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Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


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Mister Wicked.


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

13 STR 3 12- Lift:150kg 2 and 1/2d6 Damage Base

23 DEX 26 14-

13 CON 3 12-

16 INT 6 12-

16 EGO 6 12-

23 PRE 13 14- 4 and 1/2d6 PRE Attack


5 OCV 10

5 DCV 10

4 OMCV 3

4 DMCV 3

5 SPD 30 Phases: 3,5,8,10,12


6 PD 4 PD 21/rPD 15

6 ED 4 ED 21/rED 15

20 REC 16

60 END 8

10 BODY 0

60 STUN 20


Total Charactristics: 175


Cost Power END/Charges


32 Savate

Use Art Bairhanded (Free), w/Clubs, and w/Sword

Savate Block: Block, +2OCV, +2Dcv, Block (Abort)

Chasse: -2OCV, +1DCV, 6 and 1/2d6 Strike (21 and 1/2d6 w/Cane, aprox 6 and 1/2d6 Killing w/Sword)

Coup de Pied Bas: +0OCV, +2DCV, 4 and 1/2d6 Strike (19 and 1/2d6 w/Cane, aprox 5d6 Killing w/Sword)

Savate Disarm: -1OCV, +1DCV, 23 STR to Disarm Roll

Direct: +1OCV, +3DCV, 2 and 1/2d6 Strike (17 and 1/2d6 w/Cane, aprox 4 and 1/2d6 Killing w/Sword)

Footsweep (Canesweep/Swordsweep): +2OCV, -1DCV, 3 and 1/2d6 Strike, Target Falls (18 and 1/2d6 w/Cane, aprox 6 and 1/2d6 Killing w/Sword)

Fauette: +1OCV, -2DCV, 6 and 1/2d6 Strike (21 and 1/2d6 w/Cane, aprox 6d6 killing w/Sword)


38 Gimicied Gentlman's Cane: Multipower 75 points, Focus (OAF, Concelable, -1)

8v Hidden Lazer Beam: 15d6 Blast, Focus (OAF, Concelable, -1), Charges (16, -0) [16c]

6v Knockout Gas Dispencer: 8d6 Blast, Area Of Effect (Cone, 8m side, +1/4), AVLD (NND: Does Not Sleep, Does Not Breath, Holding One's Breath, Imunity to KO Gas, +1/2), No Range (-1/2), Focus (OAF, Concelable, -1), Charges (16, -0) [16c]

7v Harden Cane As A Blunt Object: +15d6 Hand-To-Hand Attack, Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), Focus (OAF, Concelable, -1) [8END]

6v Hidden Darenger Built Into The Cane: 4d6 Killing Attack - Ranged, Charges (2, in 12 Clips, -0), Focus (OAF, Concelable, -1) [2c/12clips]

6v Hidden Sword: 4d6 Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand, Focus (OAF, Concelable, -1) [6END]

4v Hidden Air Gun With Paralization Darts: 12d6 Mind Control, Telepathic (+1/4), AVLD (NND: Imunity to Paralization Poison, Protective Clothing, Forcefield, -0) Set Effect (Do Not Move, -1/2) Based on CON (-1), Normal Range (-1/4) Charges (16, -0) [16c]


40 Argent Nanotech Rope, And Hidden Thrower Device: 6d6 BODY, 6PD, 6ED Entangle, Focus (IIF, -1/4), Charges (8 recovable charges, -0), Escapable w/Contortionist (-4 penatly, -1/4) [8c,r]


20 Argent Chemicaly Treated Clothing, Customstyle: Victorean Villian: 15PD, 15ED Resistant Protection, Focus (OIF, Concelable, -1/2)


7 Argent Defection Cape, Customstyle: Victorean Villian Opra: Deflection, Focus (OAF, Concelable, -1) Limited Range (5m, -1/4), Restrainable (-1/2) [2END]


10 Argent Protective Mask: 20 Sight Flash Defence, Focus (OAF, Concelable, -1)


2 Argent Air Filter Nose Plugs: Life Suport: Imunity to Knockout Gas, Focus (IIF, -1/4)


100 Mastermind Pool: 100 point VVP

20 Mastermind Pool Control Cost: 50 point Control Cost, VVP Can Only Be Changed Between Adventures (-1/2), Very Limited Class Of 'Powers' (Followers, Base, and Vehicals Only, -1)


Cost Skills Roll

7 Acrobatics:16-

3 Acting: 14-

7 Analyze (Bondage): 14-

7 Analyze (Martial Arts): 14-

7 Breakfall: 16-

7 Bribery: 16-

3 Charm: 14-

10 Combat Skill Levels: +2CSL w/Savate

3 Concealment:12-

3 Conversation: 14-

3 Criminology: 12-

3 Demolition: 12-

6 Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games, Roulette): 12-

3 High Society: 14-

3 Intergation: 14-

5 KS: Movie Serials and Melodrama Fiction: 14-

5 KS: Savate: 14-

5 KS: The Criminal World: 14-

5 AK: Campain City: 14-

5 AK: Milimumen City: 14-

5 AK: Hollywood: 14-

5 AK: Hudson City: 14-

5 AK: Vibara Bay: 14-

5 AK: Tokyo: 14-

5 AK: Paris France: 14-

3 Languages: Spanish (Fluent w/accent, English is native)

3 Language: French (Fluent w/accent)

2 Language: Japanies (Fluent)

1 Language: Russian (Basic)

7 Lockpicking: 16-

3 Paramedics: 12-

3 Persuasion: 14-

3 Security Systems: 12-

3 Shadowing: 12-

8 Skill Levels: 2 SL w/Interaction Skills

8 Skill Levels: 2 SL w/Intellect Skills

7 Sleight of Hand: 16-

7 Stealth: 16-

3 Tactics: 12-

4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms


Cost Perks

10 Contact: DEMON Morbain, Extremly Useful Skills, Access to major institution, good relationship, limited by idenity: 14-

