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Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Humm...I can defently see him as an evil baron in a Fantacy Hero campain. As for Cyber Hero' date=' honastly I have no ideal except to make him an example of the way of thinking "I'm rich! I can do ANYTHING I want!". (Which is proably true in a [i']Cyber Hero[/i] campain).


He dosen't have much to go to be a villian in a Horror Hero game. No selling off his beuties...just torcher rape and kill. (And you thought he coulden't get even darker than he already is). For Victorean Hero, um, I don't think that will ever be writen considering the state of Hero Games/DOJ is right now. But if thay ever DO write it, he woulden't seem so out of place (othoe I guess I should do a pulp victorean version and a steampunk version of the charater...not stats but ways he can be played).


As for Star Hero, isen't that what Captian "Dirty" Tom Rackhan is for?




Well, Captain Rackham is pretty much your basic space pirate (one with a time-travel capability,

but a space pirate nevertheless), and as such he's just one of many. But someone like Mister

Wicked, on the other hand -- a villain who goes around dressed as a Victorian-era gentleman

in the 31st Century, and who subjects his victims to antiquated (by the standards of the 31st

Century) deathtraps -- is someone who's definitely going to stand out in a crowd; even more so

depending upon which version (the light-themed version or the darker one) of the character

is being used.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

Minus 94 and counting...

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


There was one genre that I'd forgotten to include when I made the post about other genres

that Mister Wicked could be used in: Post-Apocalyptic. When you consider that one of the

tropes that that particular genre deals with are individuals who prey upon the innocent in

many of the same ways that Mister Wicked does, it wouldn't be hard to imagine him in such

a setting -- a tad more raggedly-looking, perhaps, but there nevertheless.


With the pronounced lack of any law-enforcement organization to worry about, there'd be

little to stop him from expanding his operation into the single largest slave-trading operat-

ion in the post-Ooops world -- with the possible exception of the PCs.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

Minus 92 and counting...

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


OK. This is the format for my fan supliment "The Book Of The Wicked", which I'll begin my scriblings when I get Champions Compleat.


1) Introduction.

a) Copyright information

B) Mature audeance warning.

2) The Orginzation Wicked

a) History.

B) Structor.

3) The Dramatic Personas

a) Mister Wicked

B) Henchmen

c) Hierlings

d) Custmers

e) Victoms

4) 50 Shades Of Wicked (50 plot seeds)

5) Through The Mirror Wickedly

a) Adaptating the charaters for a Champions and Dark Champions Campain.

B) Adapting the charaters for other campains.

6) A Wicked Place, A Wicked Object

a) Example base

B) Example Vehicals, including his privet subway train.

c) Example equipment.

7) Epalog


Note: This is a wrougth list...things and layout are subject to change. As for artwork, I plan on not having any if I am to do this myself. Distrbution will be free to thoes asking via e-mail, but I will be unable to do anything beyond a Microsoft Word copy.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


OK. This is the format for my fan supliment "The Book Of The Wicked", which I'll begin my scriblings when I get Champions Compleat.



Lets make it offical. MajorTom is the co-author of the book (lets face it, he basicly created 50% of the henchmen, and helped fleshed out the rest).


And acording to MajorTom, there will be a 'rouge galery' for our rouge.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Here's one of Mister Wicked's many clients -- a DEMON Morbane known as Black Mano:









Major Tom 2009 :eg:

Minus 64 and counting...


Black Mano (I beleve 'mano' is spanish for 'hand') found or was given a magical black glove. This glove is now permently atached to his left hand. Using the glove, he is able to 'generate' a large black hand shaped field of necromantic force for vareous effects. It has limited energy source, but recharging it is rather 'easy', simply grab a living being with the left hand and drain them of there life force.


Being a Morbain, he also knows how to cast some 'minor' spells. But, combat wise, he relies more on his magical (some would say cursed) glove.


