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Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


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Looking through the examples of characters (in the Hero System Basic rulebook and in the two Villians books I have and the other assorted 6th ed books I have) I see that often the END cost of various powers is list in brackets - i.e. Defender's Electro-Bolos have an END cost of [12] rather than just a 12


What is this exactly? I have probably read over the explanation a 100 times but I cannot seem to find it.





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Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


Speaking of odd questions' date=' (and I bet this has been asked before) does it strike anyone else as humorous that SIXTH edition is where they chose to abandon HEXES?[/quote']

Well, they needed all the Sixes for the books ;)


But seriously, it's jsut soo much easier to do stuff in meters (like the majority of the world). For example you can now buy 1m of movement power (earlier you could only buy 1", wich is 2 meters).

I play a little bit in 5E and the caculation between hexes and meters is always annoying.

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Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


Speaking of odd questions' date=' (and I bet this has been asked before) does it strike anyone else as humorous that SIXTH edition is where they chose to abandon HEXES?[/quote']


They didn't just replace hexes but "inches" as well. I think buying movement by the meter instead of the 1"=1Hex=2Meters makes sense. It adds granularity, while making things clearer for new players, without adding any real complication and gets rid of the "you have to use 1 inch scale" mentality that some people seemed stuck on (and tried to use the rules and use of the "inches" to support). For what it's worth, virtually every 6E game I've played that used a battle map still used a Hex grid, not squares...

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Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


For what it's worth' date=' virtually every 6E game I've played that used a battle map still used a Hex grid, not squares...[/quote']

Measuring in Meters does not make the Hexgrid obsolete anytime. It always is a good way to draw, especially when you have to calculate ranges, area of effects, etc.

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Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


Measuring in Meters does not make the Hexgrid obsolete anytime. It always is a good way to draw' date=' especially when you have to calculate ranges, area of effects, etc.[/quote']


I never implied that it made it obsolete. I still prefer the 1" = 2 meters for battle map scale since 1-1 just takes up too much space and 4-4 isn't granular enough for me in regards to movement. I'm just glad that it is not hard-coded into the rules where the terms inch and hex both mean 2 meters like in 5E (and before I assume).

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Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


I never implied that it made it obsolete. I still prefer the 1" = 2 meters for battle map scale since 1-1 just takes up too much space and 4-4 isn't granular enough for me in regards to movement. I'm just glad that it is not hard-coded into the rules where the terms inch and hex both mean 2 meters like in 5E (and before I assume).


Maybe, but in 20 or so years of playing HERO, I can't recall ever once thinking 'Man, if only I could buy half a hex of Flight ...'.

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Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


I never thought that when playing 5E either, though I found I liked the extra granularity, especially with low powered Heroic level. More over, as I said, I think it's just clearer than having 3 measurements for one thing. I recall a number of posts from new players mixing up hexes and meters, usually when dealing with AoE and Explosion. It's not like it is a deal breaker issue either way, I just prefer the new method.

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Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


I like the new approach for varying scale. Tonight, we're battling in a house, so the scale is 1 m per hex. Tomorrow, we are battling across an open field, and there are groups of VIPER agents all across it, so maybe we work with 5 meters per hex. There's no magic to setting a scale. Of course, if you always used 1 hex = 2 meters and you switch to 1 meter, and no one ever leaves the 24 x 36 hex battlemat, then movement speeds and AoE sizes can get a lot smaller thanks to the new scale.

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Re: Oddest (yet maybe the simplest) question of the day...


I think the move to meters was a good thing. The only change I wanted but I did not see, was divorcing movement from speed.


A day late and dolor short so to speak.

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