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The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


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This is the thread for the villians of the TED campain/sourcebook. Enjoy. (Note: Not the final form...the final versions will be in The Guardians Of Time: TED Soursebook).




Value Char Cost Roll Notes

25 STR 15 14- 800kg Lift, 5d6 HA [2 END Cost]

23 DEX 13 14-

25 CON 15 14-

25 INT 15 14- PER Roll: 14-

25 EGO 15 14-

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6


7 OCV 20

7 DCV 20

7 OMCV 12

7 DMCV 12

6 SPD 40 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12


10 PD 8 PD/rPD: 10/0, 25/15

10 ED 8 ED/rED" 10/0, 25/15

8 REC 4

60 END 8

10 BODY 0

60 STUN 20

Char Total: 235


Movement Box:

Running: 12m/24m

Swimming: 4m/8m

Leaping: 4m/8m

Flight: 20m/40m

Faster-Than-Light Travel: 1 Light-Year per Year.

Time Travel: Any Time Within 50 Billion Years, Limited (See Powers section).


Cost Powers/END


Space Swordsmanship: Martial Arts: Fencing

0 Use Art w/Blades Weapions Group

5 Thruster Slash: "Ballestra";+2 OCV; -2 DCV; Weapion +4 DC Strike; Half Move Requiered

3 Slash: +2 OCV; +1 DCV; Weapion Strike

4 Full Thruster Slash: "Fleche"; +2 OCV; -2 DCV; Weapion +v/10 Strike; FMove

4 Orbit Block: "Parry"; +2 OCV; +2 DCV; Block; Abort

4 Orbit Counter: "Riposte"; +2 OCV; +2 DCV; Weapion +2 DC Strike; Must Follow Block

4 Thruster Dodge: "Void"; -- OCV; +5 DCV; Dodge; Abort


45 The Weapions Of Malhkronos: 90 point Multipower, Focus (OAF, -1)


3f The Sword Of Malhkronos, Standard Attack: +2d6 Killing Attack, Hand-To-Hand, Focus (Sword, OAF, -1)/+3 END

3f The Sword Of Malhkronos, Tempral Replay: Stab 3: 2d6 Killing Attack, Range, Autofire (3 shots, +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Indirect (variable Source Point, not direct and can change path, +1), Focus (Sword, OAF, -1), Limited Power (All attacks must target one target, -1/4), Limited Power (Can Not Use Unless Target Has Been Striked 3 Times By The Sword Of Malhkronos, Standard Attack, -1/4)/7 END each

3f The Sword Of Malhkronos, Tempral Replay: Stab 6: 2d6 Killing Attack, Range, Autofire (6 shots, +3/4), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Indirect (variable Source Point, not direct and can change path, +1), Focus (Sword, OAF, -1), Limited Power (All attacks must target one target, -1/4), Limited Power (Can Not Use Unless Target Has Been Striked 6 Times By The Sword Of Malhkronos, Standard Attack, -1/2)/9 END each


4f Nural Blaster, Standard Blast: 7d6 Blast, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Mental Defence, +1) Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Focus (Nural Blaster, OAF, -1)

4f Nural Blaster, Wide Blast: 6d6 Blast, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Mental Defence, +1), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Area of Effect (Cone, 16m, +1/2), Focus (Nural Blaster, OAF, -1)

3f Nural Blaster, Focus Pulse: 6d6 Blast, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Mental Defence, +1) Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Penatrating (+1/4), Focus (Nural Blaster, OAF, -1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2)


4f Force Blaster, Standard: 9d6 Blast, Double Knockback (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Focus (Force Blaster, OAF, -1)

3f Force Blaster, Suronud Mode: 4d6, 4PD, 4ED, Entangle, Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Focus (Force Blaster, OAF, -1)

3f Force Blaster, Piercer Mode: 4d6 Killing Attack, Range, Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Focus (Force Blaseter, OAF, -1), Decreased STUN Multiplier (-2 STUN multiplier, -1/2)


60 Other Evil Equipment: 60 point Variable Power Pool

17 Other Evil Equipment: 30 point Control Cost, Focus (mimimum IIF, -1/4), VVP Can Only Be Changed Between Adventures (-1/2)


