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Ghostbusters Plus


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Suppose that the events in the Ghostbusters movie occured in the year that the movie that it came out in. Since then the Ghostbusters Company has remained strong and been fighting ghosts, spectors, and other etheral problems in their own way. Not all thier problems have been supernatural though. Remember, at the start of movei two they had the legal junction against them to not use their equipment that the judge had to recend (wich he did do during the movie).


Now it is x years later. (lets not worry about just how long) Lets see just what scenarios those of us in Herodom can come up with for the great and exciting guys in Ghostbusters Corporation would have to do.

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Re: Ghostbusters Plus


I think the best thing to do would be to steal the plot from the recent Ghostbusters video game or steal plots from the cartoons. Just redress the plots to be "X years later" and you're done. Or, a crossover between Ghostbusters and the Lovecraft Mythos could work as well (and I think they did that in one episode of the cartoon, albeit lightheartedly).

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Re: Ghostbusters Plus


I think the best thing to do would be to steal the plot from the recent Ghostbusters video game or steal plots from the cartoons. Just redress the plots to be "X years later" and you're done. Or' date=' a crossover between Ghostbusters and the Lovecraft Mythos could work as well (and I think they did that in one episode of the cartoon, albeit lightheartedly).[/quote']


Yep. "The Collect Call of [sic] Cathulu."

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Re: Ghostbusters Plus


My group played a Ghostbusters game using Cortex. The basic plot was that the Ghostbusters guys started a franchise. We were a franchise in Chicago.


My character was a cryptozoologist trying to get his work in "ectozoology" recognized and was the boss due not to leadership ability but because he had the money and had bought into the franchise. He was easily distracted, often trying to name and categorize the things that were attacking him and he always introduced himself by his full name with titles (Waldern Alloicious Montgomery III, PhD, et cetera).


Our public face was a b-list celebrity (former teen star) from a ghost hunting show so bad even the crazies made fun of it. He was extremely charismatic and a horrible skirt chaser but could talk his way out of dang near anything. He also was responsible for producing our commercials ("Prices so low it's Spooooky!"). He is also part of the reason the group was banned from Canada, which became a running gag.


Our muscle was ex-military. A former marine he never bothered telling us he worked in the motor pool and had never left the country. He loved the proton packs and had very little regard (and by very little I mean "none") for the collateral damage they could cause.


Our inventor/brains was a 16 year old genius with several college degrees (maybe a phd, don't remember) in physics and scientific fields. His parents didn't know what to do with him so when he wanted to work at GB: Chicago made the boss his legal guardian. He was definitely somewhere on the autistic scale with no interpersonal skills at all. He did manage to turn a hydro-electric dam into a positively charged slime generator though.


Lastly, a late addition to our group was the guy sent in from Ghost Busters Corporate Headquarters to find out why the Chicago branch was getting so many complaints. He quickly got caught up with an investigation and seeing the immediate need first hand bent some rules. His combination of document forgery skills and an understanding of bureaucratic processes were priceless.



If you're interested in any of the actual plotlines we ran just let me know. Otherwise I'll stop rambling about our gormer games.

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Re: Ghostbusters Plus


Cross posted from the quote of the week from your game thread. This includes the first reference to being banned from Canada:


From last week’s Ghostbuster’s filler game.


Characters: (using first/nick names since I don’t recall all of the PCs names at the moment).


Me: Bumbling Crypto-zoologist determined to lead the way in the new field he calls Ecto-zoology. Defacto leader, not because of any leadership ability but because he has the money and bought into the Ghostbuster’s franchise. Has the unfortunate habit of trying to name and classify the specters that are currently attacking him.


Austen: 17 year old savant physicist with multiple Phds and a complete lack of social skills


Mike: Former infantryman hired as the team’s muscle. He has the unfortunate habit of being completely unconcerned with the collateral damage the particle beam weapons can produce.


Whitty: Former host of the worst “ghost hunters” type show to ever hit cable TV. It was so bad even the paranormal conspiracy theory nuts considered it a joke. Very charming and persuasive, and a bit of a skirt chaser, he is the teams spokesperson.


NPC Girl: Director of the local Historical Society in the small town where we are investigating the Pumpkin Jack urban legend and the disappearance of several young children. Very cute and has my character constantly bumbling over everything he says.



The quotes (mostly without context since they seem more humorous that way):


NPC Girl: Crypto-zoology? You mean like bigfoot?


Mike: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, whatever you want to call it. He has a dozen names, Skunk-ape, the Wedi, err Wundi, um…


Me: Wendigo. It’s called the Wendigo, which is not the same as the Sasquatch, and which I’ll never get to study since we’re no longer allowed in Canada!


NPC Girl: Wait, your team got kicked out of Canada?!


Whitty: There was an…incident…


Mike: Yeah, an “incident” with you and that Mountie’s daughter.


Whitty: Hey, they overreacted. That was blown way out of proportion just ‘cause we involved the horse.






