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Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion


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No one would have believed in the early years of the 21st Century that humanity was beginning watched by undead intelligences less then man, yet immortal and hungry. The Inner Circle of DEMON had discovered the true cause of the Maya civilization. The end of the world was coming, and they would see to it they would rule the undead world.


DEMON, the classic supernatural villain organization is out to rule the world. All they have to do is kill off the human race. What better weapon to use against the living then the dead?


They have an ancient Maya tablet that reveals how to turn the recently dead into the undead. All they need to complete the rituals are a number of magic items that were looted by the Spaniards the scattered around the world. If they succeed the dead will walk the Earth because there will be no more room in Hell.


A few heroes stumbled on to the plot. They tried to prevent the coming end of the world. They failed, and were the first to be devoured.


Soon after in every corner of the world wherever someone had recently died, they rose up to the horror of the living and attacked. Those paralyzed with shock and fear were eaten. Those who were wounded and escaped would in a matter of hours die themselves, and join the legion of the undead.


It is Halloween, 2012.

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion


Analyze the enemy, discover its weaknesses, get any innocents out of the undead path. Once you find the weakness, start applying it.

It could be holy sites, could be arcane disruptions, could be the ole bullet to the brain.


It could be necromancy applied to control and contain and ironically, that means you might have to turn to OTHER mystic villains for help-if you can trust them.

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion


Is this a WWYCD or "What do you think of the idea?".


I stumbeled in one of my webcomics over an idea you might use to lighten the mood:

Zombie Lingerie Model

and if her sister already did it, there is a emergency costume:

Sexy Zomby butterfly



What if those undead turn up to be quite intelligent, as the in the webcomic "The other Grey meat":


Zombies got smarter the more brains they ate. Those whose brains they ate also got some boost from the amount of brains their "sire" ate. Of course at some points brains ran out, wich let to development of TOGM (the other grey meat), a "brain substitue". Can't increase brainpower, but at least keeps them alive or unliving?).

And in the end the world is jsut like it used to. People even still fear lawyers more than being eaten by zombies.

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion


Septa: She would no doubt be immune and her power could aide the survivers a lot.

When the quest is about defeating the plague, it depends a little on the source of the Plague and if it affects life beyond humans (animals and especially plants) as well. Her power is the staff of the 6 Elements (Fire, Water, Wind, Stone, Ice, and [Plant]life). Normally those 6 are in a competition. But if it is one thing they can't stand it is an element getting corrupted or Demons manifesting thier powers. Because if one element falls or demons start manifesting at large, all of them are in danger - so they could work togehter on this project, something that has not happened since the universe was formed. It could literally become a weapon more powerfull than the plague or will at least play a mayor role in defeating it. And Septa is just the gal who happens to carry it right now.

If it mostly infects humans it might either stay normal (humans are not that important for the elements) wich would still be quite an asset for any community, or they could work togehter but might propose a more radical approach - like eliminating all current infected and all potential carriers on the planet with a single, planetwide magical strike wich she would not comply with (unless all hope is lost).

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion


In game terms Zombies are Automatons with STR 15, HKA 1d6 [2d6 w/STR], and a Transform [Major] Id6, Uncontrolled (+1), Continuous (+1/2), No END Persistent (+1) that is linked to the HKA (-1/4).


The transformation is the Zombie virus. Anyone who takes BODY from the HKA is infected and will transform into a Zombie.


Zombies have INT 3, and have only three "commands". Search for humans, attack humans, eat humans. A Zombie will continue to attack with their HKA until the human escapes or dies. Those consumed will not become Zombies because their is nothing left to do so.


Zombies only have 2 PD/ED. However, they cannot be stunned, and are not effected by loss of body (this is a simple way of dealing with the need to destroy the brain). They can be heated to "death", but one must continue to attack until the Zombie is at -10 BODY. Using a 1d6 RKA Handgun it would require between 4 and 6 shots to do so.


As the book says, it's simple but not easy.

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion


As long as we're talking about zombie invasions here, I just found a piece on the Yahoo news page about

a Halloween exercise that the U.S. Army was doing on some island. The object of the exercise?