10 Contact: Argent Leaderm, Extremly Useful Skills, Access to major institution, good relationship, limited by idenity: 14-

27 Contact: The Underworld, Extremly Useful Skills, Orginzation, Good Relationship, limited by idenity: 14-

15 Money: Filthy Rich


Grand Total: 733


Complications: 400+

Pore, Sweet Milinda Wicked: DNPC: Milenda Wicked (16 year old sister, unawair of other idenity): Normal, Frenquently: 15

Dresses Like A Victorian Villian Gentlman: Distinctive Featuers: Dresses Like A Victoren Gentlman/Villian Most Of The Time (Concelable, Noted And Recognised): 15

What Do You Expect...Cops Hate Me: Hunted by Law Enforcement (As Powerful, NCI): 15

Women? Don't Realy Need Them: Psychological Complication: Hatrad Of Most Women, Common, Strong: 15

It Is Your Choice, My Dear...The Lumbersaw Or The Train Tracks!: Psychological Complication: Melodramatic Killer, Common, Strong: 15

Now That I Got You Tied Up, My Dear, I Shall Have Myself A Feal: Psychological Complication: Lecher, Common, Strong: 15

Social Complication: Harmful Secret (Lecherous Mastermind): Frequently, Major: 15

Unluck: 2d6: 10

Villian Bonus: 218

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


For a martial artist (I guess ?) his CSL and CV are pretty low (OCV 10 with martial art) but he strikes damn hard ! (17D6 with cane) and his abilities to escape a grab are kinda uneffective.


Without a beginning of a background it's hard to say much about the concept, beside it's a killer vilain, which I don't like alot, except for villains with a story. He makes me think of a Black Paladin ersazt for the European side, without the dramatical background and a wicked way to be.


Imho you could make it preety good and look fopr better Complication with a proper background. But I give you that it's difficult to come up with a Charismatic Villain.


Conceptualizing Opale.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Opral is right...without a background all he is is a colection of words and numbers. It is hard doing writing hunched over the DSi touch screen, but I'll try.


Background: What can I say for myself? Villiancy is in the famaly blood. It is even in our name. My ansestor ran a storage house / auction house for slaves before ending up on a southern plantation somewhere. After the war of northern agresion, he simply went underground with his trade. My grandfather expanded the buisness to include white women in what was called 'white slavery'. My father expanded it further by selling people as lab rats and sacrofice victoms to certan orginzations which will remained unamed.


As for myself, I was all ready to take control of the buisness at 17 when my father was found murdered by the Full Moon Killer. You know the guy. Empteyed out a storhouse full of product and killed my father's best emploies before tieing him onto a log and running him through a lumbersaw. Messie, but spared me the job of doing him in myself.


So, I took the remander of my father's emploies and my sister and hi-tailed it out of Hudson City. It took a while to restart the famaly buisness (while keeping Milinda in the dark), but I did it.


I am now 21, and the city knows me as an excentric millinair with a thing for the 19th centery. I throw lavish costume balls and give to charities. And, at night, my henchmen scour the streets, looking for thoes who would not be missed to take away. And sometimes I come across a lovely young lady in the media who atracts my atention. The buisness is lagging lately. Prehaps I need to kidnap and kill a special woman to let the underworld know that I am not playing around.


Quote: It is your choice, my bound dear. Shall you chose my saw table, or shall you get a personal view of my train set?


(End of line: See next post from me for more.)

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Personality/Modivation: Mister Reginal Wicked is modivated by his vile lust for wealth, women, and blood. He orders his henchmen to go out and aduct woman from all over the city, then catalog his victoms. The lucky ones get there wills broken, then sold. The unlucky ones (thoes with stronge wills, or are rather prity) face a fate of a sterotypical deathtrap.


Needless to say, he hates most women. Only a few excape his hatrad. His sister is one of them. He is extremly protected of her. Prehaps more protective than a brother should be. One of his henchmen, Miss Helga, is another woman he trusts (Her main job is to keep Milinda in the dark about the goings on in the masion, and the rooms under the mansion). Finaly, a frequent emploie Madam Oblivia has earned his trust (but that might be because she can erase memories at will).


Powers/Tactics: Mister Wicked usaly hides behind his henchmen, using them to fight and shield himself. He is no coward, but views combat to be waistful of his time (and would rather fight someone he knows he can win).


If push comes to shove, he has his gimiced gentleman's cane to fall back on. Not only is it strong, it contains enougth gadgets to make it easy to excape, or aduct if his henchmen are not doing there jobs well. The pralicess darts and the KO gas are his prime aduction weapions. The lazer, cane, sword, and gun are primly to kill thoes who atempt to stop him from aduction.