(Think an evil, magical Green Lantern, and your not that far from Black Mano)

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


One of Mister Wicked's regular customers is a representative of the super-high-tech organization

known as ARGENT -- a man who is known only as the Procurer:








This cold-blooded and thoroughly disagreeable cad visits Mister Wicked's secret auction facility

from time to time in order to purchase what he euphemistically refers to as "experimental sub-

jects" -- young and fairly strong women who invariably wind up being sent to the labs in the

various ARGENT facilities scattered throughout the world, where they are used in numerous

and sometimes quite deadly research projects. Not all of those purchased wind up in the labs

right away; the more attractive ones are imprisoned in the "recreational facilities" that many

of these bases have (hey, even criminal techno-geeks have needs that have to be seen to on

occasion). They remain there where they "entertain" the base personnel, until such time as

one of them is needed in the labs for a new experiment -- at which time their life expectancy

plummets like a rock.


Unless, of course, she's lucky enough to gain superpowers as a result of said experiment

which enables her to escape.




Major Tom 2009 :dyn

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


The so-far informal group which will be hunting Mister Wicked -- the Crusaders -- is made up of

individuals from several different backgrounds, ranging from law enforcement (both from the

present and the future) to the superheroic, with some from the crimefighting community thrown

in for good measure. The members of this group are as follows:


Paradox: this young woman -- a native of the 31st Century, the time period which is home to the

Galactic Federation -- is an agent of the extremely top-secret Temporal Enforcement Directorate,

which was formed in response to Dirty Tom Rackham's theft of an experimental timeship. The TED's

existence is so secret that only a small handful of people in the Federation -- those in the espionage

and law-enforcement communities as well as the President -- are aware of its existence (not even

the 31st-Century incarnation of the Champions are aware of the Directorate's existence). As the

first-ever agent to be recruited by the TED, Paradox was given some of the most advanced nano-

technology in existence -- nanotech which would not only enable her to alter both her clothing and

physical appearance, but also to appear as members of other humanoid species (within certain

limits). She was also given technology similar to that in Rackham's possession -- a personal force

field generator, a combination communicatior and computer, a universal translator, and a neural

stunner -- and given her maiden assignment: the apprehension of Dirty Tom Rackham and the

recovery of the timeship.


To make it possible for her to carry out this assignment, the Directorate entrusted her with its most

secret technology: a personal time-travel device which could be carried on her person. Paradox was

also given a personal anti-gravity and flight device (what was called a "flight ring" in her time), as

well as an advanced life-support system in the form of a belt, which would allow her to survive in

any concievable environment without the need for bulky life-support gear.


Because the 20th and 21st Centuries were a very large area in which a temporal criminal could hide

in, Paradox's assignment was made open-ended, with no deadline in which to accomplish it by. She

was given one very important order before being sent on her mission, however: under no circum-

stances whatsoever was she to do anything which could alter the timeline, as even the slightest

change might make it impossible for her to return to her native time period.


Not long after arriving in the present, Paradox learned that Rackham was not only buying young women

from a white slavery operation, but was also transporting them to the 31st Century to sell them at the

alien slave markets outside of Federation territory -- as well as at least one that was within it. What she

didn't know was who was behind the operation, so she set out to discover that information in the hope

of killing two birds with one stone: not only capturing Rackham so that he could answer for his crimes

in front of a Federation court, but also to put an end to a despicable criminal enterprise. In the course

of her investigation, she came across a number of individuals who were out to accomplish the same

thing. After an intensive discussion -- during which Paradox shared her secret with them -- all of them

decided to pool their resources in order to put a stop to the white slavery operation, and to bring those

behind it to justice (at least those who were native to their own time; they recognized that Rackham

could only be tried in a court of the 31st Century in order to avoid changing the timeline). They also

agreed to keep Paradox's secret in order to protect her from those who would be more than interested

in gaining access to her technology.



Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Romulus "Wolf" Blackthorne and Katherine "Kate" Lightner: these two Special Agents

of the F.B.I. are one of the most effective partnerships in the Bureau. This is due in large

part to Wolf's previous career as one of the USMC's Marine Force Recon operators, a career

which ended in a medical discharge following an incident which took place during a training

exercise in India (he was one of a few foreign soldiers who'd been invited to undergo cross-

training in jungle warfare under the tutelage of Gurkha instructors at that time). A head in-

jury suffered at the time caused his hair to turn prematurely white, as well as causing mem-

ory loss; as he was the only survivor of the incident, a great deal of effort was made to help

him to regain his memory of whatever had happened, but to no avail. However, one of his

former superior officers (and a family friend as well) suspects -- quite accurately, as a matter

of fact -- that Wolf not only remembers more than he's told anyone, he's chosen for whatever

reason to conceal his knowledge of the incident. For now, the officer has decided to leave Wolf

be, in the hope that he'll choose to tell what happened that day. It's only a matter of time,

however, before someone else takes it upon themselves to seek the answers on their own.