Austen’s character wandered off in the woods following his PKE Meter and comes out near the high school football field where the cheerleaders are practicing. One particularly bubble headed cheerleader wanders over to see who the weird kid that just wandered out of the woods is. His PKE seems to indicate that the source of the reading are coming from the girls torso, so without so much as an introduction he says:


Austen: I need your shirt.


Cheerleader: Hi, I…What?


Austen: Your shirt, the energy readings are coming from your shirt. I need it.


Cheerleader (looking confused and a little scared): Energy, you mean like radiation or something?

*Being worried about the “radiation” she takes off her shirt and hands it to him, standing there awkwardly. Austen scans the shirt, which doesn’t give off any readings. He turns the scanner back to the girl and it immediately goes off again when aimed at her…upper torso.


Austen: Huh? I need your bra.


Cheerleader (now looking really nervous and a little angry): What?!


Austen: It’s not your shirt; it must be coming from your bra…

*At this point the girl’s football player boyfriend comes up from behind looking really pissed off. The Jock starts yelling something along the lines of “what the hell’s going on” as he shoves Austen from behind, startling the small nerd who accidentally discharges his handheld positively charged slime thrower…all over the Jock.

Jock: What the @#$%, I’m gonna kick your @#$%ing %$#@!

*He takes a swing at Austen, slips in the slime and ends up flat on his back. Austen is saved by Mike and the coach before he can get beaten to a pulp.


Later, when relaying this story to the team rest of the team,

Mike: So what you’re saying is, while looking at the shirtless cheerleader you shot goo all over the football player…


Austen: What?


Me: Can we get back on topic here?!


Austen (about 3 minutes later in the conversation): Oh, I get it. It was a penis joke.


Other 3: *group facepalm*




NPC Girl (flirting): So, have you studied the Loch Ness Monster?


Me: Um, actually we don’t like to use that term…


NPC Girl: What term?


Me: (launching into lecture mode): You see, Nessie is most likely a vegetarian and we believe her to be peaceful, tranquil creature. We try to avoid the “M word”, as it further propagates the negative stereotype that has… (Interrupted by Mike and Whitty simultaneously blowing raspberries).

(And yes, I stole that last bit from Marshal from ‘How I Met Your Mother’).



Me (looking at the PKE readings as we enter the woods): God I hope that’s some sort of portal or rip in the fabric of space and time and not just a single entity.


Austen: If it’s a portal who knows how many things are coming through. If it’s a single creature at least we can just deal with it.


Me: The last time we dealt with a single spector with reading this high I almost got eaten by a hotel!



Ghost Busters was a filler game that usually ran in one or two shot adventures. This was our 3rd adventure and the first 2-parter. After this every session involved at least one reference to getting kicked out of Canada with a different reason for each province.

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Re: Ghostbusters Plus


If you look for inspiration, I would look at the Ghostbusters Comicshow (or rather both of them):




One of the best targets for plotbasis are old stories. They don't have to be mythical, it can be easily "Captain Ahab"*. But of course a headless horsemen is also often a nice idea. One story had ghost faking to be rivaling Ghostbusters themself (until they woke up a lvl 10-12 ghost).

I could propably make something from Midsummer Nights Dream.


What makes the Situation interesting, is that you can't just do your usual trick to catch them. Either to strong or to hard to find. Or somebody else interferes. Those cases that are relevant for an adventure are usually those that require detective work to figure out how to find/beat the ghost.



*They actually adapted Captain Ahab and the White Whale for the new Thundercats Cartoon.

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Re: Ghostbusters Plus


Let's take a look at the stories from extreme ghostbusters:


01 + 02 - Infection of Evil*

03 - Golem of Prague

04 - facing your personal fears

05 - Manifested Writing

06 - Infection fo Evil*

07 - could be a interpreatation of the Gremlin idea

09 - Vampires

11 - Infection of Evil*

12 - Pied piper of Hamelin

13 - The titles says it all...

14- Gremlin

15 - a "no powers" situation

16 - could be Ahab

17 - Banshee and Sirens (both of UK Myth, afaik)

18 - Timetravel/possible Future

And it goes on from there. It's always eitehr a Mythical being, a re-imagened old story or some generic heroic/superheroic stuff (loosing equipment, being outclassed).


*propably based on the idea of Zombies, Vampires, Werewovles and similar "infecting" monsters.

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Re: Ghostbusters Plus


One of the best targets for plotbasis are old stories. They don't have to be mythical, it can be easily "Captain Ahab"*. But of course a headless horsemen is also often a nice idea. One story had ghost faking to be rivaling Ghostbusters themself (until they woke up a lvl 10-12 ghost).

I could propably make something from Midsummer Nights Dream.


What makes the Situation interesting, is that you can't just do your usual trick to catch them. Either to strong or to hard to find. Or somebody else interferes. Those cases that are relevant for an adventure are usually those that require detective work to figure out how to find/beat the ghost.



*They actually adapted Captain Ahab and the White Whale for the new Thundercats Cartoon.


Animaniacs did a Moby Dick/Gilbert & Sullivan mash-up. It was pretty fun.

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