Protection wise, his main costume is coated with cemicals which make it tougth to harm him. His mask protects his eyes, and his cape can deflect anything, asuming he can get it in the way.


He is weak aganst mental powers, and can easly be drained/transformed. He is merly a 'normal' villian with acess to some hi-tech toys and henchmen (hench, the Mastermind Pool).

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I thought that the killer's name was the Blue Moon Killer (or the Harbinger of Justice)?




Major Tom 2009 :confused:


Na...it is his cousand, the Hairbringer of What-Comes-Around-Goes-Around. (OOC: In reality, I made a mistake based on bad memory).

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Better to read with a story :)


The combat stats are kinda high for a classical Champions setting imho, but I'm not good to balance characters, I admit it.


Btw, Champions or Dark Champions ?


Opale, that is the question.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


To finish out his charater sheet:


Apperance: Reginal Wicked appears in public wearing the finest clothing styled in the late 19th centery style. Top it off with his hanelbar mushtash and gotie and slickback black hair, and you can swair that he stepted out of some melodrama theator in some rual area somewhere. He speeks with a slight southern accent, which becomes more pronounced when 'in costume'. When he is Mister Wicked, the white slaver, he dresses like a sterotypical melodrama villian (compleat with a cloak, stovepipe hat, and gentlman's cane).


Campain Use: Reg in not ment for all campains. For one, there is the sexual nature of his villiancy (which can be downplayed if you wish, but can only be downplayed so far). He CAN be used for comidy as well as sereous campains (or as a comdic villian), but you might have to rewrite him to fit such a campain (for example, his storehouse might be always empty because he has never completed a capture in such campains). He can also be used as a much more horific villian, indulging on his black lusts then killing his victoms as part of that lust. In such a campain, there are no 'product', only pieces.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Mister Wicked's Henchmen List:


The Musselmen: Alvands(sp?), Bruno, and Mace are his main three henchmen, used for heavy lifting (he has more crinimals to call upon as general pourpus henchies when needed). Around the mansion, thay act as gardeners and handymen.


Wicked's Wenches: Three male martial artest bodyguards from France, thay have to impersnate women as part of there job decription. Thay are only found on missions, and thay only protect Mister Wicked (and do nothing else).


Miss Helga: A master thieth, and only perament real female of the henchmen. She was hiered to keep an eye on Milinda so that she dosen't stumble onto his secrets. When needed, she can be used to get into places only women can go. In the mansion, she acts like the head maid.


Ferris The Coachman: Dressing like a victorean coachman, Ferris is the driver of the group. He can drive anything, and usaly does. In the mansion, he is the chafour(sp!) and mechanic of the house.


Scalitie(sp MajorTom): He is the head butler and major domo of the mansion. Also, he is used when someone needs to be aducted in public, and thay need to do it in a way that atracts the least amount of atention.


Doctor Graves: He is a disgraced doctor who makes shure the 'product' is alive, whole, and healthy (but not nesasary pain free). In the mansion he is the consigment doctor hiered by Reginal Wicked. He is the only major henchman who dosen't wear victoriean clothing (he HATES his victorean doctor outfit).


The Overseer: This man, a Kentucky Cornal, runs the storehouse when Mister Wicked is away (usaly pretending to be a simple excentric millinar). He is a sadist who enjoys 'breaking' the products, but dosen't acualy go out to colect them himself. He is ploting to take over the white slavery trade from Mister Wicked, once a good plan comes to him. He has no function in the manson itself, and this only lives in the storehouse.


Special Operatives:


Caption "Dirty" Tom Rackham: This man clames to ba a space pirate from the 31st centery, and is exactly what he is. He buys product to send to the future, and sometimes offers his services as payment. Dresses like a cross between a futeristic millitary man/pirate.


Mistress Oblivia: She weares a costume which renders her invisable to security systems. She also can whipe out memories in both computerised and human brains (she can only erase, not create fals memories). She is sometimes employed to erase details in victoms minds (like exactly how thay were aducted, who there sinificant others were, ect), then erase the paper trail of the victom's existance.


"Harlot" (Knockout): For a short time, the superheroien Knockout was memory whiped by Mistress Oblivia after stumbling into one of the storehouses and captured (and after a faled atempt to deathtrap her). She became Harlot durring this short time, dressed in a short red dress with spagettie straps, corset and garderbelt, fishnet stockings, long gloves and feathered boa. She almost replaced the musselmen as 'mussel' when her memorys returned after watching one of her friends almost runed over by a train. So much for that plan. Knockout sergested as a tempory henchman by Opale, name and costume sergested by myself.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Milinda Wicked

Mister Wicked's 16 year old sister/DNPC (yes, villians can have DNPCs also)


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift 75kg. 1 and 1/2d6 Damage

8 DEX -4 11-

8 CON -2 11-

8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-

8 EGO -2 11-

8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack 1 and 1/2d6


3 OCV 0

3 DCV 0

3 OMCV 0

3 DMCV 0

2 SPD 0 Phases: 6,12


2 PD 0 Total PD: 2 (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total ED: 2 (0 rED)

4 REC 0

15 END -1

8 BODY -2

16 STUN -2


Total Char: -19


Cost Power/End

-2 A Little Slow: Running -2m (10m total)

