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Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I'm opening the henchman ideals to the group. What exactly does Mister Wicked need in his service which his curent henchmen load dosen't get him right now? Remember folks, no women, and a semi-victoriean fashion sence.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


What? No takers from the peanut gallery? I'm heartbroken. I was shure there was at least one erson besides myself and MajorTom able to see what this org needs.


Hear are some profesions as examples.

1) Cook (someone has to cook for 50+ victoms, not counting guards and misalaneous personal).

2) Train Conductor (Mister Wicked has a priveat and secret subway system. Someone has to manage it).

3) Fashion Designer (You normaly can't buy victorean-style clothing off the rack. Someone has to design the uniforms and mass produce them.)


Anyone want to flesh theas ideals out? Or sumit other ideal henchmen?

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Given that Mister Wicked's stated goal is to capture a superheroine (or more than one -- if he's

anything like his father, he's probably going to be a right greedy blackguard), he'll need some-

one who's uniquely qualified to track down superhuman prey, study their habits, and come up

with the appropriate means of capture. Said hunter should also have superhuman abilities and

powers of his own, which should make the job even easier.


As for the fashion designer that you mentioned in the above post, he'll most likely be either a

member of the local theatrical production company who handled such things, or a Hollywood

fashion designer who did the same thing for the major studios. Whichever he turns out to be,

he'll have to have some reason to work for Mister Wicked in the first place.




Major Tom 2009 :confused:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


One quick note: He only puts points from his pool to the henchman if he is going to play a major roll in the adventure that the GM knows of. That does not mean that the other henchies do not exist or are 'invisable' durring that time.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Well, since there haven't been any takers from the peanut gallery, I'll go ahead and

post my contributions to Mister Wicked's employee pool.


One of the most important henchmen that a villain worthy of the title should have is

a good lawyer ("good" in this case meaning that, if things go South in a major way,

that he can keep his client out of prison while making sure that someone else takes

the fall); for Mister Wicked, that position is filled by a gentleman who goes by the

name of Nicholas Midian:








An exceptionally competent and skilled lawyer, Nicholas Midian shares Mister Wicked's

taste in clothing, and routinely wears 19th-Century garb both in private and in public;

he even wears it for court appearances. However, Midian shares far more than just a

taste for old-fashioned clothing with his client -- he also shares many of the same pro-

cilvities as well, except that, unlike his client, he doesn't hate women. He's fully aware

of what it is that Mister Wicked actually does for a living, and has actually served as an

intermediary for some of the organization's "transactions". Midian has also, from time

to time, partaken of the "pleasures" available at Mister Wicked's hidden dungeon and

slave auction facility.


He is also fully aware of Mister Wicked's plans for Milinda, although how he knows of

those plans is, as yet, unknown...but he's looking forward to that day with no small

amount of anticipation.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Another of Mister Wicked's henchmen is a dwarf and genius inventor who goes by

the name of Professor Peril:








Professor Peril's specialty is the creation of deathtraps; specifically, deathtraps

which are designed to look like those used in the black-and-white films set in the

19th Century. However, he has added 21st Century touches to some of these

infernal devices, making them dangerous even to those possessing superhuman

abilities. At some point in time during the early part of his career, a malfunction

in one of his deathtraps caused the loss of his right arm, necessitating its re-

placement with a "clockwork"-style robotic prosthesis. As for his original arm,

he has had it bronzed, and keeps it in a place of honor on the desk of his work-

shop. Not only does it serve as a memento, but it can also serve as a surprise

weapon as well, especially if he can get the drop on an unsuspecting hero or



Because of his small stature, Professor Peril is aided in his work by two very cap-

able assistants -- a German scientist named Erich Wagner, and a fugitive IRA

strongman and terrorist named Seamus O'Malley. Wagner does any final checks

or fine-tuning that may need to be done to the deathtraps, while O'Malley does

the heavy lifting or other grunt work that building the deathtraps may require;

his expertise with explosives sometimes comes in handy for some of these. Both

men are completely loyal to the Professor and to Mister Wicked (in that order).


(The pictures of both men will be in the next post after this one.)


