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Whatever Happened To:


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Re: Whatever Happened To:


That version of Crusader has not been published for the current official CU, although there was a hero (possibly two) using that name. Champions Universe (5E p. 17, 6E p. 15) mentions "the sword-wielding Crusader," a "solo vigilante" who appeared in New York City in the early 1980s. Champions Universe: News Of The World describes the history of the New York-based superhero team, the Justice Squadron, and notes on p. 69 that during the same period the team accepted a new member called Crusader, "a masked vigilante who had some knowledge of the occult." It would be reasonable to infer from those circumstances that both references are to the same hero. In any case, the Justice Squadron's Crusader died fighting Takofanes in 1987.


The above concepts actually sound reminiscent of the Crusader from the Champions: New Millennium setting -- a time-lost knight wielding a magic sword.


Ironically, the Justice Squadron member Crusader replaced was a retiring hero called Starburst, "a flashy scientist... with a suite of light powers" -- which sounds just like the other example hero from earlier editions of Champions.


And just for nostalgia's sake:

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Re: Whatever Happened To:


Now I am really confused. How can Heroic Publishing claim the rights to a character that was published in the RPG YEARS before their comics even existed??




Icicle first appeared in the comic book in 1987. The copyright date on my 4e BBB is 1989. Did Icicle appear in Third Edition?



Which may be why the Champions comic book line folded so quickly.


Still being published. There was a lengthy lapse between 1994 and 2004, but they've been publishing fairly steadily (for an independent) since then.

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Re: Whatever Happened To:


That is 4th edition. And here is the list of characters who were in 3rd edition: Crusader, Starburst, Armadillo, Cheshire Cat, Pulsar, Bluejay, Brick, Icicle, Howler, Mechanon, Dragonfly, Shrinker, Ogre and Green Dragon.


Each character had a Hero background and a Villain background, depending on how the GM chose to use them. Except for Mechanon :) He just gets to be a villain.


The art in the 3rd edition's Campaign Book for these characters was supplied by Denis Loubet.



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Re: Whatever Happened To:


Icicle first appeared in the comic book in 1987. The copyright date on my 4e BBB is 1989. Did Icicle appear in Third Edition?


Still being published. There was a lengthy lapse between 1994 and 2004, but they've been publishing fairly steadily (for an independent) since then.


Icicle appeared in the 5E Champions genre book' date=' before DOJ was aware that comic publisher Heroic Publishing claimed the rights to the character. When the villains from that book were made part of [i']Evil Unleashed[/i], a compilation of villains from a number of already-published 5E source books, Icicle was replaced with a very similar character, called Snowblind, which the company did own. I'm not sure if Snowblind had appeared anywhere prior to EU; but she is part of the 6E Champions Villains Volume Three: Solo Villains.


I thought that was quite clear. DOJ/Hero games wasn't aware that Heroic Publishing owned the rights to the character. It didn't come up till she was scheduled to appear in the 5e villains complication book Evil Unleashed. We will never know everything about this because Steve doesn't talk about stuff like this.


Prior to her being Retconned into Snowblind, she appeared in every edition of the game including Champions New Millenium.


My guess is that she was originally a Hunted or DNPC of one of the PC's from either George's original Campaign or another campaign run by one of the players of that campaign. So when that Player gave Heroic Publishing the Rights to their Character, the Hunted or DNPC that the player created was included either that or Icicle was one of Dennis Mallonee creations. The only people who know for sure aren't likely to enlighten us here.

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Re: Whatever Happened To:


I remember it being mentioned that that's the reason why there were pictures of the Corruptors of All from Enemies III in Classic Enemies, with Cryotron being mentioned on the back cover, but there were no statistics for the characters themselves.


The Amazing Darkon is another classic character who hasn't appeared since Third Edition, likely because he's a recurring villain in the Flare comic book. At least, he was. As far as anyone knows, he was messing with a time machine and experienced a reality-altering "radiation accident" that transformed him into Lady Darkon. In reality, he was banished into a pocket dimension and replaced by Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night.

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Re: Whatever Happened To:


I remember it being mentioned that that's the reason why there were pictures of the Corruptors of All from Enemies III in Classic Enemies' date=' with Cryotron being mentioned on the back cover, but there were no statistics for the characters themselves. [/quote']


The book Champions Universe for Fourth Edition HERO included a multi-part adventure which introduced an alternate-Earth super-group, the "Unique Battalion," which by their origin, membership, and the way they were introduced to Champions Earth, were clearly inspired by the Corrupters of All.

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Re: Whatever Happened To:


I liked the husband and wife team of Thunder and Lightning from Classic Enemies as well as many of the characters in Enemies for Hire. I would love to see modern versions of them.


Note that Hero Games (well, Cryptic Studios/ Perfect World, now) own the rights to more of those classic characters that they haven't yet chosen to update to the new continuity. Steve Long pulled some of them out from time to time over the years of his Line Developer-ship. So it's certainly possible that more of them may appear in future.

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Re: Whatever Happened To:


The book Champions Universe for Fourth Edition HERO included a multi-part adventure which introduced an alternate-Earth super-group' date=' the "Unique Battalion," which by their origin, membership, and the way they were introduced to Champions Earth, were clearly inspired by the Corrupters of All.[/quote']


That's interesting. Until you mentioned that, I wouldn't have connected the two groups. But that's likely due to preferring to forget about the Corrupters. :)

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