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Appling an Autofire Naked Modifer to a Combat Maneuver effected by Weaponsmaster



Good day


I wanted to confirm what the cost would be to add a Naked Modifer of Autofire to my Fantasy Hero's Sword Attack.


Most Damaging Sword: Great Sword - 2d6 (30AP)

Weaponsmaster: Swordmaster 12pts for 1d6 (+3DC)

Martial Maneuver : Slash (Martial Strike) - Weapon +2DC


Want to apply Autofire 3 hits to the attack: +1/4


What would be the Active Points of this attack. Would I base it on the DCs.

Weaponsmaster: 3DC = 15AP

Martial Strike: 2DC = 10AP

Therefore: 25+30+15+10 = 80AP

So 80 x 1.25 = 100; 100-80 = 20

It would cost 20pts to purchase a Autofire (+3) Naked Advantage to apply to an attack using a sword of 30AP or less with his full Strength, Weaponsmaster and Martial Strike.


Have I worked this out correctly?


Thank you in advance.

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Re: Appling an Autofire Naked Modifer to a Combat Maneuver effected by Weaponsmaster


On a quick look-over, it looks to me like you've done things correctly. Costing out the Martial Strike follows the rules in HSMA properly, and handling Weaponmaster the same way is certainly consistent. I'd approve it if I were GM -- assuming I allowed the naked Advantage in the first place. ;)

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