Professor Peril has a nickname which is used by those employees of Mister Wicked's

other than his primary henchmen -- "Professor Littledoom" -- but never within his

hearing. Not only are they afraid of what the Professor might come up with for re-

venge against the offending party, they also know with absolute certainty what

O'Malley will do to them if he catches them saying it.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Well, it's not all that hard to think of a lawyer being a real low-life, especially given the

story that's told of Ulysses S. Grant, and the remark which is attributed to him in that



In case no one knows the story to which I'm referring is, it's this one:


Not long after the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant was riding alone on horseback out some-

where in the countryside at night, when it started to rain heavily. Continuing to ride on

in spite of getting soaked, he eventually came upon a roadside inn, and stopped there

to take refuge from the storm. Once inside, Grant found that there was a group of

people already there -- a group of young lawyers who were gathered around the fire-

place, one of whom noticed his arrival and said to the others "Here's a gentleman who

looks as though he's been through Hell itself."


Grant's reply was "I have indeed." One of the other lawyers, thinking to have some fun

at the new arrival's expense, asked him "And what was it like?"


Grant looked up at his questioner and said, "Same there as here -- lawyers nearest the





Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Now for some more of Mister Wicked's employees, starting with the engineer of his

secret subway train -- Casey Smith:








Smith had been one of the best and most-respected train engineers in the U.S.,

until a train that he was the chief engineer aboard struck and completely des-

troyed a school bus which had been stranded on a railway crossing. Although

he hadn't been at the controls when the wreck happened -- his assistant engin-

eer, who was slightly intoxicated at the time, was at the controls and didn't see

the bus in time -- Smith found himself being made the scapegoat for the affair,

and the prosecution at the resultant trial attempted to fix the blame for the 17

deaths -- the driver and 16 children -- that had resulted from it entirely upon



Fortunately, Smith had a very good lawyer defending him -- Nicholas Midian, who

had heard of the case and decided to defend the engineer pro bono. Ultimately,

Smith was found not guilty and set free; however, the company for which he had

worked all of his professional career decided to end his employment with it on the

grounds of avoiding the appearance of incompetents and "drunken murderers"

(as one of the newspapers that had been covering the case put it) being in charge

of their trains.


Nicholas Midian came to his client's rescue once again, telling him of another of his

clients who owned a private subway train, and who was looking for a good train

engineer to run it. He ended his story with a question: was he interested in a new



Needless to say, Smith jumped at the offer.


And so it was that Casey Smith came to work for Mister Wicked as the chief engineer

of his employer's secret subway train -- a job which pays even better than his old one,

and which has some interesting "fringe benefits" attached to it as well.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Another of Mister Wicked's employees is his personal chef, Edgar Thibideaux:








An African-American who was originally from New Orleans, Thibideaux has been

the Wicked family's cook for several years now, dating back to the time that Mis-

ter Wicked's father was running the business, and just before the birth of Mister

Wicked himself. His job is an extensive one indeed: not only is he responsible for

preparing the meals for the Wicked family, he also -- with the help of a small

group of sous-chefs -- prepares the meals for all those in residence at the secret

dungeon and auction facility being run by Mister Wicked. As there can be as many

as 20 to 50 captives being held at the facility at any given moment, and that there

are at least that many guards in attendance as well (not counting Mister Wicked's

primary henchmen), this can be a huge job indeed. On occasion, Thibideaux has

been called upon to prepare a business dinner not only for Mister Wicked, but for

some of his clients as well.


In addition to the traditional American dishes that he normally prepares, Thibideaux

is also a master of Chinese, French, Itaian, Mexican, and Thai cuisine.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


As steriaca pointed out a few posts back, Victorian-age clothing isn't exactly the

sort of attire which is mass-produced; fortunately for Mister Wicked, he can call

upon the services of his very own specialty clothier -- Phillipe Bouchard:








A naturalized American citizen of French descent, Bouchard is the owner and head

designer of a costume production company that specializes in the creation of period

costumes for both theatrical stage productions and the television and motion picture

industry. Although he has produced costumes for every film and stage genre from

the Elizabethan age to science-fiction epics, his true passion lies with the clothing

of the Victorian age. When Mister Wicked learned of this, he immediately sent out

feelers to Bouchard's company, asking him if he'd consider producing Victorian-age

garb -- both in male and female styles -- for the use of the attendees of his period

costume balls that he held to raise money for various charities.


Delighted to find a fellow devotee of the Victorian age, Bouchard readily agreed to

produce Victorian-style clothing for the purpose that Wicked had told him it would

be put to -- and much of what has been produced so far has indeed been used for

that purpose. A considerable portion of Bouchard's product, however -- mostly

women's clothing -- has been sent to Mister Wicked's dungeon and auction facility,

where it's used to garb those captives who have been selected for the auction

block...as well as those who Mister Wicked has decided to dispose of in true film

meloldramatic, villainous style.


