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The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Drart...can someone rep MajorTom2009 for me? He did a great job with my brainstormed ideals of how to incorprate DALCYB-1's background without getting us into trouble in copyright land.


In case you haven't figured it out yet,

The Lords Of Time = The Time Lords Of Galafray. Destroyers = Dalicks (SP?). The Cyborg Orgininasem = Cybermen (or, in this case, Cyberman). Robot Warrior = Cylon. Basicly, it gives you the ability to play with some of the most awsome catchphrases in all of sci-fi. "EX-TER-MA-NATE!" "You will be upgraded!" "Deleat!" "FRACK!" and "By Your Comand."


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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Update: Doing the powers of DALCYB-1 now. Will start the post of Father Time soon. Meanwhile:


Campain Use: (I knew I forgot something) Malhkronos is ment to be a lethal thorn in the side of any campain using The TED. He can also be used outside the orginzation, especaly if someone disruptes his plans for tempral conquest. As a hunter, he is creative, sadistic, not exactly pacent, and crafty. Hi is likely to strike at odd opertunities and times (considering his cronosuit's bad temport ability).


To inprove him, let him discover a lethal setting for the Nural Blaster (Killing Attack - Ranged, AVLD (Mental Defence), Does BODY), and prehaps a few extra weapions from the future. You might also want to make his Cronosuit more reliable (but not to reliable). To weaken him, reduce his range options, and prehaps his 'store six' option on his Sword Of Malhkronos attack.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


As always, the charater will be placed up in bits and pieces. Please be pacent. Also, this is defently not his final forme.


Father Time


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift 100kg, 2d6 Damage [1]

26 DEX 32 14-

26 CON 16 14-

23 INT 13 14- PER Roll: 14-

23 EGO 13 14-

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6


7 OCV 20

7 DCV 20

6 OMCV 9

6 DMCV 9

7 SPD 50 Phases: 2,4,6,7,9,11,12


10 PD 8 PD: 10/25 rPD:0/15

10 ED 8 ED: 10/25 rED:0/15

15 REC 11

45 END 5

12 BODY 2

50 STUN 15

Char Total: 241


Movement Box:

Running: 24m (48m NC)

Swimming: 2m (4m NC)

Leaping: 10m (20m NC)

Time Travel: Any Location, 50 Billion Years


Cost Power/End

41 The Sands of Time: 82 point Multipower, Focus (Hourglass And Hourglass Sand, OIF: -1/2), Ranged Based On STR (-1/4), Unified Power (The Sands Of Time: -1/4)

5f The Sands Of Time, Forced Timeshift: 5d6 Blast, Affects Desolidified (Time Special Effect Only: +1/4), Attack Versus Alternate Defence (All Or Nothing - Active Force Field, or Internal Powers Of A Time Special Effect: +1/2), Does BODY (+1), Personal Imunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END: +1/4), Focus (Hourglass And Hourglass Sand, OIF: -1/2), Ranged Based On STR (-1/4), Unified Power (The Sands Of Time: -1/4)/4 END Cost.

2f The Sands Of Time, Instant Rot/Rust 1d6 Killing Attack - Ranged. Affects Desolidified (Time Special Effect Only: +1/4), Attack Versus Alternate Defence (All Or Nothing - Active Force Field, Being 'Alive': +1/2), Does BODY (+1), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END: +1/4), Focus (Hourglass And Hourglass Sand, OIF: +1/2), Ranged Base Of STR (-1/4), Unified Power (The Sands Of Time: +1/4)/2 END Cost.

3f The Sands Of Time, The Forces Of Time: 4d6 Blast, Affects Desolidified (Time Special Effect Only: +1/4), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (All Or Nothing - Active Force Field, Life Suport: Does Not Age: +1/2), Damage Over Time (6 Increments, 1/2d6-1 Damage Evey Turn: +2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END: +1/4), Focus (Hourglass And Hourglass Sand, OIF: -1/2), Ranged Based On STR (-1/4), Unified Power (The Sands Of Time: -1/4)/3 END Cost.

