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Australian Supervillains


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Re: Australian Supervillains


True, but I would rather leave that to the Kiwis.




Interesting. You could add the later Power Rangers series to that too.


Again, though, I'd be hesitant to go too much into detail on New Zealand.


NZ is kind of like Australia's Canada.


Any Kiwis reading this? Any ideas?


Understandable, but my suggestions were intended more as the source for a couple of those super-immigrants you were contemplating. (And the one time I suggested here that New Zealand's relationship to Australia might resemble Canada's to the United States, our Kiwis weren't impressed.) :winkgrin:


There's not a lot of obvious teams there. The four natural disaster characters could work together' date=' with the obvious points that flood tends to neutralise fire and drought, and cyclones enable flood. They're not quite a classic "elemental" team, but are close.[/quote']


Together they are... the Masters of Disaster! :rockon:

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Re: Australian Supervillains


Speaking in ignorance here, but isn't one of the elements of Australian culture 'We hate our celebrities?'


Maybe one of your villains is a former Australian superhero who got tired of that.


I think you are thinking of "Tall Poppy Syndrome".


The concept tends to be very politically weighted, and the degree to which it applies, if any, is debateable.


An alternative way of viewing it is "peons refusing to be sufficiently respectful to their betters".


And yes, that's a standard supervillain motivation/excuse, especially for unappreciated genius types. I'll definitely use it. Rep when possible.

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Re: Australian Supervillains


Together they are... the Masters of Disaster! :rockon:


Done, alas.


I've considered calling them the Four Seasons, since together they make up a typical year for Australian farmers. (Not literally, of course). A little too flippant, although I could imagine the joke being made and becoming popular. They'd need a "serious" name as well.

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Re: Australian Supervillains


Megalania - A large scaled villain with a venomous bite.

Uluru - Growth powers and a rocky hide

Echidna - A female geneticist who has transformed herself into a monstrous half-woman/half-snake. Has lots of genetically created monsters which she uses as shock troops.

Thylacine - Heightened strength and speed. Animal-like senses. Claws and fangs.

Drop Bear - High levels of climbing and stealth. Drops on characters from above for a move-through attack, then uses martial arts grappling maneuvers.

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Re: Australian Supervillains


Here are my contributions to the Roll of Villainy Down Under:



Black Opal -- a university student who was pursuing a major in geology, she gained her energy-manipulation

and projection powers after an oval-shaped fragment of black opal (which had been transformed in some way

by exposure to the energies of a fragment of a Cosmic Gem) embedded itself onto her body. Unfortunately,

the event unhinged her, and that (combined with an unpleasant development in her love life) brought her

dark side to the fore. She now uses her powers both for personal gain and to inflict suffering on those she

percieves as "happy people".


Funnel-Web -- a mutant who developed arachnid powers (the ability to adhere to and walk along any surface,

the power to shoot nearly-unbreakable webs at his victims, and the power to mentally communicate with --

and control -- the spiders from which he derives his name), he uses his abilities as one half of a criminal

partnership that performs criminal acts of any sort (kidnapping, murder, you name it) for hire.


Redback -- the other half of the partnership, she was given cybernetic prostheses following an accident which

necessitated the amputation of both arms and legs. Not only do these replacement limbs give her the power

to crawl or walk on any surface in the same way that Funnel-Web's natural powers do, they also give her a

particularly deadly means of attack: the ability to inject to inject a massive dose of venom into a victim. This

venom is identical to that possessed by her namesake spider.


Redbelly -- half human and half serpent, Redbelly has all of the capabilities of his namesake: a venomous

bite, the ability to move at great speed on the ground, and a "hood" which he can spread like that of a

cobra in order to frighten and intimidate others. Some within the law-enforcement and intelligence com-

munities believe that Redbelly is an operative for COIL, while others suspect that he's an operative for

VIPER. No one knows for certain if either of these possibilities are true, and Redbelly isn't telling. From

the waist up, his body is that of a human being's, while his lower body is that of a snake. His hands

have exceptionally sharp fingernails, which he uses in combat to slash at his foes in order to cause

open wounds. If he is able to do just that, he then sprays venom at his victim in order to introduce it

into him or her that way, if he's otherwise unable to bite them.


Tigersnake -- a victim of an unethical genetic experiment conducted by an unscrupulous corporation, this

young woman was given serpentine abilities after being injected with the altered DNA of a tiger snake.

The purpose of the experiment was to create an assassin whose kills would be attributed to one of the

country's most venomous reptiles, and in this it was more than successful. The only mistake that those

in charge of the experiment made was in not subjecting her to any form of mind-control process before

injecting her with the altered DNA; upon the initial manifestation of her powers, the enraged test subject

promptly went berserk and killed everyone involved before making her escape. In addition to a venomous

bite, Tigersnake also possesses superior reflexes and speed, and can travel at high speed on the ground

in much the same way as a snake does (peristaltic movement of her body's muscles).



I've got pics for all five of these baddies; as soon as I can send them out for cleanup and get them back,

I'll post them here.



Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Australian Supervillains


Finally, Black Opals are an Australian specialty. Think Star Sapphire.


