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Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


Furthermore, a Superman built on 350 shouldn't be just a huge STR and DEF, but also have a number of secondary powers that give him a major advantage in being a superhero.


He should have a Rep 14-


He should have VPP reflecting him flexibility.


And he should have followers "The Superman Family" (Supergirl, Steel, Superboy, Power Girl, Superwoman, etc.).

I don't see them as followers.

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


Life Support works against House Fires. Environmental effect.




Life Support Heat doesn't. That's for living in the desert, not standing in fire.


Again, if your Superman is 250 points, then your Pulsar better be 50 points. If Batman is 250, then Nighthawk is 150.


When I was a new Champions player, I always pestered the old-timers with questions like "How strong is Superman?" or "How much Dex does Spider-Man have?" The answer of "in my game world Spidey has a 20 Dex" is unsatisfying. I wanted to know what the real Superman had. Because even though I didn't know it at the time, the real question I was asking was "How does my character measure up to the guys I see in the comics?" When Superman picks up a sinking battleship that's half filled with water, I want to know where my character needs to be to do something similar. Even if Superman doesn't exist in this campaign world, it's helpful to have someone to gauge your power against. Frequently new players aren't that familiar with the abilities of every comic book character. They just know that certain characters are good at certain things, and they want to know how good.


Superman is strong.

Spider-Man is agile.

The Hulk is tough.

Mr. Fantastic is smart.

Green Lantern is strong willed.

Batman is spooky.

Sue Storm is hot.


How good a martial artist is Captain Karate-Chop? They want comparisons to characters they know. If you say "Silver Age Superman probably had a 200 Strength or more. Sometimes he'd have 400 or 500 if the plot required it. Modern Superman is probably closer to 125 in most stories. Animated Superman is maybe a 75 or 80" then that's useful to the player. Giving a guy a 250 point writeup doesn't fulfill any of that.

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


They way I give that response is like this: Generally speaking X has Y Z, though occasionally it will change because the author doesn't know what he's doing, they want to try something different, or the character is pushing their limits.



X=the name of the superhero

Y=the number

Z=the related stat

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


Actually, yeah, my Batman would be bulletproof, because he's a multi-billionaire and knows some of the greatest scientists in the world, most of whom owe him favors, and wouldn't be stupid enough to run around in light kevlar body armor. He'd have some awesome space-age body armor (that still looks like his regular costume). In any case, it's less 'bulletproof' and more 'you can't hit him'.


Keep in mind, this is galaxy-hopping Justice League Batman, not street-level Gotham City Batman. This is the Batman that went toe-to-toe in unarmed combat with Darkseid and held his own.

Batman Begins he was bullet-proof.


The Dark Knight not so much.

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


Batman couldn't beat Darkseid in a fight, he had to our think him.


He one in Batman/Superman Apocalypse by being willing to die while taking out the entire planet with him.


It goes to credibility.

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


I'll take your word for it. I never had any desire whatsoever to see the new Batman movies.

He had a close encounter with some big dogs. Required a change in his defenses. The reduction improved his mobility, such as being able to turn his head to help in backing out of the driveway.

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


Doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the stats the GM gives that character in his world.
What if the GM is asking you the question? That kind of thing needs a response other than "whatever you want it to be", because he's looking for what you think the character has. I had a GM who was somewhat conversant with comic books, but yielding to the fact that I knew more, he would regularly pick my brain for the stuff with which he wasn't particularly familiar.
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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


I tend to see statting out fictional characters as half subjective and half objective. The objective part is that their capabilities relative to normal people and the mundane world are often pretty well-defined(being as strong as 10 men, quicker than an olympic athlete, able to bounce magnum slugs off their chest, etc.). The subjective part is that, as you might find in the Amber diceless RPG, their relative level of capability is usually benchmarked against other characters in their setting(e.g., X is a better swordsman than Y but not quite as good as Z).

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


Not if they're hot enough to constitute an attack. Which most house fires are. It very specifically mentions this.

Got to love when you encounter things like that in the rules. My life support can protect me from molten rock or the heart of a sun, but apparently not a house fire.


(I recognize why it doesn't protect me from the Inhuman Scorch when he throws a fireball at me, but a house fire?)

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


The new one is worth it for Anne Hathaway.


Heath Ledger was great as the Joker in the Dark Knight, but I do miss Cassar Romero.


(don't click if you are worried about spoilers)


"Get busy swimming or get busy drowning."

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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


Got to love when you encounter things like that in the rules. My life support can protect me from molten rock or the heart of a sun, but apparently not a house fire.


(I recognize why it doesn't protect me from the Inhuman Scorch when he throws a fireball at me, but a house fire?)

Life Support: Heat doesn't protect you from lava. Protection from the sun depends on how close you are to the sun, if you're in it's corona, you are probably taking damage.
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Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.


Damage Negation, only to protect against environmental fire damage(-2), 5 points per 3 DC. For 15 points, you're effectively immune to most common fires. You only have to worry when it gets up to blast furnace/rocket exhaust levels.

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