2f The Sands Of Time, Forced Spaceshift: 20m Teleportation, Usable On Others (One Recipent, Usable As Attack, Granter Controls Power, Granter Pays Endurance Cost, Granter Can Only Grant Power To Others, Recipant Must Be In Standard Range, Recipant Can Go Anywhere: +1 1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END: +1/4), Focue (Hourglass And Hourglass Sand, OIF: -1/2), Ranged Based On STR (-1/4), Unified Power (The Sands Of Time: -1/4), Limited Power (Can Only Send Target To Any Area Where He/She/It Visited In The Past, Even If He/She/It Dosen't Remember It For Some Reason: -1/2)/2 END Cost.


90 The Scythe Of Time: 90 point Multipower, Focus (The Scythe Of Time, OAF: -1)

3f The Scythe Of Time, Stunning Energy Blade: 9d6 Blast, Attack Versus Alternate Defence (All Or Nothing - Defence Is Not Haveing A Nervice System, Or An Active Force Field: +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (The Scythe Of Time, OAF: -1), No Range (-1/2)/ 0 END Cost.

3f The Scythe Of Time, Nulltime Energy Blade: 3d6 Sever Transformation (Moveing Object Affected By Time To Non-Moveing Object Stuck Within Time), Attack Versus Alternate Defence (All Or Nothing - Internal Powers With The 'Time' Special Effect, Or/And Haveing An Active Force Field: +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (The Scythe Of Time, OAF: -1), No Range (-1/2)/ 0 END Cost.

1f The Scythe Of Time, "I Hit Ya With Ma Stick": +9d6 Hand-To-Hand Attack, Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), Focus (The Scythe Of Time, OAF: -1)/ +4 END Cost.

3f The Scythe Of Time, Nulltime Speed Reduction Energy Blade: 6d6 Drain SPD, Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (The Scythe Of Time, OAF: -1), No Range (-1/2), Limited Power (Dosen't Work On People With Internal Powers With The 'Time' Special Effect: -1/2)/0 END Cost.


16 The Robes Of Father Time: 15 PD, 15 ED, 15 Mental Defence, and 15 Power Defence Resistant Protection, Focus (The Robes Of Father Time, IIF: -1/4)

48 The Robes Of Father Time, Missle Rewind: 60 point Reflection, Reduced Endurance (0 END: +1/2), Focus (The Robes Of Father Time, IIF: -1/4)/0 END Cost.

32 The Robes Of Father Time, Out Of Phase With Time: Desolification (Time Special Effect), Focus (The Robes Of Father Time, IIF: -1/4)/4 END Cost.


51 The Hourglass Of Time. Tempral Movement: Extra-Dimentinal Movement (Any Place Within 50 Billion Years Forward Or Backward), Focus (The Hourglass Of Time, OIF: -1/2)/7 END Cost.

4 The Hourglass Of Time, Life Extend: Life Suport: Does Not Age, Focus (The Hourglass Of Time, IIF: -1/4)

32 The Hourglass Of Time, Tempral Empowerment: Endurance Reserve, 80 END, 30 REC, Focus (The Hourglass Of Time, IIF: -1/4)


45 The Glasses Of Time, See Tempral Adnormalities: Detect Time Anomolys (Large Class Of Things), Discriminatory, Analyze, Dimensional (Time), Fully Penetrative, Range, Sense, Targeting, Focus (The Glasses Of Time, IIF: -1/4), Affected As Sight Sence Group (-0)

10 The Glasses Of Time, Sight Protection: 10 Sight Flash Defence, Hardened (+1/4), Focus (The Glasses Of Time, IIF: -1/4)


6 Rather Spry For An Old Man: Leaping +12m/+1 END Cost.

6 Rather Spry For An Old Man: Running +6m/+1 END Cost.


Power Total: 355


Cost Perks

2 "I'm Father Time, By Gosh It!": Positive Reputation (Infamous In Some Places Supervillian From The "Age Of Heros"): 14-


