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TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?

Steve Long

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Lately I've been fiddling around with some more material for my Tuala Morn setting (which is of course detailed in the book of the same name ;) ). Specifically, I've been working on a detailed description of the kingdom of Acquitaine, which you can see a sliver of in the map on p. 275 of the book.


As you can probably guess from the name, Acquitaine is a sort of "Fantasy France," the same way that Tuala Morn itself is "Fantasy Celtic/Arthurian Ireland." The primary literary inspiration would be Clark Ashton Smith's stories set in the fictional French province of Averoigne, but there are certainly others... and of course French history itself has plenty of fascinating tidbits that provide good ideas for gaming.


So my question is: assuming I get all this finished up and laid out at some point, is this something you'd be interested in buying as a PDF for a few bucks? (I can't speak to a specific price yet because I'm not sure how big it will be, but at this point I can't imagine it would be more than $4.99 at the most.) It wouldn't include any art (other than a map of Acquitaine, of course), but would have information on the history of the kingdom, its various regions, the internal politics, about half a dozen character sheets for new monsters, a magic system adapted in some way from TM's, and other such stuff.


Secondary question: regardless of your feelings about Acquitaine, would you be interested in similar PDFs about other regions of the Northlands, such as:


Logres ("Fantasy Arthurian England")

Kelmark and Vulkringland ("Fantasy Denmark and Scandinavia," i.e. Fantasy Vikings and suchlike)

Karellia ("Fantasy Finland")

Hrusland ("Fantasy Russia")

Turonia ("Fantasy Tribal Germany," including some parts that are "Fantasy Hungary" and "Fantasy Bulgaria")

Essania ("Fantasy Spain")

Talianora ("Fantasy Italy/late Roman Empire," kinda-sorta)

Bythainia ("Fantasy Byzantine Empire")


Some of those interest me more than others, so I'm not making any promises, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask what y'all might like to see. :)

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


Much as I admire the depth and richness of Tuala Morn, its tight focus always felt a little confining to me, and I was intrigued by the hints about the rest of its world. I'd be especially interested in Logres and Kelmark/Vulkringland, because those lands have a direct influence on Tuala Morn, making for a richer setting. Acquitaine also sounds interesting, and I would definitely pay in the vicinity of $5.00 for a PDF of any of those. Not so much Turonia and Essania, as I feel there would be too much overlap with what would already be dealt with above; although Karellia and Hrusland could be made distinctive enough IMHO. Talianora and/or Bythainia would open lots of room for politicking and intrigue, and that I'd pay for.

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


The fantasy Celtic stuff left me cold.Bleah Celtic Renaissance blah, no offence, Steve.


But I would drop me some serious change to see the rest of fantasy Europe given the same treatment. Theodric, son of Ada, besieged with the last of the Angles at the sacred isle of Lindisfarne by the Men of the Old North; Brunnhild's farewell to Siegfried; Merovingian kings with their sacred hair; the Falcon of the Quraish coming against Roland with his horn at Roncesvalles; the Iron Crown of Lombardy; the love of Abelard and Eloise; Christian of Denmark burning the sacred groves of the Wends on Rugen....


See, this is what gets me about the Celtic Renaissance, which reduces a continent's worth of legend down to one tiny, insular corner.



(Ugh. Get it off me!)

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


I would definitely buy the Acquitaine PDF and several of the others sound really interesting. Especially Kelmark, Vulkringland and Talianora. Karellia seems intriquing as well.

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


Lately I've been fiddling around with some more material for my Tuala Morn setting (which is of course detailed in the book of the same name ;) ). Specifically, I've been working on a detailed description of the kingdom of Acquitaine, which you can see a sliver of in the map on p. 275 of the book.


As you can probably guess from the name, Acquitaine is a sort of "Fantasy France," the same way that Tuala Morn itself is "Fantasy Celtic/Arthurian Ireland." The primary literary inspiration would be Clark Ashton Smith's stories set in the fictional French province of Averoigne, but there are certainly others... and of course French history itself has plenty of fascinating tidbits that provide good ideas for gaming.


So my question is: assuming I get all this finished up and laid out at some point, is this something you'd be interested in buying as a PDF for a few bucks? (I can't speak to a specific price yet because I'm not sure how big it will be, but at this point I can't imagine it would be more than $4.99 at the most.) It wouldn't include any art (other than a map of Acquitaine, of course), but would have information on the history of the kingdom, its various regions, the internal politics, about half a dozen character sheets for new monsters, a magic system adapted in some way from TM's, and other such stuff.


Secondary question: regardless of your feelings about Acquitaine, would you be interested in similar PDFs about other regions of the Northlands, such as:


Logres ("Fantasy Arthurian England")

Kelmark and Vulkringland ("Fantasy Denmark and Scandinavia," i.e. Fantasy Vikings and suchlike)

Karellia ("Fantasy Finland")

Hrusland ("Fantasy Russia")

Turonia ("Fantasy Tribal Germany," including some parts that are "Fantasy Hungary" and "Fantasy Bulgaria")

Essania ("Fantasy Spain")

Talianora ("Fantasy Italy/late Roman Empire," kinda-sorta)

Bythainia ("Fantasy Byzantine Empire")


Some of those interest me more than others, so I'm not making any promises, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask what y'all might like to see. :)


The price would be right, so I'd put it on my list, but what I'd REALLY like would be a PDF covering some of the as yet unaddressed areas on the Valdorian Age map!

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


what I'd REALLY like would be a PDF covering some of the as yet unaddressed areas on the Valdorian Age map!


I don't blame you, but since that wasn't my creation (well, aside from the very basic level of coming up with some names and other bits of data), expanding on it doesn't really interest me, and I wouldn't feel right about doing it even if I were interested.

