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Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


steriaca: Check your regular email box; there's a couple of new ideas there.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:


Checked and double checked my friends.


Once thay get back from The Arc, eveyone is in for a treat.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Whenever Mister Wicked has a dead body that he needs to get rid of (and never be found),

or a captive he needs to make an example of in order to terrify the others, he calls upon

the services of a supervillain known as the Eliminator:








The Eliminator has two specialties which are of considerable use to Mister Wicked: not

only does he dispose of any of Mister Wicked's captives who have died from one cause

or another (this usually entails the complete destruction of the corpse, either by dissolv-

ing it in a vat of powerful acid, or dismembering it and scattering the pieces over a wide

area), he also eliminates those who have displeased Mister Wicked (either by being very

resistant to Mister Wicked's conditioning techniques, or being rude to him in some way).


It is in the second case that his superpower -- that of teleportation -- comes into play. His

standard technique for murder by teleportation is to transport the victim into a situation

where he or she is certain to die within instants (or minutes) of arriving at the Eliminator's

chosen destination. In the past, he has teleported his victims into natural disasters such

as the wildfires that occasionally break out in the Western U.S., industrial facilities where

there is a high risk of serious injury or death (steel mills are one of his favorite locations;

his standard procedure is to teleport the victim so that he or she materializes several feet

over a vat of molten metal), or to remote locations somewhere on the face of the Earth

where extreme environmental conditions are the norm (the Antarctic, for example). He

hasn't yet teleported anyone into the middle of an ocean, but it's only a matter of time

before he does. One of his more recent techniques -- and one which has endeared him

to Mister Wicked -- is to teleport the victim directly into the path of an oncoming train.


Prior to disposing of a living victim in this way, the Eliminator places TV cameras at the loc-

ation where the victim will materialize; Mister Wicked's desire, in this case, is for the rest

of the captives to see the consequences of giving him any trouble whatsoever.


No one -- not even Mister Wicked -- knows what the Eliminator looks like outside of his

costume; he was hired through an intermediary who provided Mister Wicked with a con-

tact number to use whenever he had a job for the Eliminator.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


This character isn't one of Mister Wicked's henchmen, but she is likely to become one

of his victims at some point in the near future -- Pauline Dubois, a junior high school

English teacher and the fiancee of Phillipe Bouchard (Mister Wicked's costume designer):








Not only is she very popular with the student body of the junior high where she works,

she's also an exceptionally attractive blue-eyed blonde; between her drop-dead gorge-

ous appearance and her first name, it's no wonder that Mister Wicked has begun to cast

covetous eyes upon Miss Dubois.


Pauline Dubois could be a plot hook in a campaign in which there are teen superhero PCs;

one or more of them could be students in her class. If and when Mister Wicked gets around

to kidnapping her, the teen heroes could become involved with the attempt to find her be-

fore she suffers a fate worse than death (:jawdrop:).




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


It's Thursday, and I promoused you stats for a typical Guard of the Wicked Orginzation. (Which reminds me, what should Mister Wicked's Orginzation be named?)


Typical Wicked Guard


Value Char Cost Roll/Notes

13 STR 3 12- Lift 150kg, 2 and 1/2d6 HTH Damage [1]

14 DEX 8 13-

13 CON 3 12-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

11 EGO 1 11-

13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack 2 and 1/2d6


5 OCV 10

5 DCV 10

4 OMCV 3

4 DMCV 3

3 SPD 10 Phases: 4,8,12


5 PD 3 Total PD: 15PD/10rPD (Activation Roll: 12-)

4 ED 2 Total ED: 14ED/10rED (Activation Roll: 12-)

5 REC 1

25 END 1

10 BODY 0

22 STUN 1

Total Char Cost: 65


Cost Powers [END]

60 Argent Tazer Sap: Hand-To-Hand Attack 6d6, Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), Focus (OAF, Breakable 6 BODY, 3rPD, 3rED, Universal, -1) AND Blast 6d6, AVLD (NND - Resistant ED, target is completly insulated, haveing internal electrical manipulation powers of some kind, +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END on this portion of the power, +1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Trigger (When linked attack strikes target, no time to activate, resets automaticly, can set multiple times, +1), Focus (OAF, Breakable (see above for body and defences), Universal, -1), Linked (Greater power linked to lesser power, -1/4) [sTR +3]

17 Argent Chemicaly Treated Costume, Fashionstyle: Victoreanprison: Resistant Protection +10PD, +10ED, Focus (OIF, Breakable 6 BODY, 10rPD, 10rED, Concelable, Universal, -1/2) Requiers A Roll (12-, -1/4)