How to deal with a zombie invasion (the "zombies" were, BTW, appropriately dressed for the occasion).



Major Tom 2009 :lol:

Always remember Rule #2.

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion




Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

10 DEX 0

0 CON -20

10 BODY 0

3 INT -7

0 EGO 0

10 PRE 0

0 COM -5

3 PD 6

2 ED 6

2 SPD 0

0 REC -4

0 END 0

0 STUN -15

Total Characteristics Cost: -35 Points


Cost Skills

1 Command: Search for Human Prey

1 Command: Pursue Human Prey

1 Command: Attack Human Prey

1 KS: Recognize Human Prey 8-

1 WF: Unarmed Combat

Total Skills Cost: 5 Points


Cost Powers

15 Cannon Be Stunned

15 Does Not Bleed

45 Takes No STUN [Loses Abilities When BODY Taken] [Pieces can be blow off]

3 ES: PER +1 [Zombies Don't Rely Only on their Sight]

22 HKA 1d6 [2d6 w/STR], No END (+1/2) [Teeth and Tearing their victim appart]

0 Running 6", No END (+1/2), Half Move Only (-1/2) [simple way to simulate the Zombie walk]

7 No END on 15 STR (+1/2)

23 Transform [Major] [bite Victim Turns into Zombie] 1d6, Uncontrolled (+1), Continuous (+1/2), No END Persistent (+1),

No Range (-1/2), Linked [HKA] (-1/4), Must Do Body With HKA (-1/2) [Zombie Bite causes anyone to become infected/Only Regeneration can Prevent Transformation]

Total Powers Cost: 130 Points


Total Cost: 100 Points

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion


I altered my initial design thoughts in having BODY Damage reduced the Zombies abilities. They aren't invulnerable but are still hard to kill. The Transformation will turn a victim into a zombie in about two minutes after they are bitten. Most human victims won't escape an attack but those at do will become zombies themselves.


Most superheroes will have no problem fighting zombies. Normal Humans can run or even walk away from them, and if armed can defend themselves. When they appear in mass that would be a different story.

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion




Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

10 DEX 0

0 CON -20

10 BODY 0

3 INT -7

0 EGO 0

10 PRE 0

0 COM -5

3 PD 6

2 ED 6

2 SPD 0

0 REC -4

0 END 0

0 STUN -15

Total Characteristics Cost: -35 Points


Cost Skills

1 Command: Search for Human Prey

1 Command: Pursue Human Prey

1 Command: Attack Human Prey

1 KS: Recognize Human Prey 8-

1 WF: Unarmed Combat

Total Skills Cost: 5 Points


Cost Powers

15 Cannon Be Stunned

15 Does Not Bleed

45 Takes No STUN [Loses Abilities When BODY Taken] [Pieces can be blow off]

3 ES: PER +1 [Zombies Don't Rely Only on their Sight]

22 HKA 1d6 [2d6 w/STR], No END (+1/2) [Teeth and Tearing their victim appart]

0 Running 6", No END (+1/2), Half Move Only (-1/2) [simple way to simulate the Zombie walk]

7 No END on 15 STR (+1/2)

23 Transform [Major] [bite Victim Turns into Zombie] 1d6, Uncontrolled (+1), Continuous (+1/2), No END Persistent (+1),

No Range (-1/2), Linked [HKA] (-1/4), Must Do Body With HKA (-1/2) [Zombie Bite causes anyone to become infected/Only Regeneration can Prevent Transformation]

Total Powers Cost: 130 Points


Total Cost: 100 Points




Obviously, these aren't the zombies from Dawn of the Dead. Those suckers could run pretty fast for

folks that had just shuffled off the mortal coil.




Major Tom 2009 :shock:

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Re: Halloween 2012: Zombie Invasion


Dawn of the Dead 2004 had it's moments, but I'm a traditionalist. Zombies aren't smart enough to run.


I did like the Special Report: Zombie Attack feature on the DVD with Richard Biggs and a v.o. by Bruce Boxleiter as the President.


I did like the 1989 Night of the Living Dead with Pat Tallman and Tony Todd.


As you may have guest I'm a Babylon 5 fan.

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