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Do you use Teamwork?


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Re: Do you use Teamwork?


Why in the world would anyone want to discourage their players from acting like a team? I thought that was the greatest feeling a gm could achieve, knitting a group of loners into a force to be reckoned with.


If your villains can't withstand a teamwork blitz maybe your villains could use a boost or a return to villain school.


Hear hear!

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Re: Do you use Teamwork?


My players are already looking to buy teamwork. They see its value. They went up against four bricks in one game and they started complain - we hit them with everything we've go but we can't keep them down.



Then you need teamwork, not Teamwork (well, Teamworks works too) - Character A hits Brick A, Character B hits Brick A, Character C hits Brick A, Brick A goes down, Character D hits Brick A, who is helpless and out of combat and takes double damage, and loses any active defences (or Character D could just deliver a Coup de Grace). You can take down tough opponents with timing and tactics, you do not need Teamwork to do it.


Teamwork just makes a 'Stunned' result more likely, but even two people coordinating are likely to stun most opponents: assuming a game where 12DC atatcks are routine I would expect defences around 24, 18 damage through defences per hit, and CON of 23-28: like I say even 2 people coordinating are likely to stun an opponent - and it makes sense for 2 to coordinate and teh rest to wait - especially against Bricks where their low DCV (usually) and the multiple attacker bonus make hitting likely. Then the others get to hit a stunned opponent!


To build a villain who can stand a coordinated attack from 2x12DC, you either need to massively up their CON (and why would they have a huge CON), or up their defences: if the Heroes try coordinating with 4-6 attacks, even if only 3 hit, the villain is stunned unless they have ridiculously high CON or defences.


Anyway, I'm willing to bet that the Heroes are a lot less enthusiastic about the benefits of Teamwork if the villains use it too, and why shouldn't they? The trouble is is a villain gets taken out in teh first phase, no real biggie: if a PC does and spends teh rest of the combat twiddling their thumbs, boredom will quickly set in.

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Re: Do you use Teamwork?


Teamwork just makes a 'Stunned' result more likely' date=' but even two people coordinating are likely to stun most opponents: assuming a game where 12DC atatcks are routine I would expect defences around 24, 18 damage through defences per hit, and CON of 23-28: like I say even 2 people coordinating are likely to stun an opponent - and it makes sense for 2 to coordinate and teh rest to wait - especially against Bricks where their low DCV (usually) and the multiple attacker bonus make hitting likely. Then the others get to hit a stunned opponent![/quote']

Or ideally they get to haymaker a stunned foe.

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Re: Do you use Teamwork?


Or ideally they get to haymaker a stunned foe.


Good GMs learn from their players - if they start developing useful tactics, organised opposition will start using those tactics against them, if they can. Individual 'one off' opponents probably will not know those tactics though.


I think it might have been McCoy who suggested on a different thread some time ago that Hunted rolls be used for other stuff too - for example if you are hunted by VIPER and VIPER is in this scenario anyway, then the hunted roll could be used almost like a knowledge roll, giving them some information about you that could be useful - for example tactics.

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Re: Do you use Teamwork?


I think it might have been McCoy who suggested on a different thread some time ago that Hunted rolls be used for other stuff too - for example if you are hunted by VIPER and VIPER is in this scenario anyway' date=' then the hunted roll could be used almost like a knowledge roll, giving them some information about you that could be useful - for example tactics.[/quote']


I generally consider that part-and-parcel of being a Hunted, unless it's just not in the Hunted's nature (like I dunno, Hunted by Bulldozer or something).

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Re: Do you use Teamwork?


I almost always buy Teamwork for any supers character I make as a part of my standard "good Samaritan" package. (Stuff like Teamwork, Paramedic, KS: Police Procedures, etc., so that the hero is useful in aiding the public and not screwing up the regular authorities in doing their jobs.)


Most games, and every game I've been in, consist of being on a team, so Teamwork only makes sense.

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