60 Aditinal Equipment: 60 point VVP

20 Aditinal Equipment Control Cost: 30 point Control Cost, Focuses (At most OAF, -1), VVP Can Only Be Changed At An Armery (-1/2)

2 Fast On There Feat: Running +2m (14m total) [1]


Cost Skills:Rolls

4 1 Interaction Skill Level

3 KS: The Criminal Underworld: 11-

2 KS: Hobby: 11-

3 PS: Guard:12-

10 2 diffrent Charateristic-Based Skills at +1 each, GM's Choice

1 Fam w/Charm: 8-

1 Fam w/Criminology: 8-

1 WF: One WF of the GM's Choice (usaly Small Arms)


Total Powers and Skills Cost: 183

Grand Total: 248


Complications: 100+

Distinctive Features: Victorean Prisoner Uniform (Concelable, Notice And Recognisable) 10

Hunted by Mister Wicked's Orginzation (More Powerful, NCI, Frequently, Watching) 15

Hunted by Law Enforcement (More Powerful, Frequently) 15

Psychological Complication: GM's Choice (Common, Strong) 15

Psychological Complication: Another Choice By The GM (Common, Strong) 15

Social Complication: Criminal Record (Frequently, Major) 15

Social Complication: Subject to Orders (Frequently, Major) 15

Henchman's Luck: Unluck 1d6: 5

Henchman Bonus: 43


Follower Cost: 50 for one Guard, +5 for each doubling.


Background/History: The guards have vareous backgrounds, but thay have many things in common. Thay are all familer with the penal system, haveing been 'guest of the state' at one time or another. And thay are all men who are greatful for a job...any job...for an orginzation who has there back and takes cair of them. Even if thay have to wear uniforms which remind them of the inside.


Quote: Yes. Right away boss. Consider it done.


Personality/Modivation: Vareous as the men who make up the guard. Most of them have dark personalities to begin with, and thrive in an enviroment where thay can harm others on comand.


Powers/Tactics: Thay relie on there Tazer Saps and numbers to quell riotous 'product' or keep thoes who come to resque the 'product' from doing so. If the target seems to be imune to the sap, thay might bring out many of the other equipment thay are knolagable in.


Let's face it, to most supers theas guys are cannon fodder. At the best, thay only exist to go back to the slamer after a sloberknocker and to give Mister Wicked time to excape.


Apperance: The guards are dressed like sterotypical victorean and early 20th centery prisoners, with white and black striped shirts. Thay carry there Tazer Saps on them when working. Many of them also wear domino masks (some of them for show...others have flash shields in them...mirrored lenses). Most of them are rather big and musciler in nature.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


It might not be a good idea for Mister Wicked's organization to have a specific name attached

to it, especially since a name more often than not provides a starting point for any investigat-

ion that the authorities (or even worse, a vigilante hero with the same general skill set as the

Batman) may be about to conduct. Given that Mister Wicked's organization, from the details

that have been provided thus far, is at least a century old -- if not older -- the last thing that

someone like him would want is for it to lose its anynominity. The near-destruction of the org-

anization when it was based in Hudson City (when Mister Wicked's father was running it)

would only provide an added incentive to keep it that way.


This would also extend to such things as letting his clients know when he has something for

them: simple messages which are devoid of any tell-tale words (like "product", for example)

which might tip off the authorities or the local vigilante (or even worse, a band of meddling

teenyboppers and their pet) that there's Something Going On that they need to check out.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I also promoused a 'who is who' list to recap people in this thread.


Mister Wicked: Our monster of ceramonies.


Henchmen List:

Muselman Alvaez (handyman)

Muselman Bruno (handyman)

Muselman Mace (handyman)

The Muselmen (extra henchmen when needed, generic)

Ferris (driver)

The Warden (head of the guards)

Boris Raspution (second-in-comand of the guards)

Guards (generic henchmen, guards the 'product')

Miss Helga (maid/Milinda's keeper)

The Overseer (Mister Wicked's second, in charge of 'breaking', also auctionear)

Doctor Graves (doctor)

Scarlotti (butler/major domo)

Madam Blonde (bodyguard)

Madam Brown (bodyguard)

Madam Black (bodyguard)

Profesor Peril (deathtrap design and maintance)

Seamus O'Malley (Profesor Peril's assistant)

Erich Wagner (Profesor Peril's assistant)

Casey Smith (secret subway conductor)

Edger Thibideaut (cook)

Su-Cooks (Edger's asistancs)

"Sparky" (Wicked's electronics expert)