Kate Lightner, on the other hand, came from a different background altogether: that of a college

graduate with a degree in criminology who joined her hometown's police force after making it

through college. She later joined the F.B.I. following the mysterious disappearance of her friend

and college roommate and one of their friends -- both attractive young women -- from their

homes. Although evidence was found which indicated that they'd been abducted, no trace of

the missing girls was ever found again. It was as if both young women had vanished from the

face of the Earth (which, in fact, they had -- courtesy of Captain Rackham and his timeship).

Lightner joined at the same time as Wolf Blackthorne did, and both went through training to-

gether. Following their graduation, the two of them worked together on a few minor cases,

with a brief period during which they were on different assignments (with Blackthorne being

on the Bureau's Hostage Rescue Team, and Lightner serving as an assistant to the Legal Attache

of the U.S. Embassy in Japan) before being reunited for their first major assignment: the in-

vestigation of a rumored white slavery ring with international connections.


It was during this assignment that Blackthorne and Lightner first encountered those who would,

along with themselves, later become the core membership of the Crusaders -- the time traveler

Paradox, Wolf's older cousin Hieryonomous and his friend Dr. Joyce Watkins, the superheroic

mage called Lightbearer, former Texas Ranger turned detective Remington Jones, and the super-

vigilante called Kitsune. Together, these eight individuals would wage a shadow war -- first against

Dirty Tom Rackham, then eventually Mister Wicked.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I'd originally posted the pics of these two over at the DC-type HeroMachine thread, but I'll go ahead and

post their background here as well:



The older cousin of Wolf Blackthorne, Hieronymous Blackthorne is much like Sherlock Holmes, in that

he is self-taught in a number of fields (fortunately, he is also smart enough to have avoided Holmes' only

shortcoming -- drug addiction), which he uses to help others. He does so by offering his services as a paid

"special consultant", who advises his clients on the best way to handle a problem -- whether legal or per-

sonal -- once he has all of the pertinent information in hand. However, there is a side to his business that

he keeps secret from all except a small but trusted handful of individuals in the law-enforcement commun-

ity -- whenever the authorities have a case that has presented them with particular difficulty where its sol-

ution is concerned, he, along with his friend and associate Dr. Joyce Watkins, lend their combined talents

to the authorities in order to solve the case and bring the perpetrators to justice. Their only request when

such a situation arises is that their involvement is kept completely secret, and that no word of it be allowed

to leak to the news media. Hieronymous' reasoning behind this request is that, if a perpetrator doesn't

know that someone like himself or Dr. Watkins is working with the police to solve their crime, he or she

won't be trying to impede the investigation by trying to kill either or both of them.


As for Dr. Watkins, when she's not up to her elbows in helping Hieryonomous solve a crime, she's a general

practicioner at one of the city's major hospitals. In addition to the skills required to practice her profession,

she has also aquired an expert knowledge of pharmacology and toxicology. Recently, Hieronymous has

convinced her to take up the study of forensic medicine as well, so that she'll be better able to assist him

where her field of expertise is concerned.


Under normal circumstances, the two of them only get involved with a criminal investigation once a request

for their assistance has been made by the authorities; however, a situation has arisen which has caused them

to initiate an investigation of their own. Two of Dr. Watkins' friends and professional colleagues -- a female

doctor and a nurse -- have recently turned up missing after both of them supposedly went on separate vacat-

ions; no one knew that both of them were missing until someone tried to get in touch with the doctor weeks

later at the hotel she was supposedly staying at, only to discover that not only was the doctor not there, but

that no reservation in her name had ever been made. An attempt to contact the nurse ended the same way;

following this discovery, Watkins immediately went to Blackthorne and told him what had happened, and the

two of them commenced their own investigation into the disappearances. In the course of their inquiries, they

learned that the two missing women had recently brought charges against one of the male physicians on the

hospital staff for improper behavior toward his female patients -- charges that were ultimately substantiated

and resulted in the doctor's firing and subsquent revocation of his license. Both Blackthorne and Watkins de-

cided to investigate the disgraced physician, as it was entirely possible that he had a motive to arrange for

the possible abduction of the two women.