Bouchard is the only employee of Mister Wicked's who is truly unaware of what his

employer actually does for a living (as well as for entertainment purposes); Wicked

had, at one point in time, considered bringing him in on the secret, but was advised

against doing so by Nicholas Midian, who had correctly identified Bouchard as being

a law-abiding citizen. Phillipe Bouchard is therefore the only truly innocent employee

in Mister Wicked's service.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Among those who work for Mister Wicked -- however indirectly it may be -- is a

young woman who is Nicholas Midian's personal secretary, and who is known

only as Miriam DeWinters:








Miriam is the kind of secretary that most lawyers would kill for, to be able to have

her working for them. She has, in the past, demonstrated an uncanny ability to

ferret out any information that her employer might need to win a case -- an ability

that some have said borders on witchcraft of some sort. However it is that she does

that part of her job, she has never failed to find out the things that she wants to

find -- even if she has to seduce the information out of its source.



The character pic of Miriam DeWinters was created by The Arc, but her background

story is mine.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


The last of those who work for Mister Wicked* -- in any capacity -- is a supervillain

known only as the Safari Master:








The Safari Master -- who possesses superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and

heightened senses -- is actually Nigel Forsythe, the grandson of disgraced WWI

traitor Bruce Forsythe, a British soldier who served the Germans as a spy during

that war, and who was ultimately exposed as a traitor by Randall Irons, the fut-

ure leader of the group of adventurers known as Randall's Raiders (as described

in Pulp Hero and in Masterminds and Madmen). As the grandson of a traitor, he

had a difficult childhood, and was subjected to insults and taunts for all of his

life; upon reaching legal age in the United Kingdom, he joined the army in the

hope of being able to redeem the family name. While his service in the British

army was exemplary, there was always an underlying feeling of distrust for

Forsythe -- many of his fellow servicemen subscribed to the dictum that "the

apple doesn't fall far from the tree"; in other words, they figured that it was

only a matter of time until he went bad as well.


After serving his time in the uniform of Her Majesty's Armed Forces, Forsythe

left England for France, where he made his way to the headquarters of the

Foreign Legion and enlisted in that service. After basic training, he was sent

to Africa for his first five-year service hitch, and it was there that he first

gained the powers that made him the Safari Master. A rebel group in the war-

torn nation in which he'd been stationed had somehow gotten their hands on

a prototype chemical weapon, and Forsythe's unit was assigned to get it back

by any means necessary. During the fight which resulted, the canister con-

taining the chemical agent was ruptured, exposing several of the soldiers --

including Forsythe -- to its effects. The soldiers who'd been exposed to the

weapon were immediately quarantined in a military hospital, where, one by one,

they all died -- with one exception. Nigel Forsythe, instead of getting worse,

actually became healthier and stronger than he'd been before his exposure

to the chemical agent.


The doctors in charge of his case speculated that Forsythe's survival was due to

a latent mutation which was triggered by the chemical agent, which was indeed

the case. But what they didn't know was that there was also a psychological

side-effect as well, in that the dark side of his personality became more domin-

ant, turning him evil. Listening to his doctors via his heightened hearing, Forsythe

realized that his new abilities represented an opportunity to avenge his grand-

father's disgrace at the hands of a meddling American, and so he made his plans

accordingly. A few days later, he escaped from the hospital after killing everyone

who knew about his superhuman abilities and powers, and destroying all of the

case records of his transformation.


Not long afterward, the supervillain known now as the Safari Master appeared in

the U.S., where he hired himself out as a bounty hunter to several criminal organ-

izations, tracking down and capturing superheroes who were proving rather both-

ersome to their operations. His success in these "big game hunts", as he referred

to them as, eventually brought him to the notice of Mister Wicked, who offered

him a very generous sum to come work for him as his personal huntsman -- as

well as the opportunity to hunt down and capture some of the most powerful

superheroines in the country. Given his desire not only for wealth, but a challenge

worthy of his power and skill as well, it's not too surprising that the Safari Master

jumped at the opportunity. He's worked for Mister Wicked ever since.



*At least, the last for now...unless someone else has some ideas (:eg:).