11 Force Field And Life Suport Belt: 15 PD, 15 ED Resistant Protection, Hardened (+1/4), Impenetrable (+1/4), Allocatable (+1/4), Focus (Force Field And Life Suport Belt, OIF, -1/2) AND

10 Force Field And Life Suport Belt: Life Suport (Self-Contained Breathing, Low Pressure/Vacuum, High Presser, High Radiation, intensed Cold, Intensed Heat), Linked (to Resistant Protection, lesser power linked to greater power, linked power need not be used proportionately, -1/4), Focus (Force Field And Life Suport Belt, OIF, -1/2)


45 Flight Ring, Terestral Flight: 20m Flight (40m NC), Position Shift, No Gravity Penatly (+1/2), No Turn Mode (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Focus (Flight Ring, IIF, -1/4)

8 Flight Ring, Space Flight: Faster-Than-Light Travel, 1 Light Year per Year, Focus (Flight Ring, IIF, -1/4)


28 Cronosuite: Extra-Dimentinal Movement, Travel to any moment in time within 50 Billion Years, future or past, Focus (Cronosuite, IIF, -1/4), Limited Power (Can Only Use If Someone Activated A "Time Travel" Power Within 24 Hours In The Area He Is In), No Coneus Control (Can Activate, But Limited Destination...Time Other Time Travler Traved To Within A Week, Or Other Period Of Time With The GM's Will, -1)/7 END


10 Black Market Nanomachiens, Mindshell: 10 Mental Defence, Hardened (+1/4), Impenetrable (+1/4), Unified Power (Nanomachiens, -1/4), Limited Power (Hackable, -1/4)

10 Black Market Nanomachiens, DNAshell: 10 Power Defence, Hardened (+1/4), Impenetrable (+1/4), Unified Power (Nanomachiens, -1/4), Limited Power (Hackable, -1/4)

8 Black Market Nanomachiens, Life Extention: Life Suport, Longivity (400 Years), Imunity (All Terrestrial Poisons and Dieases), Unified Power (Nanomachiens, -1/4), Limited Power (Hackable, -1/4)

8 Black Market Nanomachiens, Regeneration: 3 BODY Regeneration, Per Day, Can Heal Limbs, Unified Power (Nanomachiens, -1/4), Limited Power (Hackable, -1/4)


Power Total: 314


Cost Perk

27 Contact: Darktyme Orginzation (Orginzation), 14-, Good Relationship


Perk Total: 27


Cost Tallents

3 Absolute Time Sense

3 Bump Of Direction

5 Eidetic Memory

6 Enviromental Movement: Zero-G Training

3 Lighting Calculator

6 Handsome: Striking Apperance: +2/+2d6

17 UT Unit: Universal Translator, 16-. Focus (Universal Translator Unit, located inside right ear, IIF, -1/4)


Talent Total: 43


Cost Skills: Roll

3 Traveler

4 AK: Earth of the 31st Centery: 16-

4 AK: Earth of the 20th-21st Centery: 16-

4 AK: Solar System: 16-

4 AK: Federation Space: 16-

4 AK: "Pirate" Space: 16-


3 Scholar

4 KS: Orginized Crime in the 31st Centery: 16-

4 KS: History: 16-

4 KS: The TED: 16-

4: The Federation Armed Forces: 16-


3 Linguist

0 Language: Greek (Native)

2 Language: English(Fluent w/accent)

2 Language: Arabic (Fluent w/accent)

2 Language: Spanish (Fluent w/accent)

2 Language: One alien language of the GM's choice (Fluent w/accent)

2 Language: Another alien language of the GM's choice (Fluent w/accent)


3 Scientist

4 SS: Astronomy: 16-

4 SS: Chemisty: 16-

4 SS: Genetics: 16-

4 SS: Mathmatics: 16-

4 SS: Tempral Physics: 16-


5 Acrobatics: 15-

5 Breakfall: 15-

5 Charm: 15-

3 Combat Piloting: 14-

3 Computer Programing: 14-

5 Criminology: 15-

3 Demolition: 14-

3 Electronics: 14-

5 Interrogation: 14-

3 KS: Space Swordsmanship (AKA Fencing): 14-

9 Navigation (Tempral, Space, Land, Air): 16-

3 Security Systems: 14-

16 Survival (Artic/Subartic, Mountains, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical, Desert, Marine, Urban, Space): 14-

