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Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness


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Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness


I second this.


Thirded with a "but". And that "But" is "if I'd even give them a limitation for it at all".


I mean, a limitation is only worth points if it limits the power. And if you can create your own darkness and thus negate the limitation, the power doesn't seem to deserve a point break.

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Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness


I would say the power does deserve a limitation just because every time the character uses darkness power you would be able to see him or at least where the darkness is. That can be a very tempting target for AOE attacks.

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Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness


I think that I would insist that the limit be modified in the following way - "only in natural shadows and darkness" (-1/2). This way he would not be able to cast a darkness field and disappear into it - that is not a natural darkness and the invisibility will not work in it, but if he were to go outside at night that is natural darkness and his invisibility would work. If he could use the shadows of others would be a GM call.

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Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness


I would say the power does deserve a limitation just because every time the character uses darkness power you would be able to see him or at least where the darkness is. That can be a very tempting target for AOE attacks.




I think it would really depend on the circumstances and how the power and/or created darkness would interact. As for being a target every time the power was used, again, it would depend.


If you're using the ability as a "ninja" type thing, you're not going to be creating darkness out in the middle of the street during broad daylight. You'd find a nice quiet little corner or alley to do so in. Or at least a place where it wouldn't draw attention.


I guess it just boils down, like everything in hero, to situation and/or intent. Honestly, the only reason I added the "but" portion was a knee-jerk reaction to your comment about being able to create their own darkness. I've been in, and sat in, on too many games where the GMs have let the players create power limitations that were easily circumvented by either their own, or their teammates abilities.

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Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness


I spoke with the GM and he gave me the -1/2 limitation. Not being a rule lawyer, but a role player, I'd have to say that the power wouldn't work in self created darkness by either being limited by the available points or power or just te way the power is defined.

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Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness


I would say the power does deserve a limitation just because every time the character uses darkness power you would be able to see him or at least where the darkness is. That can be a very tempting target for AOE attacks.


Not only that but using the darkness means you couldn't technically turn invisible that turn. You'd have to use an attack action to put up the darkness field and then you'd lose your opportunity to turn on the invisibility until your next phase.

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Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness


Not only that but using the darkness means you couldn't technically turn invisible that turn. You'd have to use an attack action to put up the darkness field and then you'd lose your opportunity to turn on the invisibility until your next phase.

You know I have never stopped her.i think if I did now her husband just may beat me up.

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