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


The Safari Master uses the following, ARGENT-designed equipment and weaponry:


Gauss Sniper Rifle: This weapon, which uses electromagnetic force to fire a projectile instead

of gunpowder, allows the Safari Master to strike his prey from beyond the range of his or her

senses, and fires a special round -- a casing that, after it's entered its target, dissolves harm-

lessly inside of him or her, allowing its contents (a powerful and fast-acting knockout drug)

to enter the target's bloodstream. What makes the round truly special, though, is the tech-

nology which is also housed within it: a micro-miniaturized "phasing field" generator (1 centi-

meter long by 3 millimeters wide) which, at the instant of activation, renders the round intan-

gible, enabling it to bypass any defenses (man-made or natural) that the target may have.

Once inside the target's body, the field deactivates and allows the round to become solid again,

at which time it goes to work. After the drug has had time to circulate through the target's

body, and he or she becomes unconscious (provided, of course, that he or she doesn't have

an accelerated metabolism or an inconvenient "healing factor" which could rapidly neutralize

the drug's effects), the generator re-activates and gradually phases out of the target's body.


Super-alloy Restraints: These restraints, which look like handcuffs, were created using a com-

bination of gravitic, force field, and molecular manipulation technology. Unlike the chain links

of standard handcuffs, the super-alloy of which the restraints' chains are made were shaped

into perfectly solid links, without the unavoidable gap which exists in the links of standard

handcuff chains; this ensures that the target can't break the chains of the restraints by pull-

ing the links apart. Safari Master carries three pairs of these restraints on his person during a

hunt; once the knockout drug has had time to work, he uses the restaints to secure the target

for transport. He usually does this by chaining the target's ankles and wrists together and con-

necting them to a belt which he fastens around his or her waist, then he uses the third pair to

fasten the target's arms together above the elbows; combined with the inhibitor collar, this

ensures that, even if the target regains consciousness, he or she will be unable to get free

from the restraints.


Inhibitor Collar: This device, which fastens around a victim's neck, prevents the use of super-

human abilities and powers that its wearer may possess; it accomplishes this by disrupting

the neural pathways that control the use of said powers and abilities. The instant that the

sensors inside the collar detect an attempt to use superpowers of any kind, it sends an energy

charge directly into the portion of the victim's brain that controls the use of those powers;

the charge's effect is not too dissimilar to that of a TASER, in that the victim experiences

a sudden case of convulsions along with mental disorientation.


Kukri Knife: Identical to the blades carried by the members of the Gurkha Rifle regiments, the

blade carried by the Safari Master differs from them in that it's made from the same super-alloy

as the restraints; this gives it the potential to inflict injury even on those possessed of super-

human resistance to physical damage.


From time to time, the Safari Master also carries conventional equipment and weaponry, for

those occasions where he's comfortable relying upon his own skills to capture a target with-

out the need for any high-tech gizmos.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Bouchard is the only employee of Mister Wicked's who is truly unaware of what his

employer actually does for a living (as well as for entertainment purposes); Wicked

had, at one point in time, considered bringing him in on the secret, but was advised

against doing so by Nicholas Midian, who had correctly identified Bouchard as being

a law-abiding citizen. Phillipe Bouchard is therefore the only truly innocent employee

in Mister Wicked's service.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:


Humm...that would mean that he is also the only henchman he dosen't have to pay points for, for he would rairly be at any secret auction, and if he was, he would not be a willing henchman at all.


Which begs the question...does he have a wife, sister, or even an sinificant other of the same sex in his life which Mister Wicked knows about?

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I guess it is about time, to stat the typical "product" of Mister Wicked.


Typical Mister Wicked "Product" (Kidnap Victom)


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift 75kg; 1 and 1/2d6 HTH Damage

8 DEX -4 11-

8 CON -2 11-

8 INT -2 11- PER Roll: 11-

8 EGO -2 11-

8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1 and 1/2d6


3 OCV 0

3 DCV 0

3 OMCV 0

3 DMCV 0

2 SPD 0 Phases: 6,12


2 PD 0 Total PD: 2PD/0rPD

2 ED 0 Total ED: 2ED/0rED

4 REC 0

15 END -1

8 BODY -2

16 STUN -2

Total Char Cost: -19


Cost Powers

-2 A Little Slow: Running -2m (10m total)

-1 A Little Slow: Swimming -2m (2m total)


