because of balance issues. If you want to use it in your VPP that is fine but having a copy of this "power" exist on its own in the base causes way to many rules questions and has my GMdar flashing red. Of course again that's just me. I'm not your GM so its him/her you should ask about what is legal in the campaign.

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Re: Critique my base please


I decided to delete the ST and SK (cool as they may be as part of my homage), replacing the key with


14 The Gate of Dreams: Extradimensional Movement: To One Location in the Dreamzone,

Area of Effect (2m radius; +1/4), Usable Simultaneously (+1/2), Constant (+1/2), Reduced

Endurance (0 END Cost; +1/2) (55 Active Points), OAF Immobile (-2), Gate (-1/2), Gestures

(-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)


I know the issue with VPPs, but it is _heavily_ limited. To generate the Silver Key effect in the VPP would require -4 Limitations and the power would take hours to be switched out of the VPP. It's designed so that the higher levels of the VPP can only be accessed via extensive ritual magic.

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Re: Critique my base please


The VPP is set up thusly specifically to avoid balance issues:


36 points of the pool can be modifed on the fly, albeit with successively greater limitations and diffocult of changing it. Also he has virtually no defenses, so they have to be bought through the VPP.


Powers of up to 48 points takes hours to change, and require at least -2 of limitations (this is mainly for ensorceled artifacts).


A power that uses the full 60 points takes hours to change AND can only be changed in his base AND requires -4 limitations. This is for such things as demon summoning rituals that require long periods of chanting, specially arranged foci, and so forth.




60 Eldritch Magics and Invoking Things That Should Not Be: Variable Power Pool,

60-point reserve


8 Cantrips: + 12 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed as a Zero-Phase Action (+1),

Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots must have at least -1/2 of Activation,

Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures, Incantations, or Side Effects; -1/4)


5 Minor Magic: + 12 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed as a Half-Phase Action

(+1/2), Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots must have at least -1 of

Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures, Incantations, or Side Effects;



3 Greater Magic: + 12 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots

must have at least -1 1/2 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures,

Incantations, or Side Effects; -3/4)


2 Greater Arcana: + 12 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations (all slots

must have at least -2 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures,

Incantations, or Side Effects; -1), Takes Hours to Change (-1/4)


1 Rituals: + 12 control cost, Only Magic (-1/4), Variable Limitations

(all slots must have at least -4 of Activation, Concentration, Extra Time, Focus, Gestures,

Incantations, or Side Effects; -2), Can Only Be Changed in Sanctum (-1/2), Takes Hours to

Change (-1/4)

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Re: Critique my base please


maybe a compromise? give the key the advantage usable by others now the key belongs to the base but the character can use it as long as he can go to the base and get it but in general it is not on his person


I really think this is the best way. you paid for the base and with this build the base can lend the items. really no diffarent then your sidekick lending you one of his powers

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Re: Critique my base please


I'm pretty sure its legal, and from a balance perspective they are about the same. 2 pts for an 11- in a skill gives you 1 or 2 bonus points on your roll, if you roll well, and works even if you don't have the skill itself. +2 to a skill ALWAYS gives you a +2, but is totally useless if you don't already have the skill.


For instance if you build a "Robotics" Lab as Robotics: 11- then ANYONE who can get a benefit from Robotics as a secondary skill can use it to get a couple bonus points (if they roll well). However if you build it as +2 to Robotics (because it has tools and equipment allowing you to do better) then you ALWAYS get +2 to your roll, but if you don't have a Robotics skill yourself the lab is useless.


Its the same way you can design a set of lockpicks as either 13- or +2. The 13- is a set of "automatic" picks that anyone can use and even a skilled thief can get some benefit from, the +2 is just a really good set of tools that only a thief (with his own lockpick skill) can do anything with.

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