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Current Champions or will 4th Edition suffice?


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Re: Current Champions or will 4th Edition suffice?


4th edition is a perfectly serviceable game.


edit: I understand used copies of 6th edition are very hard to find. Meaning, those who have them want to keep them. That right there says something about the value of the game.


Lucius Alexander


Upgrading a palindromedary


I recall having a discussion sometime back here and being shot down about my collecting HERO books as an investment tool as a bad thing and that the collecting of RPG books was stupid because you would never make a dime back on them......Right.....I see My copies of HERO are now invaluable. Just like my BESM 3E that I sold for $250.00 when I got it for $10.00, who's the idiot now?

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  • 10 months later...

Returning to this much later, I had "Dealer Dollars" sitting in my pocket at one of the Strategicons here in SoCal, and finally stumbled across Champions Complete. And my role-playing group said, "Superheroes? Well, sure if it is Champions!" So, a happy ending.

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Champions Complete is very good. There are five things you need to watch out for.


1) Growth: This power has some issues in this edition.


2) Shrinking: Shrinking is now super-efficient. Be careful with the results.


3) Transfer is gone, replaced with Drain + Aid. This can get mechanically awkward at times. Be careful.


4) Damage Negation: This power simulates certain things very well, but if you're used to 4th, it slows down combat A LOT. Be careful when using it.


5) Skill Levels with Limitations: All skills are now general. If you want more specific skills (That aren't sciences, knowledges, professions, or places), you take a limitation for it. I've never been a fan of this particular mechanic, because it opens a very bad door, but you can feel free to make of it what you will.

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