Cost Skills:Rolls

2 KS: Original Profesion: 11-

2 KS: Hobby: 11-

2 PS: Original Profesion: 11-

5 Seduction Training: Charm: 12-


Cost Talents

3 You Tend To Sleep Light To If Each Night Could Be Your Last: Lightsleep

3 Pain Training: Resistance +3 to EGO Roll to resist Interagation

4 The Type Of Beutie Sadist Like, A Scaired And Scared One: Striking Apperance +2/+2d6 to sadists


Powers/Skills/Tallents Total: 18

Grand Total: -1


Complications: 25+

Distinctive Features: Forced To Dress Like A Victorean 'Trolop' (Concealable, Noted And Recgnizable) 10

Hunted by Mister Wicked's Orginzation (More Powerful, NCI, Easy To Find, Very Frequently, Watching) 5 (25)

Psychological Complication: Partial Amnesia, Thanks to Madam Oblivia (Very Common, Strong) (15)

Psychological Complication: Masacistic Via "Breaking" (Very Common, Strong) (15)

Psychological Complication: Obediant To 'Master/s' Via "Breaking" (Very Common, Strong) (15)

Social Complication: "Blank", Has No Electronic Records Thanks To Madam Oblivia (Very Frequently, Major) (15)


Optinal Complications:

Hunted By Famaly (As Powerful, Very Frequently, "Watching" as thay are trying to find victom and free her) (10)

Physical Complication: "Breaking" Wounds Still Fresh (Frequently, Slightly, at times must make a CON roll or suffer a -3 pain penalty to all physical skills, Resistance does not help) (15)

Rivalry w/another victom (Professional, Aware) (5)


Background/History: Theas damsels in distress have vareous backgrounds before being victoms and products of Mister Wicked's orginzation. But once captered, most are treated to the same treatment.


Hour 1 at storage house: Forced into a cage naked with only a bed and a chamber pot.


Hour 2: Madam Oblivia comes and erases some memories of the victom. Victom knows her own name, but dosen't remember details like where she works or where she lives, or even if there is a boyfriend or famaly of some kind. She is then given a victorean outfit to wear.


Hour 3: Madam Oblivia starts to work on erasing all electronic records which exist on the victom, asuming she has time to do so.


Hour 5: "Breaking" begins. This usaly takes a few hours a day till she becomes sumisive to the will of the major players of the orginzation.


After "Breaking": Victom gets inspected by Mister Wicked himself (after Miss Helga cleans her up and styles her up to 'aproperatness'). If Mister Wicked likes what he sees, she gets put in a nicer cell for auction, or even a more gilded cell for his own property. Thoes who still resist at this point are declared 'unsellable', and this marked for deathtrap duty. In the meanwhile, 'unsellables' are given the most unsutable but extremly guarded cells in the place.


After about a day or two of being declared 'uncellable': Profesor Peril looks over the damsel and decides which deathtrap she would be in. Sometimes thay are filmed and sold to the underworld as snuff films.


Quote: "Please, no more..."


Personality: Without much memories left, and the intence 'breaking' prosess, victoms tend to be obediant slaves to whoever will pay the most for them. It is unknown if a victom would ever get there original personalities back on there own.


Campain Use: Damsels in Distress on a massive scale. Thay also exist to show how low evil can go. Note that Mister Wicked has SOME scupels (he never kidnaps people under 16...well except if thay are known supers that is).


Apperance: Thoes who are ready to sell are usaly dressed in victorean underclothing or some kind. Few acualy wear overclothing except when it pleases him. All of them usaly have heavy pancake makeup on, and have there hair styled in victorean styles (most in a 'Gibson Girl' hair bun, some in sausage curls, a smaller portion in braids or ponytails). Thoes who's hair can not acept the styles usaly have there heads shaven, then a wig glued into place and then styled in the 'proper manor'.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Humm...that would mean that he is also the only henchman he dosen't have to pay points for, for he would rairly be at any secret auction, and if he was, he would not be a willing henchman at all.


Which begs the question...does he have a wife, sister, or even an sinificant other of the same sex in his life which Mister Wicked knows about?




No, he wouldn't be a henchman...but he could concievably wind up being the fall guy if someone

gets too close to finding out about Mister Wicked's operation. Villains tend to get their jollies by

fingering some poor, unsuspecting dupe for their crimes -- and the more innocent said dupe is,

the better.


