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Energy Names Required

Nuclear Fridge

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I'm about to run a 'super-drugs gone wild' scenario, where the Overbrain is looking to develop one or two possible recruits for his Brains Trust team. That he'll kill or permanently disable hundreds of people in the process is neither here nor there...:nonp:


I have ideas for four or five people who do develop powers, but I'm totally stuck on names. The super-drug in question is 'Electonic' from Villainy Amok.


1. A 'brick' whose strength and resilience relies on soaking up electrical force - either from his comrades' energy blasts or household current.

2. A teleporter who 'transmits' along conducting surfaces and electrical power lines. Probably vulnerable to heat attacks.

3. An energy-blaster whose power - fired from her hands - allows her to either blast or fly. Not both at once.

4. A gadgeteer/cyberkinetic who suffered physical injuries from the Electonic's "benefits". He has massively enhanced intelligence which he used to construct the first of an evolving series of hover-chairs for himself.

5. An energy source who can't actually 'fire' energy blasts without a home-made rifle - an electrical version of Pulson.


Anyone have any ideas on names for these boys and girls, please share them!

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Re: Energy Names Required


For the Brick I'd go with Capacitor. The Teleporter would be Arc. I'd call the energy blaster A/C for alternating current (referring to her limitaton on power use -one "alternative" or the other). The Gadgeteer would get the name Circuit, while the second blaster could rejoice in the double-meaning of Breaker.

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Re: Energy Names Required


. . .

1. A 'brick' whose strength and resilience relies on soaking up electrical force - either from his comrades' energy blasts or household current.

. . .

5. An energy source who can't actually 'fire' energy blasts without a home-made rifle - an electrical version of Pulson.

. . .

Well, I don't know about the other three characters but the names of these two seem to write themselves;


Assault and Battery

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Re: Energy Names Required


I'm about to run a 'super-drugs gone wild' scenario, where the Overbrain is looking to develop one or two possible recruits for his Brains Trust team. That he'll kill or permanently disable hundreds of people in the process is neither here nor there...:nonp:


I have ideas for four or five people who do develop powers, but I'm totally stuck on names. The super-drug in question is 'Electonic' from Villainy Amok.


1. A 'brick' whose strength and resilience relies on soaking up electrical force - either from his comrades' energy blasts or household current.

Dynamo or Jumpstart


2. A teleporter who 'transmits' along conducting surfaces and electrical power lines. Probably vulnerable to heat attacks.



3. An energy-blaster whose power - fired from her hands - allows her to either blast or fly. Not both at once.



4. A gadgeteer/cyberkinetic who suffered physical injuries from the Electonic's "benefits". He has massively enhanced intelligence which he used to construct the first of an evolving series of hover-chairs for himself.



5. An energy source who can't actually 'fire' energy blasts without a home-made rifle - an electrical version of Pulson.


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Re: Energy Names Required


I'm about to run a 'super-drugs gone wild' scenario, where the Overbrain is looking to develop one or two possible recruits for his Brains Trust team. That he'll kill or permanently disable hundreds of people in the process is neither here nor there...:nonp:


I have ideas for four or five people who do develop powers, but I'm totally stuck on names. The super-drug in question is 'Electonic' from Villainy Amok.


1. A 'brick' whose strength and resilience relies on soaking up electrical force - either from his comrades' energy blasts or household current.

2. A teleporter who 'transmits' along conducting surfaces and electrical power lines. Probably vulnerable to heat attacks.

3. An energy-blaster whose power - fired from her hands - allows her to either blast or fly. Not both at once.

4. A gadgeteer/cyberkinetic who suffered physical injuries from the Electonic's "benefits". He has massively enhanced intelligence which he used to construct the first of an evolving series of hover-chairs for himself.

5. An energy source who can't actually 'fire' energy blasts without a home-made rifle - an electrical version of Pulson.


Anyone have any ideas on names for these boys and girls, please share them!


1 . Powerhouse

2. Arc (seems we are more or so focused on that all )

3. Bolt

4. BrainSchock

5. Taser

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Re: Energy Names Required


Thanks to you all for the names; for some reason my brain just stopped working when it came to naming these characters.


They won't know for a while that the Overbrain is behind their transformations, but they are not going to be happy when they do find out!

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Re: Energy Names Required


lets see for the brick AMP or JUICE would be a good option

I like ARC for the tele-porter but CHAIN-LIGHTNING might work too

for your flyer/blaster SPARK PULSE or JUMP-START

cant think of a good one for the gadgeteer

for the energy source VOLTAGE or JUICE might work SOURCE actually works as does CHARGER

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Energy Names Required


1. A 'brick' whose strength and resilience relies on soaking up electrical force - either from his comrades' energy blasts or household current.

Strong Force?

Strenght and Force explain themself. But also the "Strong Force" is the only Fundamental Force stronger than Electromagnetism (wich he feeds on). The only force that can force a big charge to "stay togehter".


2. A teleporter who 'transmits' along conducting surfaces and electrical power lines. Probably vulnerable to heat attacks.

Okay, that one almost cries to be called "Superconductor". If possible you could somewhere nod at the "Meissner Effect".

We can make Superconductors. Just not ones that work under room-temperature (so yes, keeping them cool is the main problem).


3. An energy-blaster whose power - fired from her hands - allows her to either blast or fly. Not both at once.

Hmmm, either Fight or Flight?

How about "Phase"? She is literally switching between her "Flight Phase" and "Fight Phase".


4. A gadgeteer/cyberkinetic who suffered physical injuries from the Electonic's "benefits". He has massively enhanced intelligence which he used to construct the first of an evolving series of hover-chairs for himself.

The Hoverchair could work based on "Quantum Levitation or Quantum Trapping" (another Superconductor effect):

So Quantum or "Trapper" (of fundermental foces) would fit.


5. An energy source who can't actually 'fire' energy blasts without a home-made rifle - an electrical version of Pulson.

How about "Potential"? He has it, but requires a "Catalyst" (the Rifles Name; tough it is a chemical term, it could apply here) to use it.

Or how about he being "Cold Fusion", but the Rifle makes him "Hot Fusion"?

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