-1 A Little Slow:Swimming -2m (2m total)


Cost Skill/Roll

4 KS:Student 13-

4 KS: History 13-

4 High Society 12-


Cost Perks/Tallents

6 Alowance: Wealthy (aprox $1,000,000 a year)

4 Beutie of the Inosent: +2 w/Interaction Skills and +2d6 PRE Attack aganist thoes with good hearts and souls.


Total Power/Skill/Perks/Tallents Cost: 19

Grand Total: 0


Complications: 25+

Distinctive Features: Dresses Like A Victorean Lady or 'Old-Fashion' Girl (Concelable, Noted And Recognizable) (10)

Hunted by Mister (Reginal) Wicked and his employies (More Pow, NCI, Easy to find, Very Frequent, Watching) (25)

Negitive Rep: Wierd Rich Girl (Frequetly, Limited Group: High School In Croud) (5)

Psychological Complication: Has 'Blinders' On About Her Brother (Common, Strong) (15)

Psychological Complication: Trustful (Common, Strong) (15)

Psychological Complication: Shy (Common, Moderate) (5)

Psychological Complication: Crushing Over Robert Trueheart (bka Lady Heart) (Common, Moderate) (5)

Social Complication: Brother's Secret May Destroy Her Life (Infequent, Major) (10)

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Before I post anything having to do with Mister Wicked and company, I need to make it clear

that what I've done thus far with his employees has been to come up with the pictures and

ideas on how they might operate as part of Wicked's operation (at least for the ones suggest-

ed by steriaca; there are a few that I had the ideas for afterward).


However, as per a request from steriaca, I've broken out my Hero books (for the first time

since getting back home from the hospital) and am about to come up with the writeups for

this merry crew of malcontents. Just so you know, though, the only 6th Ed. book that I've

got (aside from The Ultimate Base, that is) is Volume 1 of the HERO System Sixth Edition

rulebook, so some parts of the individual writeups are going to be from 5th Ed. sources.


Now that that's out of the way, on to the pics and the descriptions.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


The first of Mister Wicked's henchmen to be described here are three gentlemen who go

by the names of Alvarez, Bruno, and Mace:








These three -- together with Ferris, the coachman/driver -- are the only surviving members

of the previous kidnapping and slave-trading operation that Mister Wicked's father was run-

ning in Hudson City, prior to its destruction by the Harbinger of Justice. They immediately

transferred their loyalty to Mister Wicked, and have faithfully and loyally served him ever

since. Their roles in the operation are simple -- to collect and transport Mister Wicked's

victims to his secret lair and auction house, to "discourage" investigators from looking too

closely into Mister Wicked's affairs (over the years, this "discouragement" has entailed the

expenditure of several hundred pounds of fast-drying cement -- in one-hundred-pound lots),

and -- most importantly of all, and is the one part of the job that they truly enjoy -- keeping

Milinda from finding out what her brother actually does for a living.


Over the years, the three have mastered certain skills which have enabled them to perform

their job with a greater degree of success than when they were working for Mister Wicked's

father; among these skills is disguise. In the past, they have disguised themselves as delivery

men, hearse attendants, and paramedics (Mister Wicked secretly owns a delivery service, a

funeral home, and a private ambulance firm, ensuring that the organization always has the

appropriate vehicle for the task at hand); this has enabled them, on occasion, to abduct a

victim in plain sight of multiple witnesses -- without said witnesses being aware of what they

were actually seeing (this works best when disguised as paramedics, as part of the abduction

plan involves covertly introducing a non-lethal paralytic drug into the victim, which makes it

appear as though the victim has suffered a sudden heart attack; once the "paramedics" are

on the scene and go through the motions of trying to revive the victim, they then load her

onto a gurney and take her away in the ambulance).


When they're not snatching some unfortunate lass off of the street (or from her home), the

three of them perform their cover job as groundskeepers for the Wicked estate.


Alvarez is a Hispanic-American, Bruno is a naturalized citizen of German descent, and Mace is

an African-American; all three are very strong, and work out regularly in the estate mansion's

weight room.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


The fourth of Mister Wicked's original employees is his coachman and driver, a gentleman

by the name of Ferris:








As the family coachman and driver, Ferris can handle any vehicle with consummate skill,

whether it's the family horse-drawn carriage (or coach -- they have one of each) or the

family limousine. He's also a skilled mechanic, and is capable of performing any repair

job that the limo might need. Over the years, he has also become an expert at manufact-

uring replacement parts for the carriage and the coach, and can unerringly select the best

wood or metal for the job at hand; a skill which he has also learned how to apply to Mister

Wicked's business. Many of the restraining devices which are used in the business were

designed and built by Ferris; to date, no one who has ever been secured by one of these

devices has ever freed herself from them.


Ferris' true job within the organization, however, is to serve as the driver for whatever vehicle

is being used for a particular kidnapping -- whether it's a nondescript delivery van, a hearse,

or an ambulance. Like Alvarez, Bruno, and Mace, Ferris disguises himself on these missions,

so that he can never be identified by witnesses.