Perks Total: 2


Cost Tallents

3 Ambidexterity: Full

20 Combat Sence, Sence: 17-

4 Double Jointed

4 Enviromental Movement: Crawlspace Ace (no OCV/DCV penatlies in cluttered or cramped spaces)

4 Enviromental Movement: Supreme Balance (no OCV/DCV penatlies on narrow surfaces)

2 Lighting Reflexes: +8 DCV to Act First w/The Sands Of Time

1 Lighting Reflexes: +4 DCV to Act Firse w/The Sythe Of Time

3 Lightsleep

2 Off-Hand Defense

5 Simulate Death: 16-


Tallents Total: 44


Cost Skill:Roll

3 Expert (Crime)

2 Charm: 13-

2 Climbing: 14-

2 Concealment: 14-

2 Criminology: 14-

2 Demolition: 14-

2 lockpicking: 14-

2 Security Systems: 14-

4 Streetwise: 14-


3 Pilot

2 Combat Driving: 14-

1 TF: Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Vehical and TF: Small Planes

1 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles


5 Acrobatics: 15-

3 Acting: 13-

5 Breakfall: 15-

7 Contortionist: 16-

3 Disguise: 14-

5 Interogation: 14-

5 "I lived Through Most Of That, Ya Whipersnaper!": KS: History: 16-

3 KS: Orgizied Crime Of The 20th Centery: 14-

2 Navigation (Time): 14-

10 Rapid Attack

3 Shadowing: 14-

3 Stealth: 14-

1 WF: Polearms And Spears

1 WF: Small Arms


Skill Levels

6 +2 CSL w/The Sands Of Time multipower

6 +2 CSL w/The Scythe Of Time multipower


Skill Total: 96

Grand Total: 740


Complications: 400+

Hunted by "tempraly displaced 'golden age' superhero" (AKA Buletproof, of the Champions 3000) (As powerful, Limited to 31st and early 20th centery, Frequently): 10

Hunted by The TED (As powerful, NCI, Frequently): 20

Negitive Reputation (Old, Golden Age Supervillian, "Old Fashioned", Infrequently): 5

Physical Complication: Unfamiler With Non-20th Centery Culture (Frequently, Greatly): 20

Psychological Complication: Greedy (Common, Total): 20

Psychological Complication: Will Kill If It Filfills The Plan (But Will Not Go Out Of His Way To Do So) (Common, Strong): 15

Psychological Complication: Slightly Lecherous (Common, Strong): 15

Psychological Complication: Ego Siguture (Obsessed With Comiting Crimes Loosly Based On Time) (Common, Strong): 15

Social Complication: Elderly (Infrequent, Minor): 5

Social Complication: Criminal (Frequently, Major): 15

Tempral Backlash: Unluck: 2d6: 10

Villian Bonus: 190

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


History/Orgin: "My name is Albert Wrinkle, and I was born on Jauary 1st, 1900. Yes, I know how old it makes me, asuming I acualy wasen't temported to this period in time, thank you vary much. Anyways, you kids think you know it all. You don't know squat.


"I started doing petty crimes when I was young. And I first thought up the ideal behind the persona of 'Father Time' when I was about 23. Thoes were the days when the masked costume adventurers were just starting out. So, for thoes like myself we had to be as colorful as the guys who tried to stop us. Since I was born Jauary 1st, and I liked to stage a major crime on my birthday, I chose the name and persona 'Father Time'. I picked time related things which intrested me. For example, a golden cookoo clock, a gem encrusted hourglass, an actress named June Hours, and I made plans to aquier the item. Sometimes a so called superhero would find the hideout, where I would have a time related deathtrap ready for him. Mostly, I was oposed by...what was his name...bullets bounced off his chest...drat, I am showing my age.


"Well, I was captured sometimes, excaped other times. Durring World War 2, I was captured, then pressed into serving for the war effert. Me and a few other costumed villians became the...drat...I forgot the name of the outfit...was it The Vile Comandos? The Dark Comandos? Anyways, there was me and Boss Kong, who was an ape with a human gainster's brain inside, and The Gardener, he had a way with plants, and a few others.


"Well, the war was over and I returned to crime. And why not? There were cash I need. And women. Well, I was quickly captured again, and there I stayed to rot till about 1962. When I got out, I was 62, and still ploting my next crime. It was something of a gem, a stainless steel hourglass where the sands flowed to the top of the glass, as opose to the bottom. When I finaly got my hands on it, some whipersnaper superhero came and rained on my victory. I hate that. But, well, so back to prison I went. And this time, thay threatened to make my sentence so long that I'll rot before I breath a breath of free air.


