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grouping Characteristics for adjsutment powers ?



So my group is looking at this system, and we were wondering how grouping characteristics works, it would be for the aid power, with a couple of advantages, my friend wants to make an character with the aid power that can add too any/all of his characteristics ? But I can't find how there grouped , is there a section in the book that shows which characteristic falls into which category? or better yet a list of category ?

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Re: grouping Characteristics for adjsutment powers ?


There aren't any "categories" or "groups" of Characteristics within the HERO System rules per se. For purposes of Aid and other Adjustment Powers, the typical method is to define how many Characteristics you want to affect at once, then buy Expanded Effect (6E1 142) at the appropriate level. For example, if a character wanted Aid STR, DEX, CON, and STUN 4d6, he'd buy Expanded Effect at the +1.5 level, because he's affecting four Characteristics simultaneously.


Beyond that, you're certainly free to define your own groups, subject to the GM's approval, for use with Variable Effect (6E1 142). For example you might have an Aid that affects "Physical Characteristics" (STR, DEX, CON, PD, ED, BODY, maybe some others), or one that affects "Mental Characteristics" (INT, EGO, PRE, OMCV, DMCV), one that affects "Combat Characteristics" (OCV, DCV, OMCV, DMCV, SPD), and so on. It's all a question of what the GM's willing to allow.

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