During the course of their investigation, they encountered a group of very different people, all of whom were

likewise carrying out their own, similar investigations; once they'd found a place to sit down and discuss their

activities, they all realized that they were investigating the same case, only from several different angles. Upon

that realization, all of them decided to pool their resources in order to solve the crimes and to bring those be-

hind them to justice; they also decided to follow Blackthorne and Watkins' example of keeping their activities

secret, and to keep Paradox's secrets as well.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


One of the more colorful members of the Crusaders, next to Kitsune and Paradox, is the

sorceror/superhero Lightbearer. A master of the hermetic arts, Lightbearer protected

his home city and its inhabitants against mystical evil of all sorts, but always in secret.

That changed on the day that a young woman from his old neighborhood was kidnapped

under mysterious circumstances, and he set out to find her using his mystical abilities.


In the course of his investigation, he learned that the organization of evil mystics and

sorcerors known as DEMON was involved with the kidnapping in some way, but in what

capacity he didn't know. Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about looking for their

local headquarters, as he'd managed to discover where the young woman was being

held. Launching a surprise attack on the abandoned warehouse where the kidnapped

girl was being held, Lightbearer found himself recieving help from an unexpected source:

a young woman who used high-tech devices and weapons to fight the kidnappers.


After the fight was over (and both the victim and her kidnappers had had their memories

altered so that they wouldn't remember who saved her and defeated them), the young

woman introduced herself as Paradox, and told him that although the two of them had

been at the warehouse for slightly different reasons, their goal was the same: to discover

who was behind the kidnapping. She also told Lightbearer that they weren't the only ones

who were involved; that there were in fact several others who were searching for the same

thing, only they weren't as yet aware of it.


Paradox then told him that, if they were to have any chance at all of bringing about an end

to the evil behind the kidnapping -- not only of the young woman that they'd saved, but

countless others as well -- then they would need to gather the others together and combine

their resources to accomplish that goal. Otherwise, whoever was behind the kidnapping --

and others like it -- would continue to work their evil, condemnning many more innocent

young women to a fate worse than death.


Knowing somehow that Paradox was absolutely correct, Lightbearer agreed that the others

that she'd spoken of needed to be gathered together and told what was at stake, and so he

used a subtle application of one of his abilities to insure that they would all gather at a place

of his choosing. The mystical summoning was successful, and not long after that, Paradox

informed them of her mission as well as how their respective investigations were a part of

it, even if they hadn't been aware of it at the time. She then asked if they'd be willing to

join her in stopping the kidnappings once and for all.


Although the others were skeptical at first, especially regarding Paradox's claim that she was

from a thousand years in the future, it didn't take long for any of them to accept the truth

once they'd compared the information their respective investigations had turned up and saw

just how much of it tallied with what she'd told them (it also didn't hurt her cause when she

demonstrated the technology to which she had access -- technology which was clearly in

advance of anything currently existing on Earth). Once they were indeed convinced of the

truth, the group agreed to join forces to deal with this threat; Special Agents Blackthorne

and Lightner also told them that, because they had no idea of what kind of reach the enemy

might have into the law-enforcement community, their activities would have to be kept

secret from everyone so that any moles wouldn't get wind of their operation before they

were ready to move. The others agreed to the need for secrecy; all that was left to do was

to come up with a name for their little group.


It was Wolf Blackthorne who came up with the name for the group:


"Since we're on what amounts to a Crusade, what better name could we have than Crusaders?"


The others liked the name, so it was that the group became known amongst itself as the Crusaders.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


The super-vigilante now known as Kitsune was once a young woman by the name of

Kitty Simpson, who had a friend who vanished mysteriously after going to Japan to

pursue an acting career. Traveling to Japan herself to try and find her friend, Kitty

soon ran afoul of an organization called the Shadow Clan, a high-tech gang affiliated

with the Yakuza that specialized in cutting-edge and highly esoteric experiments. One

such experiment involved using the DNA of selected animals in conjunction with a

mutagenic catalyst in order to transform the subject into an anthropomorph -- a hybrid

of animal and human, one with the best features of both species. Kitty's friend had

been the subject of a previous attempt, and had died during the transformation pro-

cess...and now the Shadow Clan's scientists had a new subject with which to work.