"Well, I was awaiting trial when he appeared. Dressed in red and black, he gave me the hourglass and a new fangled scythe and robe, and told me of the wonders of the 31st Centery. I just had to see for myself, and seeing that the hourglass was also a time machien, I did go to see. And what I saw, I wanted for my own.


"To make a long story short, I was easly captured, but not after putting some people into a coma, and here I am, awaiting trial yet again. But not for long, for you see...soon.


Quote: "Darn whipersnaper. You think just because your young that you can lord it over us old folkes. Well, don't count Father Time out just yet."


Personality/Modivation: Albert Wrinkle, AKA Father Time, is a greedy son of a .... All he realy cairs about is himself, cash, and his obsessions with time, IN THAT ORDER. In the olden days, he hid his idenity with makeup and bad acting (mostly like an old man). Now days, he dosen't need the makeup (he is in his mid 60's, old enougth to start looking the part). He does give the impresion that he is older than he realy is (eye witnesses desribed him as a very fit 90 year old at times...which is not that unusual asuming that people in the future tend to live to be 130 years old).


Father Time bases his crimes at or around time. Eather the concept or acualy intrestments of time, eather thing may strike his fancy. He is a dirty old man, and may be distracted by a pritty girl (or, any girl for that manor).


Powers/Tactics: Using the Hourglass Of Time, Father Time is able to toss 'sand' of pure Space/Time at his foes. Depending on what he wants, each handful has a difrent effect. One handful can send a victom into an instant and fast trip through time, then return them to the curent time (causing havic by messing around with the way the tempral space affects the body). Another can instantly age non-living objects to the point of rotting or rusting. Yet another handful increses the effects of time upon the victom, tiering them out. Finaly, another handful can send people or objects to a physical point thay use to ocupie in the past. And the entier thing is needed to transport himself through time, but for that to work, he needs the sand inside the hourglass, not what he has thrown.


His scythe somehow conects with the hourglass, but scientist are baffled on how. He can use the staff as a physical weapion. The blade is made of pure cronological energy. It can be used to stress out the body's nervice system (exactly how is a mystery), stop time for any person or object, or even slow them down.


His robes not only provide protection, but thay can somehow 'rewind' time for any missle which would hit him. The robes also alowe him to 'slip through the moments' (as he calles his time related Desolification), alowing him to walk through objects (again, exactly how is a mystery, but it is theroised that when he uses the robes in this way, he is able to send himself into two timelines at once, and this walk through objects because thay did not exist in the past, nor be affected by an attack for the same reasion). His glasses, which he rairly wears, are for eye protection and to spot tempral adnormlities.


Tacticly, he likes close quorter fighting to ranged combat. His powers are only effected at a short range. He uses his robes to get into posistion, then does what he needs to do.


Campain Use: Father Time is ment to be a capable, villious, yet funny criminal for your campain. He is especaly useful as a legacy villian, as he himself dates back to the 'golden age'.


Father Time hunts only thoes who foiled his plans for the 'umtpthenth' time. He is not above hunting beutiful female superheros, but mostly all he wants is prehaps a date. He mostly concentrates on comiting his time related crimes. To strengthen him, give his a few more powers based on time (prehaps his scythe can shoot a 'tempral blast' from the blade, or something like that). To weeken him, redcue or remove some of his multipowers.


Apperance: Father Time looks like a week, slightly scrawnie old man, with white hair and wrickles, He wears brown and white robes, carries his scythe and hourglass atached to his body in some way (when not in his hands, his scythe is straped to his back, and the hourglass is atached to his hand by a strap). When he wants to go 'incogneto', he usaly wears avrage clothing which he finds. Sometimes, he has no real choice in what clothing he can find, as the 'clasic' clothing shop might carry more basketball clothing and baseball caps than fadoras and trenchcoats.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Other Father Times: Use this guide for creating/running the other periods of Father Time.