3 System Operator: 14-

3 Tactics: 14-

2 TF: Science Fiction and Space Vehicles

2 TF: Mecha

2 WF: Common Melee Weapons

2 WF: Beam Weapons

2 WF: Energy Weapons

2 WF: Starship Weapons


Skill Levels

12 +1 Overall

10 +1 w/all Non-Combat Skills

10 +1 CSL w/All Attacks

8 +1 CSL w/All Ranged Combat

6 +1 CSL w.Thruster Slash, Slash, and Full Thruster Slash


Skill Total: 212

P,T, and S Total: 282

Grand Total: 517


Complications: 400+

Distinctive Features: Strong Electronic Field (Not Concealable, Always Noticed, Detectable by Detects and Tech): 10

Hunted: The TED (As Powerful, Frequently, Capture): 15

Physical Complication: Unfamiler With Non-31st Centery Culture (Very Frequently, Slightly): 20

Psychological Complication: Vengful (Common, Total): 20

Psychological Complication: Murderous (Common, Strong): 15

Psychological Complication: Hunting The TED, Agent By Agent (Common, Strong): 15

Psychological Complication: Sadistic (Common, Strong): 15

Tempral Backlash: Unluck 2d6: 7 (10)

Physical Complication: Affected As Machien Class Of Mind As Well As Human Class Of Mind When Nanomachiens Are Active: (5)

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Here's the pic that goes with that post -- Malkhronos himself:









Malkhronos' outfit is basically the same as that of the TED, except that it's in black and red. The belt buckle

badge is also identical to that of the TED uniform, with one exception: there's a dagger plunged through the

infinity symbol.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


So far, so good, but still not compleat. I hate it when the site kicks me off when I am doing a long writeup, and I have to relog.


Next up: His 'black market' nanomachien powers, perks, tallents, skills. And, if there is still log time, complications.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


History/Orgin: "I leave this recording to thoes who dair to go after me. I am Malhkronos. Hear my name and tremble.


Before the events which formed the TED, I was a war hero. We drove off that...b*tch to her home dimention. There seemed to be nothing left for a warrior to do. Then the thieth of the timeship happened, and the TED was formed. I leaped to the chance to be a warrior once again.


But war was not to be. Instead of a warrior's organization, we became a police force. And all that squandering of materials...the opertunitys lost for conquest. Eventuly I could stand it no longer. So I put into place a plan to kill Director Mainline and blame it on Profesor Timely. Then I would clame leadership and set our sites on conquest.


That was not to be. Paradox and Templtion, I shall never forget them, nor forgive. I shall destroy the TED, then I shall torcher both of you till your both on the edge of life. But I will keep you both alive but helpless to do anything but witness the glory which is Malhkronos.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Pro Tip: When working on something which is going to be a REALLY long post, do it on some form of text editing software first (Even Notepad works). Especially with the problems the site has been having lately trying to do all the typing here is prone to difficulties.


Also, some sites (I have no idea whether this is one of them) have a tendancy to log you out automatically after a period of inactivity. The site cannot see you typing in a forum post so believes you to be inactive. At that point when you click submit it has to relog you in before you are allowed to post and some sites don't handle that well which can result in your work disappearing into the ether and forcing you to redo it all (I lost a number of long posts in various forums in the past before I learned this lesson.)

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Quote: Prehaps, in time, you will learn that my way was corect, and it was indead beter to conqure the past than protect the present. But till then, I shall give you this as a small reminder...


Personalily/Modivation: Malhkronos is convinced that The TED would of worked beter as an armie to invade the past than a police force to protect it. He slowly came to regreat joining up. He longs for the good old days where he could kill others at will and listen to them scream in agony, and not have to worry about murdering someone's ancestor.


He had taken the downfall of his first plot personaly. This, he spends most of his time to hunting down and murdering field agents, makeing shure to torcher them first.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Powers/Tactics: Malhkronos, because of his years as a solder, is highly trained in both armed and unarmed combat. In fact, he rather enjoys the pain it causes others. He wields a sword which is able to 'store' cronological 'slashes'. Once three to six slashes are recorded against one target, he can 'replay' the slashes (with the special effect being time recordings of himself doing the slashes sunenly appear around the target and try to stab him again). He also wields a modified Nural Blaster (which he lothes bacause he has yet to figure out how to modifie it for lethal damage), and a modified Force Blaster.