He does have one particular skill which has helped to make the organization's kidnappings much

easier: a photographic memory. Many of the kidnappings which Mister Wicked and company have

performed over the last few years have succeeded only because of Ferris' recall of details -- whet-

her or not a victim lives alone, or if she has neighbors who could foul up the attempt -- which

could mean the difference between success or failure.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Spelling corrected as requested


Background: What can I say for myself? Villainy is in the family blood. It is even in our name. My ancestors ran a storage house / auction house for slaves before ending up on a southern plantation somewhere. After the War of Northern Aggression, he simply went underground with his trade. My grandfather expanded the business to include white women in what was called 'white slavery'. My father expanded it further by selling people as lab rats and sacrifice victims to certain organizations which will remained unnamed.


As for myself, I was all ready to take control of the business at 17 when my father was found murdered by the Full Moon Killer. You know the guy. Emptied out a storehouse full of product and killed my father's best employees before tying him onto a log and running him through a lumber-saw. Messy, but spared me the job of doing him in myself.


So, I took the remainder of my father's employees and my sister and hi-tailed it out of Hudson City. It took a while to restart the family business (while keeping Milinda in the dark), but I did it.


I am now 21, and the city knows me as an eccentric millionaire with a thing for the 19th century. I throw lavish costume balls and give to charities. And, at night, my henchmen scour the streets, looking for those who would not be missed to take away. And sometimes I come across a lovely young lady in the media who attracts my attention. The business is lagging lately. Perhaps I need to kidnap and kill a special woman to let the underworld know that I am not playing around.


Quote: It is your choice, my bound dear. Shall you chose my saw table, or shall you get a personal view of my train set?


Personality/Motivation: Mister Reginald Wicked is motivated by his vile lust for wealth, women, and blood. He orders his henchmen to go out and abduct women from all over the city, then catalog his victims. The lucky ones get there wills broken, then sold. The unlucky ones (those with strong wills, or are rather pretty) face a fate of a stereotypical deathtrap.


Needless to say, he hates most women. Only a few escape his hatred. His sister is one of them. He is extremely protective of her. Perhaps more protective than a brother should be. One of his henchmen, Miss Helga, is another woman he trusts (Her main job is to keep Milinda in the dark about the goings on in the mansion, and the rooms under the mansion). Finally, a frequent employee Madam Oblivia has earned his trust (but that might be because she can erase memories at will).


Powers/Tactics: Mister Wicked usually hides behind his henchmen, using them to fight and shield himself. He is no coward, but views combat to be wasteful of his time (and would rather fight someone he knows he can win).


If push comes to shove, he has his gimmicked up gentleman's cane to fall back on. Not only is it strong, it contains enough gadgets to make it easy to escape, or abduct if his henchmen are not doing there jobs well. The paralysis darts and the KO gas are his prime abduction weapons. The laser, cane, sword, and gun are primly to kill those who attempt to stop his abduction.


Protection wise, his main costume is coated with chemicals which make it tough to harm him. His mask protects his eyes, and his cape can deflect anything, assuming he can get it in the way.


He is weak against mental powers, and can easily be drained/transformed. He is merely a 'normal' villain with access to some hi-tech toys and henchmen (hence, the Mastermind Pool).

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


One of Mister Wicked's newest and, so far, most trusted employees is also the only

exception to his "no female employees" rule -- a woman who is known only as Miss









Before she entered Mister Wicked's employ, she was a petty criminal who was on

the run from the law for several thefts which she'd performed. In the course of her

flight, she happened across an ad in the "Help Wanted" section of the local news-

paper; Mister Wicked had posted an ad to the effect that he was looking for some

domestic employees to handle certain jobs around the mansion. What he hadn't

included in the ad was the line that "No Women Need Apply"; he was therefore

shocked when the future Miss Helga showed up at his mansion's doorstep. Although

he was going to send her on her way at first, he changed his mind upon realizing

that the young woman who'd answered his ad was a fellow criminal, and decided

to interview her for the job.


After asking her the standard questions, Mister Wicked asked one that wasn't on

any list: would she have a problem with working for someone who was involved

with an ongoing criminal enterprise? The future Miss Helga's response was "No;

why should I?"


Mister Wicked hired her on the spot; since then, he's had no reason to regret hiring a

female employee for the first time in his life. Indeed, in many respects, Miss Helga is

the best employee that he could have hired, given the jobs that she does. Not only

does she keep the mansion clean and in order, she also watches out for Milinda as

well. Whether it's to accompany her on a shopping trip, or to act as a chaperone when

a male guest has come to pay a visit, Miss Helga is never far from Milinda's side. But

there's a darker side to this part of her job, for she also has the responsibility to make

sure that Milinda doesn't stumble across anything that would reveal the truth about

her brother's activities.


When she isn't working at the mansion, Miss Helga can be found at Mister Wicked's

secret lair, keeping an eye on any captives that are being held there; she has been

taught by Doctor Graves (another of Mister Wicked's newer employees) how to re-

cognize the warning signs of the side-effects associated with some of the knockout

drugs used by the organization (such as hyperpyrexia, for example).




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


There are times when Mister Wicked isn't able to run his business due to an "occupational

hazard" associated with the kind of business that he runs: an investigator (or group of in-

vestigators) that's looking into his activities for some reason, and who could stumble onto

the truth if he were to be followed to his secret lair and auction house. Fortunately, Mister

Wicked has a subordinate who is more than capable of running things in his absence -- a

gentleman who is referred to only as the Overseer:








Like the majority of Mister Wicked's employees, the Overseer wears 19th-Century garb;

in his case, he wears an outfit reminiscient of those worn by Southern plantation owners

before and during the Civil War.


