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No Consess Control At A -1/2 Or -1/4 Level


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How would you interpet a No Concess Control limitation at the -1/2 or -1/4 level?


I would interpet it as, most of the time the charater can use the power normaly, but once in a while (or even more infrequently at the -1/4 level), the GM may take full control of the power.


I used this limitation on Paradox Timely's time travel power at the -1/2 level to simulate that she could be recalled at any time back to her period of time, or that sometimes the time travel 'system' would be 'down', not alowing travel till it gets fixed. ;>

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Re: No Consess Control At A -1/2 Or -1/4 Level


When in doubt I always go with what's listed out under Limited Power.


At -1/4 you would expect the power to lose around a fourth of it's effectiveness while -1/2 loses a third. In a literal sense you can assign probabilities based on those percentages and use that as a determination of when/if your power fires out of context. So, similar to unluck, I would probably use a percentage roll when an appropriate situation arises where having your power fire off uncontrollably would be an issue (2 d10s serve this purpose very well). If you roll less than 25 or 33 respectively, then the power fires off without warning.

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Re: No Consess Control At A -1/2 Or -1/4 Level


OK. Humm...


The solutions are, acording to the public...

1) The Complication: Hunted by The TED (Watching level), AND

2) The Complication: Social Complication (Subject To Orders), AND

3) The Limitation Limited Power on Extra-Dimentinal Movement (May Activate Or Fail To Activate, Or Send To Another Time Then Wanted By The Whim Of The TED Leadership [And Needs Of The GM]: -1/2).


By the way, I know 50% translates on a d6 as a roll of 1, 2, or 3. What does 33% translate on a d6? Or a 25%?

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Re: No Consess Control At A -1/2 Or -1/4 Level


By the way' date=' I know 50% translates on a d6 as a roll of 1, 2, or 3. What does 33% translate on a d6? Or a 25%?[/quote']


33% is a 1 or a 2 but 25% is something you have to do by another means. If you have a d4 that works perfectly (or a d12), or using two d10s as I mentioned earlier. The closest I've seen on 3d6 is rolling an 8- (which is 28%). I'm sure there's an easy way of calculating it for 4d6 but I'm not that great in statistics so I'll have to let someone else take that.

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Re: No Consess Control At A -1/2 Or -1/4 Level


I'm still intrested in what Mr. Long thinks about a -1/2 and -1/4 level NCC. Would he alowe it? Would he rather have the player who sergested it take a Watched/Subject To Orders/Limited Power combo instead?

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Re: No Consess Control At A -1/2 Or -1/4 Level


At -1/2 and -1/4, it's no longer a 'No Conscious Control*' power. It may be something of the sort of 'Can Be Activated Externally' or some sort of Activation roll, but NCC indicates that, well, the character can't control it. At all, at the -2 level; at the -1 level they can activate it, but what happens then is up to the GM.




* - 'Consess'? Really? It's right there.

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Re: No Consess Control At A -1/2 Or -1/4 Level


I've seen Hero Games write it up that power disadvantage as -3/4' date=' and that's what I always use.[/quote']


Who has it at that level? Where is the write-up of the charater (Villian? Hero?) who has the lucky job of fieldtesting a vareant thinking of that limitation.


Oh, and please forgive me, steriaca spelling is in effect for "Consess".


Oh, and this is the first post with my new sig.

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Re: No Consess Control At A -1/2 Or -1/4 Level


Your point?


I beleve the point was if I wanted to roll for a chance each adventure for the Game Master to take control of the power, thoes are the numbers to roll (the 9- for the -1/2 limitation, and the 8- for the -1/4 limitation). Remember, the Game Master can always simply state that it hapened anyways by fiate.


Of course, Paradox herself is a NPC, so this limitation is less limitating because of that fact. But I never give something to NPCs that I woulden't alowe my PCs to have.

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