Combat wise, he enjoys inflicting pain upon others, and will use any means at his disposal to do so. He is only modertly concerned about any wounds upon himself. He will only flee when forced to do so tacticly, but will always remember his defeat, and long for a rematch, or revenge upon the one who saved his target.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Powers, Runthrough:


Black Power Nanomachien Notes: Thay operate mostly just like Paradox, except that his are cheep (and illegal) copies, and he chosen the most combat orieanted/survival orientated nanomachines that he can afford. Thay are Hackable, just like Paradoxes.


The Sword Of Malhkronos: The sword is his main close combat weapion, and the one he has the most fun with. It is capable of 'storing' and 'replaying' slashes in batches of three and six (the special effect for unleashing the slashes stored is, well, a glowing image of Malhkronos, sometimes incompleat but always his sword and swordarm at least, appears and does the stored slash move). Note: Othoe the special effect might make you think that he can use his martial arts through it, you would be wrong, as the attacks are bought as Killing Attack-Range as opose to Killing Attack-Hand-to-Hand.


Nural Blaster and Force Blaster: Weapions stolen from the TED as he left. He modified them in hopes of using them leathaly. He usceded with the Force Blaster, but is haveing a hard time finding a leathal setting to the Nural Blaster. Still, one day he will proably find one.


Other Evil Equipment: Exactly that...some piece of equipment stolen from somewhere or somewhen, or given to him by an employer (most likely the Darktyme Orginzation).


Force Field Belt and Flight Ring: Stolen equipment from the TED. The Force Field Belt is weaker than normal for unknown reasions, and also follows the same guidlines as Paradox's Force Field Belt.


Cronosuite: Looking like a pair of hi-tech long jones, this suite was a failed experment by Profesor Timely, and before being made only existed as a computer file. The Cronosuite alowes the user to absorbe 'Takion Energies' from other time travlers in the vincenity, and then to use that energy to travel back into time. The user has no control over when he emerges from his travels, which pisses off Malhkronos to no end.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Apperance: Malhkronos is a rather large, handsom man of Greek decent, with black hair and what apears to be red eyes. He wears an outfit which is a parody of the TED dress uniform, but in red and black as opose to blue and white. The most proament symbol is the dagger plunged into the infinity symbol on his belt buckle.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Nope, the zat'ni'kiel was a Gou'ald weapon that was introduced in one of the seasons of Stargate: SG-1.

It was basically a folding pistol that looked a little like a cobra when it was opened and ready to use; as

originally presented, it had three different effects on a victim. The first time a victim was hit from a shot

from a "zat", it knocked him out; the second time killed him, and the third shot vaporized his body com-

pletely. Why the second and third shots were retconned out of existence, I don't know; unless it was a

case of the show's creators thinking that the "zat" was just a little too powerful, even for a handheld

weapon of alien origin (there's also the fact that Our Heroes managed to get hold of some "zats" of their

own, and that it might have been just a little too tempting to dispose of the opposition -- any opposition --

in that way).



Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Drat...should of known...my mother was a 'gater when the show was on Sy-Fy.


Anyways, you free to put up the pic of Father Time (since I will be doing him next). That's asuming that the Myans are wrong (or, more properly, our interptation of them). Your free to put the others up as well.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Here's some more of the TED's "Most Wanted" -- the Temporal Trio:








These three thieves -- named Gorp, Xalp, and Xar, respectively -- have been a thorn in the

side of TED since they first appeared. Efforts to identify and track them down have been

less than successful due to the fact that, not only are they able to enter and exit from the

scenes of their crimes without leaving a trace, they also bear no resemblance to any of the

known races of the Federation (or outside of it); there are those within the organization

that have speculated that the Temporal Trio are, in fact, beings from another universe or

timeline -- in fact, possibly more than one -- and that they were somehow able to enter the

universe during the abortive V'hanian invasion.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Another of TED's enemies is the Darktyme Organization, an alliance of temporal criminals who

use time-travel technology to carry out their crimes:








They are very careful about the crimes that they commit, in that they prefer to steal valuable

items whose theft won't alter the past in some drastic fashion; indeed, whenever possible, they

replace the item to be stolen with a cleverly-crafted duplicate -- so cleverly-crafted that they

can even fool the experts into believing they're the real thing. They also draw the line at temp-

oral assassinations; you never know when someone's distant ancestor is going to be instrumen-

tal in preventing the destruction of the human race, or who will ultimately sire the protector of

the universe as they know it.


