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Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


And finally, here's Paradox herself, both in her TED uniform and in her "superhero" outfit:









Both outfits feature the symbol of the Temporal Enforcement Directorate -- a shield-shaped badge upon

which the symbol for infinity has been imposed.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


As mentioned in Paradox's description, she has access to nanotechnology which not only enables

her to change her physical appearance, but also to change her clothing as well. Because her assign-

ment may require her to travel from one time period in the past to another, the advanced micro-

computers in the nanotbots have been programmed with information on several different clothing

styles, including the one shown below -- disguised as a young African-American woman of the 1970s:








Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Because of the covert nature of her assignment to our time period, Paradox has needed from time to time

to create cover identities which make it possible for her to gain information that she might otherwise have

been unable to acquire in her normal identity. One such identity is that shown below -- that of an American-

Chinese inhabitant of the local Chinatown:








Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


When information that seemed to indicate a possible link between the white slavery operation and

the eccentric multi-millionaire Reginald Wicked came up, Paradox had the appearance and costume

shown below programmed into her nanobots:








Not only will this outfit make it easier to circulate through a crowd at one of Reginald Wicked's

charity balls, it'll definitely attract the attention of Mister Wicked (even if she doesn't know

who that is yet [:eg:]).




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


In addition to the various human disguises that have been programmed into her nanobots, Paradox

also has a few alien disguises as well, which she normally uses only in her own time (with one notable

exception). One of these disguises -- that of a Rigellian IT technician -- is shown below:








This is one of the more uncomfortable disguises in Paradox's repetoire; because Rigellians only have

three fingers and a thumb on their hands, the nanotech has to physically alter her hands to perfectly

resemble those of true Rigellians; this is why this is one of the least-used of her disguises, but an im-

portant one nevertheless.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Of the alien disguises that Paradox makes use of in her work, this is the only one that she's using

in our time period -- that of a Krishnan from the Viagens Interplanetarias novels of L. Sprague de

Camp -- and then only when she wants to enjoy one of the phenomena of the 20th and 21st Cen-

turies which are known as science-fiction conventions:








As a fan of ancient science-fiction literature (as well as "old-style" film and televisual media of that type

that some individuals in her time -- notably her family -- have managed to preserve and transfer to more

modern storage media), the idea of including a Krishnan disguise in her nanobots' computer memory ap-

pealed to her tremendously. Not only can she use it without arousing suspicion while she's in our time

period, she can also use it to disguise herself as an exotic alien in her own time (not many people in her

native time period have the knowledge to recognize that her disguise is that of a fictional alien from a

series of 20th-Century novels; the majority of those who see her in this form assume that she's a visitor

from an as-yet unknown world outside of the Federation's borders). Given the sensuality with which she

roleplays the part when in this form, it's no wonder that males of any species are immediately attracted

to her.


Recently, Paradox has been considering adding another green-skinned alien disguise to her repetoire --

that of a slave girl from another sci-fi series which is still very popular, even in her own time (:sneaky:).


NOTE: To anyone who's seen the previous alien disguise of Paradox's: consider your geekcred to be

increased in a major way if you can spot the tribute to a certain sci-fi series that I slipped into the





Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Paradox isn't all work and no play; she does occasionally take the time to enjoy herself -- especially if

she's got someone to enjoy that time with. The outfits shown below are for those times when she wants

to enjoy herself:








As with all of her outfits which have been shown thus far, these are made from nanocloth

which can be altered at will; these particular outfits, however, have special features of

their own. Because this is a family-friendly forum, however, these special features will

NOT be described here -- anyone who want to know what they are will have to wait until

The Book of the Wicked is ready for those interested in a copy.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Here's one last pic for now; considering the subject of this thread, I can't think of a more appropriate

place for it:








A little bit of explanation here: some time ago, steriaca asked me if it was possible to do a "damsel-in-distress"

type of picture using either Fabrica or Heromachine, and at the time, I'd told him that I didn't think that it was

possible, given the limitations on those character creators (especially Fabrica). However, the question kept nag-

ging at me, and recently I had an idea as to how it might be possible to do it.


The original idea that I'd had was to put the DiD on a stretch of railroad tracks, in the grand tradition of Snidely

Whiplash-style movie villains throughout B&W film history; unfortunately, by the time that I was ready to put

the finishing touches on the pic, my laptop was slowing down to the point that it would've taken hours to finish

(I'd used my color background technique to make a dirt-colored background on which to put the rest of the

picture's elements; unfortunately, the more stuff that got put on the pic, the slower my computer got). Rather

than start all over, I got rid of everything except the DiD and one of the "railroad tracks", and looked through

the Scenario menu for a suitable background -- which I did find.


After selecting two shades of gray for the background (to make it look like a dark and decidedly grim dungeon

cell), I stretched out and positioned the "railroad track" to make it look like a heavy upright wooden beam,

against which I positioned the DiD to make it look as though she was tied to it; between that and the express-

ion on her face, she looks as if she's fearfully waiting for her kidnapper/captor to come through the cell door

at any moment.



C'est diabolique, oui?




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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