As his title suggests, the Overseer supervises all aspects of the secret dungeon and auction

house in Mister Wicked's absence, from ensuring that the captives are securely imprisoned

and unable to attract attention to themselves, to running the secret auctions which are held

in the facility from time to time. He also has the authority to have anyone killed -- either a

captive, an ordinary prisoner, or even one of the employees other than himself or any of the

organization's senior employees -- who poses a danger to the continued security of the facility.


Like his employer, the Overseer wears a black domino mask with anti-flash protection,

and a pair of nose filter plugs to protect himself from accidental exposure to the knock-

out gases that the organization uses in the course of its workings. He also carries a spec-

ial cane as well; this one is designed with a built-in knockout gas projector. In addition,

he carries a device that looks like a TV remote control; only instead of switching channels

on a TV, it allows the Overseer to individually trigger any of several electroshock collars

that the feistier of Mister Wicked's captives are fitted with during their stay. These collars

can deliver an electrical shock which is 10,000 volts stronger than a standard police-issue

TASER gun's charge -- more than enough, in the opinion of Wicked and company, to "calm

down" the feistiest captive.


While this rumor has yet to be confirmed, it is believed that the Overseer was a "Kentucky

Colonel" at some point in time before becoming part of Mister Wicked's organization.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


In the short time that he's been involved with the white slave trade, Mister Wicked has

gained a reputation in the underworld of being a provider of quality "product". To ensure

that that reputation remains intact, he has hired a specialist -- a former physician at one

of the most prestigious hospitals in the city -- to look after the health of his captives. This

specialist -- who no longer goes by his real name -- is known only as Doctor Graves:









Doctor Graves is the only member of Mister Wicked's organization who doesn't wear the

19th-Century style garb that the other members do; when asked why, he replied that

"Victorian-age doctors didn't have to worry about Level Four pathogens and viruses, that's



There's also the fact that he utterly despises how the period garb makes him look; fortun-

ately, Mister Wicked recognized Doctor Graves' discomfort, and decided not to make an

issue of it. As long as the "good" doctor provides the service that he was hired for, Mister

Wicked can afford to overlook his "lack of fashion sense".


Before coming to work for Mister Wicked, Doctor Graves had been one of the most respected

physicians at the city's most prestigious hospital, until one of the other doctors and a nurse --

both women -- brought accusations of misconduct against him. According to the accusers, the

doctor was guilty of taking improper liberties with his female patients; the subsequent investi-

gation proved the validity of the charge, and the doctor was fired from his job immediately

thereafter, with the very real possibility of criminal charges and prosecution facing him. His

license to practice medicine was also revoked, forever barring him from the medical profess-

ion. Things were looking bleak indeed for the former physician.


Enter Mister Wicked. Having followed the case in the news media, he figured that someone

with the doctor's qualifications and skill would be a tremendous asset indeed to the organiz-

ation, and decided to hire him. Arranging a secret meeting with the disgraced ex-physician,

Mister Wicked told him that, as a member of his organization, he would not only be able to

continue practicing medicine, but would make far more money as well. He also pointed out

that he would have a far better chance for revenge as part of the organization, than as a

private citizen.


The ex-doctor thought on what Mister Wicked had just said. The chance to be able to continue

as a doctor and to become even wealthier in the process was one thing, but the chance for

revenge upon his accusers -- that was an entirely different thing altogether, and one that he

wasn't about to pass up. He decided to accept Mister Wicked's offer, and the two men shook

hands to seal the deal.


Several weeks later -- during which the ex-doctor vanished without a trace -- the doctor and

the nurse who'd brought the accusation against him both went on vacations; both had left

notes saying that they'd be back in a couple of months.


At least, that's what their families and friends were supposed to think. In reality, both women

had been kidnapped by Mister Wicked's men, and evidence which indicated that they'd both

left on vacations was left at their homes. Both women are currently occupying separate cells

at Mister Wicked's secret lair, and Doctor Graves is on hand to ensure that they remain healthy

for the duration of their stay -- which, if the Doctor has his way, will be a very long time indeed...




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Not all of those who work for Mister Wicked are full-time members of the organization; in

fact, there are more than a few who work on a per-commission basis (meaning that they

are paid only for those jobs that they actually do for Mister Wicked, and only then at the

time that they're done). Of all those who do such work for Mister Wicked, perhaps the

most disturbing is the costumed villainess known only as Madame Oblivia:








Madame Oblivia is what could best be termed as a techno-mercenary, in that she uses

an unusual technology -- a costume which enables her to not only evade detection by

electronic security systems, but also to be invisible to recording systems of any type

(she is still visible to the unassisted human eye, but as far as still, one-picture-at-a-

time cameras and closed-circuit TV cameras are concerned, she's effectively invisible).

She also has the power to somehow mentally access computer systems, enabling her

to either extract selected data from their memory banks, or to erase it either in part

or in toto.


