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When Damage is first taken when using Advantage: Damage OverTime



Good day.


Poisons have recently made their way into my game and I wanted to comfirm when damage is first taken from a attack that uses Damage Over Time.


From reading 6E1 p.328 I believe that when a person makes an attack they pay the endurance if needed when the attack is made. If the attack hits the target takes damage on the first increment of after the attack.

i.e. Poison doing 1d6 NND(Life Support: Imm. Poison) with 6 increments and 10 minute intervals. The victim would first take damage 10 minutes ofter contact with the poison, over the next hour taking in total 6d6 damage.


Also if the poison had Extra Time (Onset 5 Hours). Would the target suffer the first effects 5 hours ofter contact or would you treat the attack as occuring 5 hours after the initial attack and then wait 10 minutes for the first damage.


Thank you in advance.

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Re: When Damage is first taken when using Advantage: Damage OverTime


As discussed on 6E1 329, the first increment of a DoT attack occurs that long after the attack's used. So for example, if a character has a DoT with damage increments of 1 Turn, and he uses it on someone in Segment 5, the victim suffers the first effects 1 Turn later (in Segment 5 of the next Turn), not in the Segment in which the power's used. If the power has Extra Time defined as an "onset time," that period of time runs first. Then the increment runs, and then the target takes damage. (In the case of Extra Time which is significantly longer than the increment, as in the example you cite, most GMs will probably just let the DoT take effect as soon as the Extra Time ends, for ease of play.)

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