Golden Age Father Time: The scythe is a real sythe. The hourglass is a real hourglass (which realy serves no real purpuse). He is just as likely to carry a gun, and use it, as to cut you up with the scythe. He is fond of time related deathtraps, like traping heros in an hourglass which is slowly filling up with sand.


"Old Man" Time Of The Vile Comandos: He gets better with a gun and learns explosions. He acualy looks young (but has known to disguise himself as an old man). He uses a scythe only when he finds one, and cuts up Nazies real good.


"After The War" Father Time: Much like Golden Age Father Time, but uses his skills of explosions to his benifit (as he makes time bombs for some of his capers).


Silver Age Father Time: This is the last anyone has seen of him, before his re-emergance from the 31st Centery. Again, not much difrent than the other versions, except this one is less physical and more cerebral, rairly using his Scythe or gun (ah...the Comic Code Athourity at work). He also seems to be less lecherous.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Father Time - Power Breakdown


His Stats: He always have keped himself in great physical shape. While never physicaly strong, he is extremly dexterous, and almost never caught a cold in his life.


The Hourglass: The Endurance Reserve powers all the END cost for his many Sands of Time attacks, the cronological blade for his Sythe of Time (the stick itself uses his normal END), his Desolification effect, and the time travel power itself.


The Sands of Time: Basicly the 'sand' (acualy powdered space/time) operates as the powers section says it does. It is limited in range, but considering the effects, watch out.


The Sythe of Time: The blade is acualy solid space/time, held by a status field. The stick is metalic.


The Robes of Father Time: The Resistant Protection effect is mostly based on the material the robes are made of, and also electronics embeded in the robe. The ability to 'rewind missles' and 'step between the moments' acualy come from the robes link to the hourglass.


The Hourglass of Time: It can alowe Father Time to cross time, extends his life (but only when it is near him), and alowes for travel forward or backward through time.


The Glasses of Time: Acualy simple eye protection (with an added bonus of alowing him to see time). Thay look like the all plastic eyeglasses from the early 21st centery and late 20th centery.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


One of the things I kinda forgot about Malhkronos is the section of, basicly what he thinks about (insert name of Champions charater or villian here), and what THAY think about HIM. So, this is that section. Note: Many of what he thinks is based on 'history', and may not reflect reality.


(From VV1)


Borealis: Malhkronous thinks him powerful, but limited (why just limit himself to Canada, or even North America). Of course, Borealis dosen't think of Malhkronos at all (and if he does, considers him a fool to manipulate and despose of).


Doctor Destroyer: Malhkronos knowes he is a legendary figure, but thinks it is mostly hype. Still, he IS cairful about him. He dosen't know that Shadow Destroyer and Doctor Destroyer are two difrent people...yet. If the bad Doctor has herd about him (which is unlikely), he would pay him little mind, except for manipulation purpuses. If he becomes a semi-major Mastermind, then you need a Destroyer Quote for him. A simple: "Follish man with to much time on his hands." will surfice.


Gravitar: Another legondary figure from his history lessions as a kid. He pays her flowering compliments in the press (if he did talk to the press), and hopes to manipulate her for his own ends, but has no ideal how. Gravitar pays him no mind, othoe if complimented to much, she MIGHT want him to serve her. Or not.


Holocause: He views Holocause with pure distain. He dosen't think there is anything to manipulate him with, and frankly even he would need a shower after dealing with him. Again, Holo would say "Malhkronos? Never herd of him."


Interface: *blink* A cyborg. How quaint. For Interface, see Holocause above.


Invictus: Malhkronos could easly work with Invictus by getting him elected (as, he might not be elected as Presadent in the future, no mater how hard he trys, and this by electing him, would change the future enougth to get The TED involved). Beyond that, he dosen't realy cair (a trip backward through time can easly whipe out Invictus' Presadency if needed). Invictus sees Malhkronos as simply another tool, not realy beleving the time travel angle.


Istvatha V'Han: HATE! Pure and simple. He diden't become a solder in the 31st centery to stop the V'Hanian invasion JUST to work with her in the 21st. He would kill her if given the chance. As for V'Han herself, that would depend on how much her past self knows about her future self. Item of note: V'Han of the 31st centery has an alt Earth version of Malhkronos as a lover, but instead of the macho time crinimal, this one is a sissy submisivie.