After being securely restrained, Kitty was injected with a modified version of the formula

that had been tested on her friend: a combination of vulpine DNA and the mutagenic cat-

alyst, which had been altered to allow a longer transformation period (the previous form-

ula had had a faster effect on its subjects, and the scientists believed that that was what

had killed their previous subject -- her inability to adjust quickly enough to the trans-

formation process to survive it). Within seconds of the injection, Kitty lost consciousness...


...only to wake up several hours later, to find that she had indeed been successfully trans-

formed into a fox-girl, complete with sharp claws on her fingers and toes, pointed ears,

and a layer of short reddish-brown fur covering her body. Upon seeing what had been done

to her, Kitty passed out from the shock. Wanting to examine her more closely in a lab, the

scientists undid her restraints in preparation to move her to a gurney. Once the last of

the restraints was undone, however, Kitty suddenly lashed out, catching the scientists by

surprise; in their haste, they'd forgotten to sedate her so that she wouldn't fight them. In

seconds, she'd not only managed to overpower the scientists, but also managed to escape

from the secret lab as well.


The next few days could best be described as a very intense game of hide-and-seek, as

Kitty was doing her best to avoid being recaptured by the Shadow Clan while simultane-

ously attempting to reach the U.S. Embassy. Eventually, she did manage to reach her

destination, but only with the timely aid of two Japanese superheroes, Gold Dragon and

Rising Sun. After managing to convince the Ambassador and his staff about who she was

and what had been done to her, she was sent home aboard a U.S. Government aircraft;

upon arriving back home, she was introduced to the head of the local PRIMUS headquart-

ers, who made arrangements to help her to not only learn just what her abilities were,

but how to cope with them as well.


It was during these sessions that Kitty -- who had decided to take the code name of Kitsune,

after the fox-women of Japanese folklore -- began to study both local and Federal law enforce-

ment records for any other cases like her friend's; sure enough, there were, but there were

several others as well that appeared to be scattered all over the country -- but which were all

too similar to be the work of different perpetrators. Once her training was complete, Kitsune

began her own, quiet investigation into the abductions, during which she experienced a sudden

compulsion to visit a certain location. Making her way there, Kitsune was surprised to see an

odd group of people already there, two of whom looked like superheroes.


Upon noticing Kitsune's arrival, the older of the two costumed figures welcomed her to the

gathering and introduced himself as Lightbearer, and the young costumed woman next to

him as Paradox. He then explained the reason that he'd summoned them to this secret

meeting: each of them was investigating the same as-yet unidentified organization which

was responsible for all of the kidnappings that had occurred over the last decade or more,

or -- in Kitsune's case -- had been indirectly victimized by it. Paradox spoke up then, and

suggested that if they were to join forces and combine their resources, that they would

have a better chance of bringing down the organization and bringing its leaders to justice.


Seeing in Paradox's suggestion a chance to avenge her friend's death at the hands of the

Shadow Clan, Kitsune agreed that joining forces would be a good idea indeed. And so it

was that Kitsune became a founding member of the Crusaders.


NOTE: Although she's unaware of it, Kitsune was followed that day by a PRIMUS agent,

one of those involved with her training. The agent was able to get close enough to re-

cord the meeting and the conversation between Kitsune and the others present; as a

result, the agent in charge of the PRIMUS HQ where Kitsune was being trained is fully

aware of the existence of the Crusaders and of their mission. He has, however, decided

to keep this knowledge a secret, as he agrees with Special Agent Blackthorne about

the possibility of there being moles in law enforcement working for the organization. He

has also assigned the agent who discovered the existence of the Crusaders to be Kitsune's

contact with PRIMUS (in case the need ever arises to provide support for the team), and

has further seen to it that the recordings made by his agent have been completely des-





Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Remington Jones was once a Texas Ranger years ago, and was considered to be one of the

best. That was before the incident which caused him to give up his badge and to resign from

the Rangers.