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


But I would drop me some serious change to see the rest of fantasy Europe given the same treatment. Theodric, son of Ada, besieged with the last of the Angles at the sacred isle of Lindisfarne by the Men of the Old North; Brunnhild's farewell to Siegfried; Merovingian kings with their sacred hair; the Falcon of the Quraish coming against Roland with his horn at Roncesvalles; the Iron Crown of Lombardy; the love of Abelard and Eloise; Christian of Denmark burning the sacred groves of the Wends on Rugen....


Well, I can't promise you'll get all (or even most) of that stuff, since Dark Ages Europe isn't the sole influence on my vision for the Northlands, but there's darn sure some of it lurking in there. The kings of Acquitaine do have long hair, for example. ;)


Part of the trick here is to view things sort of along a continuum from Least Sophisticated/Most Magical to Most Sophisticated/Least Magical. Think of it sort of like a four-step continuum, 1-4. Tuala Morn and Vulkringland define 1 -- they're relatively unsophisticated in terms of art, culture, politics, etc. (note that I didn't say "unsophisticated," but relatively unsophisticated). However, magic remains strong, so there are lots of faerie folk, monsters, mystical traditions, and so on. The Golden Temple tends to be relatively weak here, though some related customs (like having duchies and knighthood in Tuala Morn) have been adopted with greater interest.


Logres and Hrusland are both about a 2. The influence of "true civilization" has definitely crept in and made itself at home, but traditional customs and magic remain relatively strong. The Golden Temple is established in such places, though it struggles still against various local/native traditions and religions.


Acquitaine and Essania are 3s. They're closer to the centers of civilization, and some of that has worn off on them. So here you begin to verge into a bit more of a High Medieval feel (just a bit!), magic is weaker, monsters are less common (though not necessarily uncommon :eg: ). The Golden Temple holds sway here, though local/native traditions and religions lurk in the shadows, villages, and hinterlands.


Talianora and Bythainia are 4s. These are the centers of Northlands civilization (though to be fair, Bythainia really isn't in the Northlands, it's more in the world's equivalent of the Near East). Politics, art, culture, etc. are all very sophisticated, well-developed, elaborate. Magic, OTOH, has withered considerably, and in fact is generally outlawed by the Golden Temple (or at least frowned upon). Monsters are rare (though bandits sometimes less so). Et cetera.


So the feel is more "Dark Ages" in the 1s and 2s, a bit more High Middle Ages in the 3s and 4s. But hopefully it all blends together to create a unique and delightful stew. ;)

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


Sounds Interesting. I would be most interested in the PDFs.

I always enjoy regional magic, seeing how magic is handled differently based upon cultural surroundings and history.


Possible in the future when all the parts have been released I would be interested in a combined hard copy. PDFs are great for when I am working at home but can be a real pain when I'm at the club.

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


I would be interested in the stuff that has a Dark Ages feel, but not so much for the Medieval. A compendium of stuff on the pre-Christian Slavs, Saxons, and Celts would be helpful for a side project I have, and I'm guessing I could easily steal enough to make the low price worthwhile.

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


I would be interested in the stuff that has a Dark Ages feel, but not so much for the Medieval. A compendium of stuff on the pre-Christian Slavs, Saxons, and Celts would be helpful for a side project I have, and I'm guessing I could easily steal enough to make the low price worthwhile.


Just to make sure there's no misunderstanding:


1. What I am talking about is a fictional setting, not historical information.

2. I'm not writing a historical sourcebook on the pre-Christian peoples of Europe (or anywhere else, come to think of it ;) )


There are certainly plenty of tidbits I think you could borrow from Tuala Morn and material expanding on the setting to suit a game set in Dark Ages Europe, but that's definitely not the main thrust of what I'm creating.

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


Just to make sure there's no misunderstanding:


2. I'm not writing a historical sourcebook on the pre-Christian peoples of Europe (or anywhere else, come to think of it ;))


No, I don't think you understand, Steve. You ARE writing this! MUHAHAHAHA! *lightning and thunder*




But in all seriousness, if you're at all interested in the future, that would be frickin' awesome. ;)

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


Logres ("Fantasy Arthurian England")

Kelmark and Vulkringland ("Fantasy Denmark and Scandinavia," i.e. Fantasy Vikings and suchlike)

Karellia ("Fantasy Finland")

Hrusland ("Fantasy Russia")

Turonia ("Fantasy Tribal Germany," including some parts that are "Fantasy Hungary" and "Fantasy Bulgaria")

Essania ("Fantasy Spain")

Talianora ("Fantasy Italy/late Roman Empire," kinda-sorta)

Bythainia ("Fantasy Byzantine Empire")



Of these, I would only buy all of them....

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


But in all seriousness, if you're at all interested in the future, that would be frickin' awesome.


Unfortunately I don't think the sales I'd make to you and the two or three other people who might be interested would justify the time, labor, and research costs involved. ;)

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


I tend to prefer anglo-saxon and viking fantasy over the western european high middle ages approach. So, the saxon and viking equivalents, or the Rus, would be good. I also like byzanitum in the 400-900 period, so, that amalgam would also get my money.

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


I'm in, totally in! Love CAS' Averoigne and would really like to see your re-mix take on it! Also, any and all of the others (I'd add Egypt into the mix too though) I'd most happily welcome as well. Bring it!

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Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff?


I would probably buy it just to have some ready fantasy countries fleshed out. Are we talking 5 or so pages per country? Maybe up to 10 pages? For something like that, I would be willing to pay a couple of bucks.


Heck, I would be willing to pay for more of a detailed write-up of the countries in the Turakian Age.


What can I say, I pretty much buy almost anything non-Champions and non-Pulp. I may have to rethink the Pulp. I even buy the Hero Plus stuff.

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