This caution also extends to their obsessive protection of their true identities, from the ruling

council and their immediate subordinates to their paramilitary operatives as well; every mem-

ber of the organization wears concealing outfits which prevent them from being identified (the

upper echelons wear hooded cloaks and robes in purple and blue, while their paramilitary oper-

atives wear jumpsuits and helmets in the same colors; the faces of all are concealed by a jet-

black hood, whose only features are the glowing red eyes they all have).


Darktyme is to TED what organizations such as DEMON and VIPER were to PRIMUS and UNTIL;

in fact, the current incarnation of VIPER has attempted in the past to infiltrate Darktyme in pre-

paration for a takeover attempt, but without much success.


TED's Intelligence Division has recently picked up on some disturbing rumors that Darktyme may

be about to offer Dirty Tom Rackham membership in its ranks; should they prove to be true, it

would make Rackham even more dangerous than he already is, as he would have the resources

of a small army at his disposal.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


One of the most dangerous adversaries to face the Directorate -- and the first-ever member of

Paradox's "Rogues' Gallery" -- the evil reptilian super-genius Chronosaurus Rex:








Chronosaurus Rex is a native of a parallel Earth which, millions of years ago, managed to avoid

the Alvarez Event -- the impact of a five-mile-wide across asteroid which, in our universe, struck

the area of what is now the Yucutan Peninsula of Mexico, and resulted in the extinction of the

dinosaurs. Because of this, the dinosaurs of Rex's Earth were able to eventually evolve into a

smaller form which was possessed of human-level intelligence ("small" is a relative term where

the inhabitants of Rex's Earth are concerned; Rex himself stands 9 feet tall, and his tail adds at

least 6 more feet to that). Over a period of several thousand years, the dinosaurians gradually

created a peaceful civilization, one in which crime and war were unknown; even those dinosaur-

ians that had evolved from carnosaurs had willingly given up the hunting of their herbivorous

cousins, as they had come to regard it as an act of barbaric cannibalism.


The only criminal member of his race, Rex first appeared in the 31st Century, when he tried to

steal advanced technology for his own ends. He was opposed in this by Paradox, while she was

still only a trainee agent. Although she was considerably outmatched by Rex's greater size and

strength, Paradox was able to hold him at bay long enough for more heavily-armed troops to

arrive on the scene. Although he was angry and frustrated by her actions, Rex was also impress-

ed by Paradox, and told her so before making his escape -- but not before adding an ominous

warning that they would one day meet again.


It was Paradox who dubbed the reptilian criminal Chronosaurus Rex, after Dr. Masters identified

him as being from another, parallel timeline.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Tom basicly got most of them out, except DALCYB-1 and the members of the Tempral Force (from my create a villian team ideal), and some of the crewmen of Dirty Tom Rackham. Right now I am done with the stats of Father Time, and am in the middle of the stats of Cronosaurous Rex.

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Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos


Among the many threats that the TED faces is the robotic lifeform known as DALCYB-1:








By its own admission, DALCYB-1 is a fusion of three different machine races, one of which was from

a different universe than the other two. While each of the three races was different in design, all of

them shared the same trait: an unremitting hostility toward the human race, with one of the three

being dedicated to the total extermination of all life that was not its own. This race was not completely

mechanical in nature; it was actually a small, multitentacled lifeform that had created what were --

for all intents and purposes -- personal craft which were a hybrid of a hovercraft and a tank, and which

were armed with deadly weapons. They were also extremely xenophobic in nature, and had managed

to exterminate virtually every organic race in its native universe -- save for one.