He'd been part of a joint protective detail -- half F.B.I., half Texas Rangers -- that had been

assigned to protect an important witness and his family prior to his testimony before a Grand

Jury, and there were rumors that the people he was going to testify against were planning a

last-ditch attempt to silence him before he could set foot inside the courtroom. Needless to

say, the detail took every precaution that its members could think of to ensure their charge's



Unfortunately, the one precaution they didn't think of was to watch out for treachery from one

of their own: one of the agents from the Bureau was actually corrupt, and was working for the

people who wanted the witness dead. At a prearranged time, the inside man slipped knockout

drugs into the food and drinks of the other members of the detail; the only ones who he wasn't

able to drug were Jones and two members of the Bureau who were on a roving patrol outside

the safehouse. That was the only reason that they survived when the hit team attacked the

safehouse later that night. With the inner guard detail unconscious, it was all too easy for the

inside man to let the hit team into the house, at which time two of them proceeded to fulfill

their contract while the rest kept Jones and the other Bureau agents from getting near the



Before Jones and the others could do anything to get closer to the house, it exploded from

within, destroying it completely. As soon as the fires could be put out, and the bodies of

the dead -- the witness, his wife, and the inner guard detail; the bodies of the two twin

daughters were missing, and it was believed that they'd been incinerated in the fire -- were

removed from the house. Once it was discovered that not all of the bodies of the inner

guard detail had been recovered, and that in fact one of them was missing, an investigation

was conducted. It wasn't long before the investigation turned up the fact of the missing

agent's corruption, and of the huge sum that had been deposited to his account before the

attack on the safehouse.


Although it was a small relief to discover that nothing he or any of the other Rangers of the

detail had done was responsible for the death of the witness and his family, Jones could

only feel deep shame that innocent people who'd depended on him for their lives had died --

a shame that ran so deep that it drove him to resign from the Rangers. He didn't give up

the legal business entirely, however, for a few weeks after his resignation Remington Jones,

P.I. hung up his shingle and started taking clients.


Several months later, the two F.B.I. agents who'd survived along with Jones that night paid

him a visit, bringing with them incredible news -- that the twin daughters that everyone

thought had died in the safehouse fire along with their parents and the inner guard detail

were in fact alive, and were slaves to a sheikh in the Middle East. Not only were they alive,

but the traitor who'd caused the deaths of their fellow agents and Rangers was alive as well

and working for the sheikh as his chief of security. Upon learning of the true fate of the girls,

a cold, calculating rage took possession of Jones, and he swore an oath right there and then:

that no matter how long it took, or what he had to do to accomplish it, that he would some-

how free the girls from their captivity -- and bring the traitorous agent to justice, one way

or another. The agents promised Jones that they'd give him whatever help he needed in

order to fulfill that oath, even if it meant breaking every regulation in the book.


A week after the visit from the agents, Jones was going through the information they'd given

him when he suddenly felt the need to travel to another city to meet with some people. Upon

arriving at the city in question -- and making his way to an isolated part of it -- Jones met

with the most interesting group of people he'd ever met: two F.B.I. agents, a guy wearing

what looked like 19th-Century clothing, an attractive African-American woman who was with

him, and three others who looked like superheroes -- one of whom appeared to have reddish-

brown fur, pointed ears, and amber-colored eyes not unlike those of a fox. After Jones had

gotten close enough to the group, the older of the three costumed figures introduced himself

as Lightbearer, and one of the two costumed women with him as Paradox.


Once Lightbearer had made the introductions, he turned the discussion over to Paradox, who

informed all of them that, whether they knew it or not, all of them were facing the same enemy --

an organization that had not only been in existence for nearly 200 years, but which had consigned

countless innocent young women to a fate worse than death. She also told them that, if there

was to be any chance of bringing about the end of the organization, all of them would need to

join forces with one another and combine their resources to achieve that goal.


Although some of what he'd heard sounded a bit farfetched -- especially the part about Paradox

being from the 31st Century, and that she was some kind of time cop -- Jones couldn't deny the

logic of what had been said about joining together to stop the white slavery operation once and

for all. There was also his oath to consider; being a part of a group such as the one being proposed

would make it much easier to rescue the girls when the time came...and if he was able to settle

the account with the traitor in the process, so much the better. He therefore decided to join with

the others to form the Crusaders.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


OK, now that the fluff about the Crusaders is out of the way, here are the pics that go with

the characters. I'm going to post them in reverse order, as Paradox has more than one pic

of her to be posted (for reasons which will be explained later).


First up is Remington Jones, P.I. (in both casual clothes and his "working" outfit):








Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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