This power also works on organic computers -- i.e., human brains, which makes this

talent an exceedingly valuable one indeed to Mister Wicked. Whenever he has a large

"consignment" of captive women that he's ready to sell, he has Madame Oblivia come

in and erase their memories of who they are. This process -- which is a psychologically

traumatic one for the victims -- leaves them without any memory of who they were;

this lack of an identity, in turn, leaves them vulnerable to the sort of "conditioning"

that those who work in the slave trade use to break the wills of their victims. Madame

Oblivia is compensated very handsomely for her work on such occasions; given that

the average "consignment" can be between ten and twenty young women, she can

earn as much as $200,000 for a single night's work. It is unknown if some sudden

shock or other stimulus would have the effect of restoring the erased memories, as

none who have been subjected to Madame Oblivia's power have ever been seen again.


Normally, Madame Oblivia wears a skintight version of the anti-detection suit when she's

on a job for another client; in deference to Mister Wicked's somewhat antiquated sens-

ibilities, she wears a version of the outfit that has more of a Victorian-era style to it -- and

which gives her a sinister, almost occult appearance (the glowing red eyes which are visi-

ble under the hood of her cloak tend to reinforce that impression).


No one who has ever had dealings with Madame Oblivia has ever seen what she looks like

beneath her costume (either one), but all who have met her -- including Mister Wicked --

are in agreement on one thing: that there's something about her that they find disturbing

on a visceral level.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


One of Mister Wicked's newer employees is his butler, an Italian-American who answers

to the name of Scarlotti:








Although he isn't as tall as Mister Wicked's three strongmen -- or as tall as Ferris, for

that matter -- he is every bit as strong as them. What sets him apart from most strong-

men, however, is that he values brains and stealth just as much as he does strength;

he also brings a knowledge of pharmacology and toxicology to his job, which has only

made him an even more valuable member of Mister Wicked's organization. He has al-

ready made a valuable contribution to the organization, in the form of more efficient

and less harmful knockout drugs which are now in use with the organization.


He has also become a valuable member of the kidnap team, and often delivers the para-

lytic drug to their intended victim; the instrument used for this job is an injector pen

similar to what some diabetics use to take their doses of insulin. The way that this is

accomplished is that Scarlotti will walk toward the victim and, as he passes her without

looking at her, swings the injector in a short backhand motion, jabbing her in the back-

side; a compressed-air charge injects the drug into her at that point. Because of the

thinness and small size of the needle, if the victim feels anything at all, she would think

that all that it was was an insect bite -- until the paralytic takes effect, and she drops to

the ground, instantly paralyzed and helpless, but alive.


Scarlotti's natural talent for unobtrusiveness -- that is, being able to move around with-

out being noticed -- has contributed a great deal to his success in this regard; in his

role as the Wicked family butler, he has ample opportunities to practice this skill on a

regular basis.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Whenever Mister Wicked is present at his secret lair/auction house, he is always accompanied

by three rather tall women, who not only dress the same way, they also have the exact same

hairstyle -- what was known as the "Gibson Girl" style back in the 19th Century. The only dis-

cernable difference between the three is that each has a different hair color, which is how they

are known to others -- as Miss Black, Miss Blonde, and Miss Brown:








However, the name by which they are collectively known as is Wicked's Wenches.

As mentioned, the Wenches not only dress the same, but they all wear nearly-blank

white face masks, which are buckled on so that they don't come off in a fight. The only

features on these masks are mirrored lenses where the eyes should be (these are anti-

flash lenses), bright, red lips, and a "hairline" which matches the color of their hair.

Like many of Mister Wicked's key employees, they also wear nose filter plugs to keep

from being accidentally exposed to any knockout gas.


Their role in the organization is as that of personal bodyguards to Mister Wicked; like

him, they are trained savateurs (practicioners of the French art of savate). However,

they have also incorporated elements from other martial arts -- notably, kung fu, muay

thai, and tae kwon do -- into their repetoire, making them dangerous and versatile

fighters indeed. They also carry concealed garrotes and stilettos, for those occasions

where it would be much easier to dispatch an opponent quickly than to trade kicks and

punches back and forth.


What only a small handful of people know is that the Wenches aren't women at all; they're

actually male cross-dressing martial artists. Special corsets and prosthetics enable them to

successfully masquerade as women; they can even pitch their voices in such a way that

they sound feminine -- deep, but still feminine. All of them can speak French, but usually

speak English with a French accent whenever they speak to Mister Wicked or to others

(it is unknown at this point in time if they are actually French, or if they simply speak it

as part of their disguise).




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Mister Wicked's "business associates" -- those who patronize his business on a regular

basis -- tend to be a mixed bag. Whenever there's an auction to be held at the secret

auction house, you can find the following individuals there: representatives from ARGENT

(who are there primarily to buy some suitable "test subjects" for their latest unsavory

experiments), DEMON Morbanes (who don't identify themselves as such for obvious reasons,

but who are there in the hope of being able to purchase some virgins for use in their vile,

unspeakable rituals), and a few South American narcotraficantes (who are looking for new

"toys" to replace the ones that eventually wound up broken -- and disposed of) as well.

Sometimes, there are even intermediaries from several Middle Eastern potentates (who

are looking for some fresh faces for their harems) in the audience as well.