The one organic race to survive was an advanced race of humanoids, one which had mastered temporal

technology and had taken it upon themselves to watch over and maintain the integrity of their universe's

timeline; the few races to learn of their existence came to refer to them as the Lords of Time. When the

Destroyers (the name given to the xenophobic race) launched their genocidal crusade, the Lords did what

they could to save as many sentient beings as possible; they accomplished this by selecting groups of a

thousand beings each, and temported them to other, parallel universes where their races existed, but

where they themselves as individuals did not (the Lords did this to protect their chosen few from the

danger of what a human scientist in another universe referred to as entropic cascade failure). By the

time that the Destroyers reached the Lords' homeworld ten Earth years later, the Lords had managed to

send representatives of over a hundred civilizations to safety in other universes -- a small handful com-

pared to the vast number that had existed prior to the Destroyers' crusade, but more than would have

otherwise survived without the Lords' intervention.


Time and time again, the Destroyers attempted to exterminate the Lords, only to find that the technology

of their enemy was every bit as advanced as their own; indeed, the Lords' mastery of temporal technology

gave them a much-needed edge over the Destroyers. Finally, after suffering numerous and frustrating

defeats at the hands of the Lords, the Destroyers set one last plan in motion: they used a technology that

had been stolen from one of the races they had exterminated to create a point singularity -- in essence, a

controlled black hole -- with which to destroy their enemies once and for all. The Lords were hard-pressed

to counter this technology; while they couldn't destroy the singularity, they were able to at least keep it

from destroying their world. The result was a stalemate, with neither side able to gain the advantage over

the other. It was at this point that the second of the two machine races -- the survivors of a world that

had suffered an ecological apocalypse, and who had had themselves transformed into cyborgs in order to

survive -- entered the picture. For years, they had been following the trail of destroyed civilizations in

order to learn who was responsible, and to deal with them if at all possible.


Upon discovering the superior technology of the Lords, the cyborgs saw an opportunity to acquire some of

it for themselves. They launched a raid on one of the scientific facilities of the Lords' homeworld, only to

run afoul of a pair of related complications -- first, an attack launched by the Destroyers at the same time;

and two, a breach in the local space-time continuum caused by the singularity which allowed a heavy troop

transport from another universe to crash-land near the battleground, where it disgorged its cargo: robotic

warriors of an unknown design who immediately opened fire on the Lords, killing several of them. Unwilling

to take the chance that either of the new arrivals wouldn't attack them as well, the Destroyers opened fire

on both parties, killing or destroying many of them. Once the remaining cyborgs had retreated from the

battleground, and the robotic warriors had been completely destroyed, one of the higher-ranking Destroyers

had its subordinates gather samples of both the cyborgs and the robots for study.


What it discovered about both the cyborgs and the robots was, from its point of view, incredible: not only

were the "bodies" of the cyborgs shells which housed organic components in much the same way that their

personal craft did, but were more versatile as well as a result of their humanoid design. What it learned

from its examination of the robotic warriors was just as incredible -- that their sensory capabilities were

superior even to that of Destroyer sensor technology. These discoveries led the Destroyer scientist to carry

out an extraordinary experiment: to see if it could create a humanoid body of its own using technologies

from both the cyborgs and the robotic warriors. It took several days to accomplish, but eventually the

Destroyer was successful in creating a new body for itself -- one that not only incorporated technologies

from the cyborgs and robots, but Destroyer weapons technology as well. As an added touch, one of the

devices created by the Lords -- a personal temport field generator -- was also added to the body.


Having its organic body transferred to the new metallic one, the Destroyer was preparing to demonstrate

its new form to its fellows when a malfunction in the device that was generating the singularity caused it

to expand out of control. Realizing that the world and everything upon it was about to be destroyed, the

Destroyer made the only decision that it could: it used its built-in temport field to escape from the soon-

to-be destroyed world. An instant later, the Destroyer -- now calling itself DALCYB-1 -- arrived upon the

Earth of the 31st Century, the time of the Galactic Federation. It wasn't long before the cybernetic villain

discovered that there were just as many races in its new home as there had been in the old one -- and

that because it was only one being, that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to destroy them all.


But DALCYB-1 wasn't going to let a minor detail like that keep it from trying to do just that. Now, if it can

just keep those annoying organics calling themselves the Temporal Enforcement Directorate off of its back

while it goes about its business...




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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