Hierlings (thoes people who are hiered per-job, or who's services he buys):

Madame Oblivia (memory eraser)

Nicholas Midian (lawer)

Miriam DeWinters (secertary to Mr. Midian)

The Baron (fence)

The Eliminator ("removal of waist")

Safari Master (huntsman)


Cliants (thoes who pay for what Wicked has)

Captian "Dirty" Tom Rackham (space pirate from the future)

The Gorehound (serial killer who came into monie, from Hudson City)

Black Mano (Lesser Morbain)

The Aquier (Argent agent)



Milinda Wicked (sister)

Harlot ('broken' brick superherion)

Phillipe Bouchard (scrapgoat)

Pauline Dubois (teacher)

"Product" (generic product)

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


It's taken a while due to an unforseen happenstance (the original pic vanished on me

somehow, and I had to redo it), but here it is at last -- the pic of Mister Wicked's









The big, baldheaded guy in the front of the group is Boris Rasputin (not his real name),

a former employee of the Baron's who needed a change of location (and employers) after

having to be bailed out of jail and relocated by the Baron. While Boris does have an im-

portant job within Mister Wicked's organization, he isn't the chief guard; that honor be-

longs to a Japanese-American individual who's known only as the Warden (to be described

in the post following this one). He is, however, the Warden's number-two man in Mister

Wicked's security force.


The instrument that Boris is holding is a TASER-Sap, and can be used either as an electro-

shock weapon or as a blackjack-type weapon (when applied to the back of a victim's head

to render him or her unconscious); because of this dual function, the TASER-Saps are very

ruggedly built, so that none of the internal electronics are damaged by any physical impact.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Within Mister Wicked's organization, there are three people at the very top of its organizational

structure -- Mister Wicked himself, the Overseer -- who attends to the day-to-day running of

the secret dungeon and auction facility, and who is secretly plotting against Mister Wicked --

and the man who's in charge of the facility's guard force, a man of Japanese and American

descent known only as the Warden:








To a casual obvserver, the Warden always appears to be very polite, and is never seen

without a smile upon his face, but make no mistake -- he can be every bit as cruel and

sadistic as Mister Wicked where the facility's "residents" are concerned; indeed, he can

be even more inventive than his employer when it comes to devising torments for those

unfortunate enough to attract his personal attention. In fact, Mister Wicked has, on occas-

ion, observed the Warden's sessions with one captive or another, and has filed away a

number of the chief guard's techniques for future use.


The Warden carries some of the same equipment as the guards, with one exception: instead

of a TASER-Sap, he carries an electro-shock whip, which is slightly longer than a standard





Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I beleve with the information we have so far, we could have a start of a decent supliment for both the Champions and Dark Champions universe.


Question: Would you buy such a supliment, conserning it's semi-"adult" nature of the villians within it?

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


For some reason "The Warden" reminds me of the Vietnamese villain that held Chuck Norris prisoner in that Missing In Action movie.


It's just you, Badger. Well, he was a complete creation of MajorTom which fit into the group.


Next thing your going to tell me is that The Gorehound reminds you of 80's slasher movie villians...

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


It's just you, Badger. Well, he was a complete creation of MajorTom which fit into the group.


Next thing your going to tell me is that The Gorehound reminds you of 80's slasher movie villians...




Bwahhahaha (rubs hands together in a gleefully evil sort of way...)!!




Major Tom 2009 :eg:


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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


For some reason "The Warden" reminds me of the Vietnamese villain that held Chuck Norris prisoner in that Missing In Action movie.



Well, considering all of the prison camp flicks that were out back in the 60s and 70s, I

suppose you could have picked a worse example than Soon-Teck-Oh's NVA POW camp

commandant in Braddock: Missing in Action 2.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Here he is -- the Gorehound, in both the Victorian-age clothes that he wears when

attending one of Mister Wicked's costume balls for charity (or to one of the secret

slave auctions that are held at the hidden dungeon and auction facility), and in the

outfit that he wears when he's hunting some poor victim down in the middle of some

out-of-the-way stretch of woodland far from any city or town:








The "dog's-head" mask worn by the Gorehound contains a sophisticated, miniaturized

sensor suite that has the following features:


Acoustic sensors: Located in the "ears" of the mask, these sensors are acute enough to pick up

the sounds of human breathing at about 25 yards, or a human heartbeat at about half that.


Low-light and Enhanced Thermographic sensors: These sensors not only enable the Gorehound to

see at night, they also provide a means of detecting even a hidden victim.*


Olfactory sensor: Located in the "nose", this sensor is capable of detecting the chemical traces left

by a person's body -- such as the ammonia given off as part of human sweat.