But of all those who visit Mister Wicked's secret auctions on a regular basis, perhaps the

most colorful is a man who's every bit as eccentric as Mister Wicked himself, but in a

different way -- a man who calls himself Captain "Dirty" Tom Rackham:










Where Mister Wicked and company (with the exception of Doctor Graves) dress in 19th-Century

fashion, Captain Rackham always appears in a variation of the uniform shown above: a shirt

with a red panel and yellow trim, emblazoned with a flaming skull-and-crossbones symbol on

the front, a pair of dark, baggy pants with pockets on the thighs, a military-style sleeveless

vest the same color as the pants, and a pair of side-buckling boots in dark gray. He also wears

a crimson-red beret with the same symbol that's on the shirt, and is rarely -- if ever -- seen

without a lit cigar (whose scent many of the cigar-smoking buyers at these auctions have tried

to identify, but to no avail) in his mouth; he also seems to have a permament 5'o'clock shadow

on his lower face, even when he's clean-shaven.


Rackham also carries on his person what appear to be various high-tech items, the most identi-

fiable of which is a communications headset, which he wears on the left side of his head. The

rest of the items are a pair of futuristic-looking bracers worn on his wrists, and what looks like a

collar with some kind of speaker attached to the front of it. The pair of guns which are slung

from the back of his belt have a futuristic look to them; everyone who has ever seen them

assume that they're conventional pistols with exotic handgrips and frames. The entire ensemble

gives Captain Rackham the appearance of a rogue or space pirate from out of a space-opera

sci-fi movie.


What they don't realize is that's exactly what Captain Rackham is -- an honest-to-goodness

space pirate and slaver.


Captain Rackham is a native of the 31st Century -- the time period in which the Galactic Federation

and the future version of the Champions exist, just a few years after the abortive invasion launched

by Istvatha V'han following the Kolvel Event (described in the Galactic Champions sourcebook).


During the confusion caused by the initial battles of the invasion, Captain Rackham and his crew

raided a top-secret Federation research outpost; the need for reinforcements on the front lines had

necessitated the withdrawal of the security forces that would have otherwise been there to oppose

the raid. They were there to see what advanced technology they could steal to sell to the highest

bidder, but what they found instead changed their plans in a large way: an experimental timeship --

a starship with a special type of drive that, theoretically, would enable the ship to travel from one

time period to another.


Until Rackham's attack on the facility, the timedrive had remained non-functional; once the Kolvel

Event took place, however, the mysterious energy that made metahuman powers and super-tech-

nology possible returned to the universe, enabling the timedrive to function at last. Captain Rackham

and his crew wasted no time; they thoroughly ransacked the facility, stealing everything of value --

including the technical manuals and other data on the timeship -- as well as kidnapping several of

the more attractive female researchers to sell as slaves, before completely destroying the facility

to cover the theft. Once they'd returned to their secret hideout, Rackham and the more scientifically-

adept members of his crew sat down with the tech manuals to learn how to use their new ship.


Several months later, Rackham and his crew made the first of several journeys to the early 21st Cen-

tury where they soon learned of Mister Wicked's operation, and purchased several of his captives to

bring forward in time, where they were sold in the slave markets of the 31st Century.


Because Rackham's crimes are committed in the past -- and he's been careful to leave no trace of his

activities there -- there's nothing to indicate to the law-enforcement agencies of the 31st Century (or

the future version of the Champions) that there are innocent people in need of rescue.


Captain Rackham has the following equipment on his person whenever he's visiting Earth of the 21st



Universal Translator: this device, which is worn around the neck, can instantly translate any spoken

language that it hears into the wearer's own language; the device can also translate the wearer's

spoken words into the same language that it originally heard, even if the speaker doesn't possess

the vocal organs necessary to reproduce the sounds.


ChronoCom/V.I. Computer: this device, worn on the left wrist, is a combination chronometer, commun-

icator (with sufficient range to reach Lunar orbit), and Virtual Intelligence computer. The difference be-

tween Virtual Intelligence and true Artificial Intelligence is that, while A.I. computers are truly sentient

and aware of their own selves, V.I. computers can only simulate the appearance of sentience.


The headset that Captain Rackham wears is linked to the ChronoCom, and allows for (more or less)

private communications between Rackham and his cloaked timeship.


Personal Force Field Projector: this device, worn on the right wrist, can project a protective force field

around the wearer. The field, which conforms to the shape of the wearer's body (and extends out from

the body to a distance of two inches), has sufficient energy in its powerpack for 20 minutes of continu-

ous operation before needing to be recharged (or a new powerpack inserted in the place of the old one).


Blaster Pistols: these energy-projection weapons have two settings -- Stun and Kill. On the Stun setting,

the pistols have enough power for 40 shots each, while on the Kill setting they only have 20 each. Capt-

ain Rackham typically carries 12 powerpacks for these weapons; one already loaded in each pistol, with

5 spare powerpacks for each weapon.


Blacklight Grenade: this weapon, when used, creates a field of swirling, bluish-black energy that is half

the size of a standard basketball court; while the field is active, anyone caught in its effect radius is

temporarily rendered blind and disoriented. Once its energy charge is exhausted, however, those affect-

ed by it soon regain their eyesight.


All of these devices were products of the same facility that created the timeship; Rackham wisely decided

not to sell them on the black market, as they were far too useful to him in his current endeavors.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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