IIRC, Australia also has a mine that produces the world's only pink diamonds. (Well, kind of pinky-violet.) "Pink Diamond" might not be a very good name, but you can surely create an original diamon-reference name.


Not as iconically Australian yet as black opals, but it's something.


Dean Shomshak

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Re: Australian Supervillains


So... what should the Boomerang Guy be called?


Obviously he's "the villain that always comes back", but what's his actual nom de crime?


Mechanically he's trivial - rip the boomerang power set from Gadgets and Gear, chuck in a little bit of martial arts, armour if you feel like it - but he's really just a theme villain - and maybe a nice jet with boomerang shaped wings. And Luck, so he can always come back.


Boomerang is a Marvel villain.

Captain Boomerang is DC.

We need something else.


Doctor Boomerang?

Professor Boomerang?

Blue Boomerang?

Black Boomerang? (No)


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Re: Australian Supervillains


After a trip to Dictionary.com and Thesaurus.com (my two fav websites for coming up with Hero names) I submit the following for our boomerang friend:







Doing some wiki'ing led me to think of these:

Some variation of Aussie Round (a competitive boomerang term)

Tribal (Think Black Panther, but with high tech Boomerangs instead of claws. May even fight in H2H with them). Along this line you could use any name of a Aborigine group as the basis for a hero that while he uses boomerangs as a weapon is not as "campy" as DC/Marvel's Boomerang guys. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indigenous_Australian_group_names

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Re: Australian Supervillains


A boomerang is also sometimes knows as a 'kiley' or 'kylie'.


King Kiley?


Yes, the kiley is a variant from the more common boomerang design, more intended for combat: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/kylie


More about boomerangs here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boomerang . Most combat boomerangs and other throwing sticks were non-returning, designed to fly in a straight line to their target for maximum accuracy. What's interesting is that these heavier boomerangs were also employed as bludgeoning clubs and stabbing blades, as digging tools, even as percussive instruments. Any of these could be adapted for use by your villain to make him or her more distinctive.


Further to distinctiveness, returning and non-returning throwing sticks were invented in many other parts of the world. For a time Marvel Comics' hero Moon Knight used one of ancient Egyptian origin. Perhaps your villain could actually be an immigrant, using the motifs of his native country.

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Re: Australian Supervillains


I'm thinking: Overthrow.


DC used the name for an obscure villain back in the 80s, but aside from that it seems to be available.


The main problem is it doesn't quite go with pleasantly cheesy "villain that keeps coming back" idea, but you can't have everything.


What is he trying to overthrow? What have you got? Hyper-libertarian terrorist nutbar who occasionally works as a mercenary to fund his "cause".

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Re: Australian Supervillains


Yes, the kiley is a variant from the more common boomerang design, more intended for combat: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/kylie


More about boomerangs here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boomerang . Most combat boomerangs and other throwing sticks were non-returning, designed to fly in a straight line to their target for maximum accuracy. What's interesting is that these heavier boomerangs were also employed as bludgeoning clubs and stabbing blades, as digging tools, even as percussive instruments. Any of these could be adapted for use by your villain to make him or her more distinctive.


Further to distinctiveness, returning and non-returning throwing sticks were invented in many other parts of the world. For a time Marvel Comics' hero Moon Knight used one of ancient Egyptian origin. Perhaps your villain could actually be an immigrant, using the motifs of his native country.



About Moon Knight's boomerang -- wasn't that one of the many weapons that Hawkeye made for the priests

of Khonshu back when he and several of the Avengers were stuck in the past? I seem to recall that they look-

ed at the stuff he'd come up with rather strangely, especially the boomerang.


Somehow, I don't think that real-world ancient Egypt had an equivalent to the boomerang at all.




Major Tom 2009 :confused:

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Re: Australian Supervillains


About Moon Knight's boomerang -- wasn't that one of the many weapons that Hawkeye made for the priests

of Khonshu back when he and several of the Avengers were stuck in the past? I seem to recall that they look-

ed at the stuff he'd come up with rather strangely, especially the boomerang.


Somehow, I don't think that real-world ancient Egypt had an equivalent to the boomerang at all.




Major Tom 2009 :confused:


Aerodynamically curved throwing sticks were found in King Tut's tomb (I have a museum collection book with photos and explanations of its contents), but the websites I looked up differ as to whether any of them were of the returning kind.

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Re: Australian Supervillains


So... what should the Boomerang Guy be called?


Obviously he's "the villain that always comes back", but what's his actual nom de crime?


Mechanically he's trivial - rip the boomerang power set from Gadgets and Gear, chuck in a little bit of martial arts, armour if you feel like it - but he's really just a theme villain - and maybe a nice jet with boomerang shaped wings. And Luck, so he can always come back.


Boomerang is a Marvel villain.

Captain Boomerang is DC.

We need something else.


Doctor Boomerang?

Professor Boomerang?

Blue Boomerang?

Black Boomerang? (No)



You could always have it be something that describes a circle like Looper, or Returner. Some variant of throwing stick like Air Shilleagh (sp?), or maybe another type weapon that does the same thing like Xena's discus.


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