The mask also has a built-in voice distortion module which alters the Gorehound's voice, giving it

a deep, growly sound like that a dog might make if it could talk. It also has a layer of armor pro-

tection capable of stopping up to a .44 Magnum round.



The Gorehound is accompanied by a pair of highly-trained Doberman Pinschers whereever he goes,

whether it's to a party or on one of his hunts.



*Think of the computer-enhanced IR display shown in the Predator films, and you'll have an idea

of what it looks like when the Gorehound looks at something through his mask.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Recently I came across a problem with Mister Wicked. That is, can the charater be watered down enougth to be in a 'light' Champions campain? Any ideals on how to 'soffen' him and his org. so that he could be used in Champions without destroying the sleezball factor (well, he IS a villian, so there should be some sleeze and cheeze about him)?

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Well, the way that Mister Wicked was originally presented here on the boards (back when he was

seeking Q.U.A.R.K.'s advice on that thread years ago), he wouldn't have been out of place in the

Batman TV show (the one with Adam West and Burt Ward) as one of the more eccentric costumed

villains in the second-string Rogue's Gallery.


To use him in a lighter-themed Champions campaign, just alter his background so that, instead of

being the head of a nearly 200-year-old white slavery operation, he's an eccentric supervillain who

kidnaps innocent bystanders in order to attract the attention of his real target: whatever super-

herione has captured his fancy at the moment. Once he's managed somehow to capture her, he

has Miss Helga dress her in Victorian-era dress (while she's out cold, that is), after which he puts

said superheroine/damsel-in-distress in the Deathtrap Of The Day and leaves her to her fate (at

least, that's his general plan). Of course, just as in the Batman shows, the superheroine/DiD should

have the chance to somehow escape the deathtrap (but not easily).


Of course, there's also the option that I'd suggested years ago on that thread: instead of trying to

maneuver the superheroine into the deathtrap, Mister Wicked could always find a way to have his

intended victim walk, however unwillingly, into the deathtrap by her own choice -- especially if he's

somehow managed to learn her secret identity, and who her DNPCs are. All he has to do in that

case would be to capture her DNPCs, and then make an anyonomous phone call to her ("If you

want to keep [insert names of DNPCs here] from suffering an...unpleasant fate, then come alone

to [insert location here] before [insert time here]."), and let matters proceed from there.


Naturally, his more repellent Disadvantages would have to be changed accordingly, so that he's less

of a sadist and sexual predator (who would most likely go right to the top of some local vigilante's

Terminate On Sight With Maximum Prejudice list) and more of the kind of villain who'd be given

a cell in the Champions Universe's version of Arkham Asylum.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I see one other way to bring him into a somewhat greyer game:

"The first, the worst."


The Superhero Webcomic "Lightbringer" had a starting foe similar to Mr. W., a gang called "The Slavers" and his boss General Werres.


Here is the comic:



They even later revisited it, when Lightbringer tried to protect his "Mr. Wicked" during his trial.

At the very least it has some interesting stuff on the morality of a evil sadist like Mr. W.


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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


It'd probably be a good idea to also include guidelines for using His Wickedness in other genres

as well -- Cyber Hero, Horror Hero, Star Hero, and especially the upcoming Victorian Hero.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

Minus 95 and counting...


Humm...I can defently see him as an evil baron in a Fantacy Hero campain. As for Cyber Hero, honastly I have no ideal except to make him an example of the way of thinking "I'm rich! I can do ANYTHING I want!". (Which is proably true in a Cyber Hero campain).


He dosen't have much to go to be a villian in a Horror Hero game. No selling off his beuties...just torcher rape and kill. (And you thought he coulden't get even darker than he already is). For Victorean Hero, um, I don't think that will ever be writen considering the state of Hero Games/DOJ is right now. But if thay ever DO write it, he woulden't seem so out of place (othoe I guess I should do a pulp victorean version and a steampunk version of the charater...not stats but ways he can be played).


As for Star Hero, isen't that what Captian "Dirty" Tom Rackhan is for?

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I see one other way to bring him into a somewhat greyer game:

"The first, the worst."


The Superhero Webcomic "Lightbringer" had a starting foe similar to Mr. W., a gang called "The Slavers" and his boss General Werres.


Here is the comic:



They even later revisited it, when Lightbringer tried to protect his "Mr. Wicked" during his trial.

At the very least it has some interesting stuff on the morality of a evil sadist like Mr. W.



Thank you for turning me on to this charater. As thay say, nothing exists in a vacume.

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