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Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities


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I don't understand how anyone can think the threats to rape or murder those the disagree with are appropriate or acceptable.


I consider them criminals, possibly even a form of terrorist, and want them all prosecuted to th full extent of the law.


Then there are hackers and malware creators. I am quite sure I want punishments for them beyond what the law allows.

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I don't understand how anyone can think the threats to rape or murder those the disagree with are appropriate or acceptable.


I consider them criminals, possibly even a form of terrorist, and want them all prosecuted to th full extent of the law.


Then there are hackers and malware creators. I am quite sure I want punishments for them beyond what the law allows.

The problem with this is that a lot of the people making these threats are entittled teenagers who absolutely have no intention of making good on those threats. They are simply empowered by the anonimity on the internet. These are the same a-hole kids who use homophobic and racist comments while playing online for shock value. The problem is how do we separate the jerk kids who are just trying to be shocking from the actual sociopaths who might actually make good on their threats.


(If you ask me, i think all these jerk kids need to spend a couple of weeks in the pokey, straighten their asses out right quick)

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You’ve quit?
I joined six months ago to specifically try to drive business to Much Ado because I figured Much Ado needs all the help it can get. The moment I joined, oh my God, what a responsibility, this is enormous work—very fun, but it really started to take up a huge amount of my head space. I’m making a movie, I got a responsibility, this job doesn’t pay very well. It’s a fascinating medium, it’s a fascinating social phenomenon. People are like, “It’s like a drug.” Yeah, and it’s like a job. It’s just another art form. Until I have a script I truly believe in or a tweet that’s really remarkable, I can just walk away and get back to the storytelling I need to do.

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I have yet to see Age of Ultron, (no spoilers please) but exactly what was wrong with the treatment of Widow in Ultron that has some people up in arms?

It is hard to say without giving spoilers.


Personally I can empathise with the Nerdrage but from the perspective of a Russian spy program with women I think it is practical.

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I have yet to see Age of Ultron, (no spoilers please) but exactly what was wrong with the treatment of Widow in Ultron that has some people up in arms?

She's the only female character, so of course she has to be at least in the early stages of a relationship with another character. This isn't true for the male characters, of course.


EDIT: I think that's the gist of the issue, without getting into spoiler info.

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I haven't seen it yet, but I know the three sore points, and they're frankly rediculous.

I have now seen the movie.  And I have seen nothing that should be controversial.



If one of the sore points is that she was captured and needed her male love interest to rescue her, that is absolutely ridiculous.  She rescues HIM each time he becomes Hulk.  They were simply momentarily reversing roles




If one of the sore points is that Widow is the only one who can calm down Hulk in a new millennium version of Beauty and the Beast people need to get a grip.  Finding someone or something that is your "center" or "ground" is part and parcel of anger management.  This is psychology, not sexism




If it's the budding relationship between Widow and Banner I don't see the issue.  Romanov sees a kindred spirit in Banner, and Banner/Hulk finds Natasha's presence comforting and familiar.  Its perfectly natural for a relationship to grow from such socialization.



WTF is wrong with people that they see sexism in these situations?

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Pretty much it, except that point two was expanded to the whole team. The bit seen in the trailer of "I'm always picking up after you boys," was mentioned in that context, saying she was put into the "team mom" role or some nonsense.


The third point was actually more along the lines of her having had relations with four guys on the team, something never even close to implied in any of the prior movies, and based on dumbass comments made by Renner. (Slut shaming was the term used. Renner seems to have a really poorly developed sense of humor.) Evans was also mentioned for making similar comments, but having not seen them, I'll take that with a grain of salt.


Typical internet buffoonery.


Oh, there was also her big back story reveal. That makes sense in context, though, and we all know Whedon likes to load his characters down with baggage.

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Pretty much it, except that point two was expanded to the whole team. The bit seen in the trailer of "I'm always picking up after you boys," was mentioned in that context, saying she was put into the "team mom" role or some nonsense.


The third point was actually more along the lines of her having had relations with four guys on the team, something never even close to implied in any of the prior movies, and based on dumbass comments made by Renner. (Slut shaming was the term used. Renner seems to have a really poorly developed sense of humor.) Evans was also mentioned for making similar comments, but having not seen them, I'll take that with a grain of salt.


Typical internet buffoonery.


Oh, there was also her big back story reveal. That makes sense in context, though, and we all know Whedon likes to load his characters down with baggage.

Even if they did actually make Romanov promiscuous, so what?  She's a f***ing spy!  That's not a profession that's conducive to healthy long term relationships.  As such, she's probably used to short lived flings and probably uses sex as a means of stress relief more so than any need for emotional intimacy.  People need to stop placing their limited paradigms on content creators.  There are billions of stories to tell out there.  Not all of them are going to be in everyone's comfort zone.

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That's a possibility, but I doubt that's the motive. Every time I see "cis" tossed around in a non-scholarly contest, I read it more as "look at me" than concern for the poor transsexual men out there. Because there's absolutely zero chance your average reader is going to read an article about online harassment and assume that it's coming from transsexuals rather than "cis" males. That assumption may be wrong, but logically and linguistically, there's no real good to use the terminology in that context.

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