Kigatilik: Who?


Kinematik: Easly manipulated by telling him that The TED are mutant hunters from the future. This ruse may work...ONCE. After that, an angry mutant army might be gunning for him.


King Cobra: Who?


Mechanon: Best avoided at all cost. To dangerous to even try to pull anything on.


Menton: Legondary villian. Afraid and looks over his shoulder when he deals with anyone associate with the mind.


Doctor Phillippe Moreau: Great book. I recomend you read it. You mean he exists? I diden't know that.


Necrull: I love my flesh to much to part with it, thank you. He wonders how well a time travler's skin ages on him, but will not go out of his way to find out.


Baron Nihil: Who?


Joseph Otanga: Who?


Professor Paradigm: Foolish man worried about what reality is. Still, easly manipulated by hanging bits of 'truth' in frount of him. As for the Profesor, he has no opinion on him right now.


Shadow Destroyer: See Doctor Destroyer for more information. SD has no plans, nor need for Malhkronos.


The Shadow Queen: While she exists in the future (or might exist), thay don't know about each other. To the queen, Malhkronos is simply another mortal.


Skarn The Shaper: He hasen't herd of him, and vica versa.


The Slug: Some rumors say that The Slug still lives in the 31st centery. But beyond that, he has herd nothing, and the Slug himself cairs nothing about the funny man with a sword.


Slun: Who?


Franklin Stone: While Stone himself is unknown to him, Malhkronos knows the corpration which he runs. He might just give him some stock tips which might just call The TED to investgate.


Sunburst: Who?


Takofanes: He only herd of him in stories ment to scair little kids at night. Once he learns there is truth to the stories, he will give him as much space as he gives Mechanon. For Takofanes, he is simply another would be servent, once dead.


Teleios: Who? (Guess he never herd of his future version, Teleios the Superior Man)


Tezcatlipoca: Who?


Tyrannon: Who?


The Warlord: Name is familer. But beyond that...


Doctor Yin Wu: Who?


Caption Cronos: Laffable time medoler. If his interfearance is to much, kill him he shall. Af for the Caption, he views Malhkronos as a little kid with a new toy, and the inexperencance to use it properly.


Timelaspe: Crazy guy. Might be namipulatable, but is it worth ageing?

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  • 8 months later...

steriaca: sorry if I haven't gotten back to you with anything lately, but there's a good reason for that.


I'd gotten hit with a case of writer's block just before the 4th of July, and had set my laptop aside for

a few days in the hope that some new ideas would come to mind. The problem is that, two weeks

later when I went to use my laptop again, I found out that the display screen had somehow gotten

broke, which meant that I couldn't use it at all (the only reason that I'm able to be online at all right

now is that my folks are letting me use theirs).


Because I'm having to use someone else's laptop(s), I certainly don't want to put anything related

to Wicked and Company on them; trying to explain that would be interesting, to say the least.



Major Tom 2009 :nonp:

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TED=time enforcement divison"?



Temporal Enforcement Directorate; essentially the Timecops of the Champions Universe 31st Century. Their job --

even though no one outside of the organization is aware of it -- is to ensure the integrity of the timeline against

attempts by criminal parties to alter the past for their own ends.


While they're not aware of it, the TED is being secretly assisted by a cosmic entity (I can't remember his name,

but he's mentioned in Galactic Champions) who has the same mission in life as they do; he has actually acted

in secret in order to aid the TED against some of the worst threats that the organization has faced since its




EDIT: I've since had the chance to refer to my copy of Galactic Champions; the entity's name is Chrono.



Major Tom 2009 :dyn

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  • 2 weeks later...

Humm...it seems we lost the attachments. Prehapes I should put some on my devientart page (which is at http://steriaca.devientart.com ). Any second for this?



I'll go along with that; I think that you need to change the second 'e' in the word 'devient' to an 'a', though. The link as you've got it

written goes to a "This domain for sale by its owner" page.



Major Tom 2009

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