That, if nothing else, would make him valuable to Mister Wicked (not to mention his legal counsel).




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Here's a new character who's associated with Mister Wicked and company, courtesy of

The Arc. He'd emailed me tonight with both the character pic and the idea behind him;

I suggested an addition to his background which he agreed to, so here he is -- Lev

Gregorivich Pahlen (formerly Pahlenkov), a.k.a. "The Baron":








One of those people who is associated with Mister Wicked, but who isn't a regular

employee, is a man who is known only as "The Baron". The Baron -- whose true

name is Lev Gregorivich Pahlen -- is perhaps the most successful fence in the city

where Mister Wicked's primary operation is located, and has the enviable reputat-

ion of never having been arrested or charged with any major crime, despite the

fact that the authorities know that he's dirty as hell; this is because Pahlen is care-

ful to never become personally involved with any illicit business enterprise in which

he has an investment of any kind. He is equally careful when it comes to recieving

and reselling stolen goods, as he always has one of his minions acting as his agent

in such transactions. However, he is also loyal to his employees, and if one of them

is arrested in the performance of a crime, he sees to it that that employee is set

free on bond, and arranges for that employee to be relocated to another city; he

also arranges for one of his professional colleagues to take the former employee

into his service.


In the years that he's been one of the finest fences in the city, if not the finest, the

Baron has established an extensive network of contacts -- in the Far East, Mexico,

Russia, and South America -- which has allowed him, on occasion, to "import" cer-

tain items such as exotic technology, new designer drugs, and other contraband

into the U.S.; these same contacts have also enabled him to "export" certain comm-

odities (such as enslaved women that have been purchased from Mister Wicked) to

those countries as well. These contacts -- and the Baron's connection to them -- have

proven extremely useful to both Mister Wicked and Professor Peril, as they have allow-

ed them access to equipment which they would otherwise not have had. Both Wicked

and Peril have been impressed, to say the least, by the size of the network to which

the Baron has access; the only thing that would impress them more would be if they

knew the Baron's deepest secret: that he is, in fact, a Russian nobleman -- one from

the time of the October revolution which saw the overthrow and subsequent massa-

cre of the Romanov family, and the establishment of the Soviet Union.


Lev Pahlen -- whose true last name is Pahlenkov; he dropped the -kov from his name

after destroying all records of his noble birth and status -- is, like Heather MacGowrie

(a.k.a. Cateran), an immortal. He wasn't always one, however; he was a normal hum-

an being up until his 35th birthday, at which time whatever unknown genetic factors

were responsible for Cateran's immortality activated themselves within his DNA. From

that time onward, he ceased to age, and found himself having to resort to disguise in

order to hide his secret. When the Russian Revolution broke out, he immediately took

steps to hide who and what he was, and gathered as much of his wealth as he could

in preparation for his escape; unlike many in the nobility, he had no illusions what-

soever about the Tsarist army's ability to surpress the revolution -- or of the chances

of the nobility to survive what was about to happen to them.


Managing to escape from Russia, Pahlen eventually made it to America, where he set

about earning his citizenship in his new home. During this time, he made a number

of "business connections" with members of the Russian emigre community -- some of

whom were less than respectable citizens. Over the next few years after coming to

America, Pahlen worked his way up through the businesses being run by the more

criminally-inclined members of the Russian community, until at last becoming one

of its upper-level bosses himself. His condition, however, made it necessary for him

to leave the community about 20 years later; people were beginning to ask questions

which he couldn't answer about how he could look so young, when everyone else

around him was starting to look their age. From then on, he only spent no more than

ten or fifteen years in any given city, before leaving for greener pastures. In the

course of these travels, he began to establish the first parts of what would become

a network spanning the globe.


Ultimately, he arrived in the same city where Mister Wicked had set up his own shop,

and, before too much time had passed, established a business relationship with the

eccentric villain. He's sufficiently entertained by Mister Wicked and his activities that,

for the first time in many long years, he's actually considering staying in one city for

more than a decade.


(Character art by The Arc; background story and details by The Arc and Major Tom 2009.)




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I must say, The Arc is on a roll for artwork (2 originals, and him cleaning up MajorTom2009's work).


And good work MT, on fleshing out the details.


Does anyone else feal we have enougth to create our own "Book of" (in this thread's case, "Book of the Wicked")?


Anyways, I have work till Thursday, so I can't post the Guard stats till then.

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