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Defeat Means Friendship?


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As described here at tvtropes.org, Character A defeats Character B in combat, and they become friends because of it.


I realize that this can be done purely as a GM plotline decision, but how could you write this up as a power that Character A possesses? Character A does not consciously do it, it just happens at the end of a fight. It doesn't even mean that an evil Character B suddenly becomes good, just that they now consider themselves to be a friend of Character A. They could still cheerfully want to gut other friends of Character A.


Would this be done as a triggered Transformation attack of some kind?


It seems appropriate for martial arts-based campaigns, but I could see it as an amusing ability in other genres.

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Re: Defeat Means Friendship?


Mind Control could work, if the friendship is only for the current scenario (or "episode" to use a television term).


Otherwise, a Transform that adds "Psychological Complication: Friendly Toward/Friend Of Character" would be a more permanent solution - one of the key transforms back is that the former enemy has a "fool proof" way to get back at the Character, or the Character does something so against the enemies other aspects they have no choice but to go back on the friendship and re-ignite the feud again.

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Re: Defeat Means Friendship?


Defeat means friendship: (Total: 20 Active Cost, 7 Real Cost)

Charm 16- (13 Active Points); Conditional Power Only after defeating someone in one on one combat (-1), No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; usually happens, but what "friendship" means to some people....; -1) (Real Cost: 4)


Change Environment (-1 to EGO Roll to resist Charm), Area Of Effect Accurate (4m Radius; +1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; Defeating someone in single combat; +3/4) (7 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1) (Real Cost: 3)


Lucius Alexander


the palindromedary says defeat is indistinguishable from sufficiently advanced technology!

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Re: Defeat Means Friendship?


Let's see:

You would need a Major Transform. A small amount should be enough. This also prevents pushovers from beign affected (if you don't need to hit them often enough to affect them, this wasn't a real fight).

You would need fully IPE (+1) and 0 END.

If you use mostly HTH-Attacks, you can apply no Range and make it a Damage Shield.

If you are more the ranged attacker, you need Trigger (when attacking). Your CSL and PSL would have to cover the Transform as well as the rest.

Defense: Right now it is power Defense. Could you think of a different one?

Healing Method: Has to be defined.

Limit it to "only takes effect if character is victorious".


You might have to add a Transform that takes away any "hunting" complciations.

This power can cause trouble with your own hunted-complciaionts.


If you are mostly after the bonus to interaction rolls, how about:

3 4-point Skill levels with all Interaction Skills, Only to counter the penalty for "Dislikes Character" Complications, Only vs. Foes bested once in combat


X 4-point Skill levels with all Interaction Skills, Only vs. Foes bested once in Combat


The amount of SL in the second part depends on how "Severe" you want the friendship to be.



Positive reputation:

Large Group, 11-

When you beat someone you "inform" him of this Reputation.

The 11- is the chance that you have already beat him "off screen", thus he already is a friend.


Striking Appereance:

2 Point version, with the Limitation being "Only vs. people bested in Combat".


Buy one part to counter penalties, and one depending on the severity of the "Friendship" as show under the SL version.

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Re: Defeat Means Friendship?


I also like the suggestions made above.


I once had a NPC whose main attack also carried a linked 1 point transform. If it eventually built up evnough points to actually transform the target then the target gained a Complication that, in effect, addicted them to the attack, so they started liking getting hit with it.


Odd campaign...


One other thing we have done in the past is 'drain for specific purposes', so, for example, you might have an EGO drain that ONLY operates in respect of the attacks of the person who does the drain, allowing the character to easily influence that person. A 'specific person PRE drain' could work here.


You could also use a continuous uncontrolled Mind Control (with the 'uncontrolled' being 'broken' by avoiding defeat in combat).


One issue to consider is whether you want this to (potentially) affect PCs as well as NPCs: if so you probably need a way to mechanically force it - complications and skills, even superskills, can often be simply ignored by PCs, depending on how your game runs.

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Re: Defeat Means Friendship?


Give all the (appropriate) bad guys Psych Lims' date=' "Becomes friends with/respects anybody who defeats them"?[/quote']


Yes, that is one possibility. I was more looking for how some characters have a knack for becoming friends with former foes, maybe just dropping them to being friendly rivals instead. Characters without this knack can defeat someone, but the relationship doesn't change. They stay enemies.

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Re: Defeat Means Friendship?


Positive reputation:

Large Group, 11-

When you beat someone you "inform" him of this Reputation.

The 11- is the chance that you have already beat him "off screen", thus he already is a friend.


I think I like this better than my own idea.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks my idea is better. But not by much.

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