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Ideal: Basic Villiancy


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I have an ideal for a supliment for a third party publisher (BlackWyrme Games? Silverback Press?). And this, lots of questions before I start.


The Project: An 'enimies' book where all the villians are writen up using mostly the Hero System Basic Rulebook (with some minor extras from the Hero System Martial Arts, Advance Player's Guide, and Advance Player's Guide 2). Also included in each writeup is a section on 'advancing' the charater (by using the full 6ed rules).


1) Which third party does eveyone think would be a good match for the project?


2) How many villians would be 'just right' for a third party 'enimies' book? How many villians do you think I should put aside in case of a rejection or two?


3) Should I include notes on incorperating the charaters in the Champions Universe, or asume that nobody is going to use them in the Champions Universe?

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


The only question I can actually answer is


3) I think notes should include both generic and Champions incorporation ideas. That way both GMs who run Champions and GMs who run homebrew campaigns or campaigns in other super-heroic worlds (e.g., Marvel or DC) or amalgamations would find the book useful.

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


This is one thing about DOJ no lonber owning Champions I do not quite like. Long time ago, a new writer could get a foothold writing an official Enimies book. Now days, you have go generic and third party, or not at all.

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


Wait' date=' that's the time you correct a typo? ;) dw[/quote']


Yes, it is...when I spot it, I have the time to go through it, I understand it, and it is clear to myself the cause of it...using my DSi to post, using that touchscreen keyboard.

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


Yes, please incorporate the characters into the Champions Campaing Setting as well as how to incorporarte them in to our Campaign Setting. All the more more important in my case.








True. But there are two ways I can do that.

1) Incorprate it into each description (Background/History, Quote, Personality/Modivation, Powers/Tactics, Advancing The Charater (using the 6ed to improve or modifing the charater), Campain Use, Incorprating The Charater Into The CU, Costume/Apperances). That leaves a lot of sections to go through (I can always fold Campain Use and Incorprating The Charater Into The CU into one section). Or:

2) Save the Incorprating The Charaters Into The CU as an apendex section near the end of the book.


Which way do you think is better?

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


True. But there are two ways I can do that.

1) Incorprate it into each description (Background/History, Quote, Personality/Modivation, Powers/Tactics, Advancing The Charater (using the 6ed to improve or modifing the charater), Campain Use, Incorprating The Charater Into The CU, Costume/Apperances). That leaves a lot of sections to go through (I can always fold Campain Use and Incorprating The Charater Into The CU into one section). Or:

2) Save the Incorprating The Charaters Into The CU as an apendex section near the end of the book.


Which way do you think is better?

1) makes it harder to read the "normal" writeup/background.


2) makes it harder to use the alternative wrieups.


I would think the alternative is less interesting, so I would go with 2.

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


Wait' date=' that's the time you correct a typo? ;) dw[/quote']


Yes' date=' it is...when I spot it, I have the time to go through it, I understand it, and it is clear to myself the cause of it...using my DSi to post, using that touchscreen keyboard.[/quote']


Okay, I'll be the one that says it. I'll be the spelling nazi. Enemies is spelled "enemies" not "enimies". Also, villain is spelled with the a before the i, and neither villaincy or villiancy are words.

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


I have an ideal for a supliment for a third party publisher (BlackWyrme Games? Silverback Press?). And this, lots of questions before I start.


The Project: An 'enimies' book where all the villians are writen up using mostly the Hero System Basic Rulebook (with some minor extras from the Hero System Martial Arts, Advance Player's Guide, and Advance Player's Guide 2). Also included in each writeup is a section on 'advancing' the charater (by using the full 6ed rules).


1) Which third party does eveyone think would be a good match for the project?


2) How many villians would be 'just right' for a third party 'enimies' book? How many villians do you think I should put aside in case of a rejection or two?


3) Should I include notes on incorperating the charaters in the Champions Universe, or asume that nobody is going to use them in the Champions Universe?


To answer your original questions


1) Blackwyrm games has published multiple supplements while Silverback Press has had a successful kickstarter but have yet to actually publish a book. Also, I suspect that they will be focused on their LARP for a while. Either way they both use crowd funding (Indiegogo for Blackwyrm , Kickstarter for Silverback), so you should probably expect to have to sell your product to the public before you get to publish it.


2) Villains, Vandals, and Vermin had 59 villains and seemed to be a good length to me


3) The appendix approach you mentioned sounds good. This will GMs ideas on how to use them in a CU campaign without tying the characters too closely to intellectual property which you don't own.

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


2) Villains' date=' Vandals, and Vermin[/i'] had 59 villains and seemed to be a good length to me


How would you feal about 40 at the start, with +10 for exceding level 1, and +10 more for exceding level 2 in donations?

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


Adding 10-20 characters will signifigantly alter the page count and thus the printing cost. This will complicate how you determine what funds need to be raised. You can't count on the over-funding to cover the cost difference because it may be due to the number of people who order the book. Need to print more books than expected=less "extra" money from over-funding to make improvements.

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Re: Ideal: Basic Villiancy


How would you feal about 40 at the start' date=' with +10 for exceding level 1, and +10 more for exceding level 2 in donations?[/quote']


Since I tend not to be optimistic about these things, with this option I would assume that I was going to get a book with 40 villains and calculate how much I'm willing to pledge based on this assumption. As bigbywolfe pointed out it is hard to print a 60 villain book with 40 villain price tag.

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