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Fantasy Fiction From Steve in THE END WAS NOT THE END Anthology

Steve Long

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At last, it can be told!


I have some excellent news (though my exuberance over it may seem silly to some of my more experienced author friends). I've had my first short story accepted for publication!


It's called "Blade Of Fire" and will be appearing in an anthology of post-apocalyptic fantasy stories called THE END WAS NOT THE END, from Seventh Star Press. I'm told it should be out in early March.


So, everyone please buy a copy. ;) More details available as they come to me.

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The anthology with my first published story, The End Was Not The End from Seventh Star Press, is now available in both hardcopy and electronic forms!


Try as I might, I can't get the board to post the links properly. But you can easily find it by searching Amazon (or B&N, if you want it for the Nook). Or you can go to my website, http://www.stevenslong.com, and go to the "Fiction" page for the links.


I'd sure appreciate it if you'd pick up a copy, and I hope you enjoy it. If you feel inclined to write a glowing review of my story and/or the anthology in general, neither I nor the publisher will mind. ;)



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  • 3 weeks later...
Is it available from any other ebook stores?
I found it on Nook and I thought someone said they had it on Kindle, so B&B and Amazon should both have it for sure. If you mean other than those 2, I don't know but I doubt it unless that publisher happens to work with some other digital distributor which seems unlikely.
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