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Cassandra's Corner


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Re: Cassandra's Corner


Marvel Girl


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

20 DEX 30

20 CON 20

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

20 EGO 20

15 PRE 5

18 COM 3

5 PD 2

5 ED 1

4 SPD 10

7 REC 0

40 END 0

28 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points


Cost Skills

3 Breakfall 13-

4 Marial Block

4 Martial Dodge

4 Marital Strike

3 Martial Throw

5 Offensive Strike

3 Teamwork 13-

Total Skills Cost: 26 Points


Cost Powers

10 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

40 Multipower (40 Points)

4 u) EGO Attack 4d6

4 u) EB 8d6

4 u) Force Wall 8 rPD 8 rED

4 u) Mind Control 8d6

4 u) Telekinesis 20 STR, Fine Manipulation

4 u) Telepathy 8d6

5 ES: RPT, OAF: Radio (-1)

15 EC [Telekinesis]-15 Points

15 1) Flight 10", 8x NCM

15 2) Force Field +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2)

Total Powers Cost: 124 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

5 DF: Mutant (Concealable/Major Reaction/Detectable Only by Technology)

15 Hunted: X-Men Enemies (As Powerful/NCI) 8-

20 Normal Characteristics Maxima

20 PsyL: Code versus Killing (Common/Total)

10 PsyL: Loyal to the X-Men (Common/Moderate)

20 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)

10 SocL: Secret Identity [Jean Grey] (Occasionally/Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points



This is Jean Grey at the beginning of her career as an X-Men. I see the group as a well knit team of low powered individuals who through the use of teamwork are able to take on more powerful opponents.




Wonder Girl


Val Char Cost

40 STR 30

18 DEX 24

20 CON 20

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

18 EGO 16

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

16 PD 8

8 ED 4

4 SPD 22

12 REC 0

40 END 0

40 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 136 Points


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-/14-

3 Breakfall 13-/14-

6 Combat Luck +3 rPD +3 rED

5 CSL: HTH Combat +1

4 Martial Block

4 Marital Dodge

4 Martial Strike

3 Marital Throw

5 Offensive Strike

3 Tactics 12-

Total Skills Cost: 40 Points


Cost Powers

10 Armor +5 rPD +5 rED, OIF: Costume (-1/2)

6 DEX +5, NFC (-1/2), Linked to Force Field (-1/2), OIF: Bracelets (-1/2)

15 EC (Amazon Magic)-15 Points

5 1) Drain [sPD] 2d6 w/Entangle 1d6, DEF 1 [No Range (-1/2)], [1c/Recoverable] (-1 1/4), OAF: Magic Lasso (-1)

12 2) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), Megascale or 1/2 END Only (-1/4)

10 3) Force Field +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2), OIF: Bracelets (-1/2)

7 4) Mind Control 8d6, No Range (-1/2), [1c/Recoverable] (-1 1/4), OAF: Magic Lasso (-1)

4 5) Stretching 6", Always Direct (-1/4), [1c/Recoverable] (-1 1/4), OAF: Magic Lasso (-1)

5 ES: RPT, OAF: Radio (-1)

Total Powers Cost: 74 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 Hunted: Teen Titans Enemies (As Poweful) 8-

20 PsyL: Code of the Hero (Very Common/Strong)

10 PsyL: Loyal to the Teen Titans (Common/Moderate)

20 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)

10 SocL: Secret Identity [Donna Troy] (Occasionally/Major)

30 Vuln: Ambushes/Treacherous Attacks, 2x STUN (Very Common/Strong)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points



Full superhero version of my 200 point Wonder Girl design. Imagine a fight between her and Marvel Girl.

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Re: Cassandra's Corner


Nice build. I like that it is actually a little more powerful than her initial character in the comics. Remember when everyone else was dodging giant hammers and spinning saw blades in the danger room and her practice was to levitate a brick through hoops?

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Re: Cassandra's Corner


Simulating iconic powers at low costs.



Wonder Woman


Val Char Cost

40 STR 30 ["Strength of Hercules"]

18 DEX 24

20 CON 20

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3 ["Wisdom of Athena"]

18 EGO 16

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4 ["Beauty of Aphrodite"]

16 PD 8

8 ED 4

5 SPD 22 ["Speed of Mercury"]

12 REC 0

40 END 0

40 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 136 Points


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 13-/14-

3 Breakfall 13-/14-

6 Combat Luck +3 rPD +3 rED

5 Defensive Strike

2 FB: Amazon Princess

2 FB: U.S. Military Officer

4 Martial Strike

5 Offensive Strike

3 Paramedic 12-

2 PS: Military Intelligence Officer 11-

3 Tactics 12-

Total Skills Cost: 38 Points


Cost Powers

6 DEX +5 rPD +5 rED, NFC (-1/2), Linked to FF (-1/2), OIF: Bracelets (-1/2)

15 EC [Amazon Magic]-15 Points

5 1) Drain [sPD] 2d6 w/[Entangle 1 BODY DEF 1, Takes No Damage (+1/2), No Range (-1/2)], [1c/Recoverable] (-1 1/4), OAF: Lasso (-1)

7 2) EB 6d6, OAF: Tiara (-1)

10 3) Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), Megascale or 1/2 END Only (-1/4), IIF: Invisible Plane (-1/4)

10 4) FF +10 rPD +10 rED, No END (+1/2), OIF: Bracelets (-1/2)

9 5) Mind Control 10d6, No Range (-1/2), [1c/Recoverable] (-1 1/4), OAF: Lasso (-1)

4 6) Stretching 6", Always Direct (-1/4), [1c/Recoverable] (-1 1/4), OAF: Lasso (-1)

5 ES: RPT, OAF: Radio (-1)

5 LS: Longevity [immortal]

Total Powers Cost: 86 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Steve Trevor (Unaware Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

5 Enraged: Bracelets Removed (Uncommon) 8-, Recover 14-

10 Hunted: Ares (As Powerful) 8-

10 PhyL: 20 STR When Bracelets Chained Together by a Man (Infrequently/Greatly)

20 PsyL: Honorable (Common/Total)

20 PsyL: Protective of Innocents (Very Common/Strong)

10 SocL: Secret Identity [Princess Diana/Diana Prince] (Occasionally/Major)

15 Vuln: Ambushes/Treacherous Attacks, 1 1/2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points





Val Char Cost

50*/20 STR 34 ["Superstrength"]

14 DEX 12

25*/20 CON 26

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

10 EGO 0

20 PRE 10

14 COM 2

22*/4 PD 10

17*/4 ED 10

5*/4 SPD 24 ["Superspeed"]

15*/8 REC 0

50*/40 END 0

50*/32 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 137 Points


*Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)


Cost Skills

2 AK: Metropolis 11-

6 Combat Luck +3 rPD +3 rED

1 FB: Press Pass

2 PS: Newspaper Reporter 11-

2 Rep: Man of Steel 11-

Total Skills Cost: 13 Points


Cost Powers

12 Damage Resistance 20 rPD 10 rED, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

25 Multipower (31 Points ) Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

2 u) EB 6d6 ["Heat Vision"]

2 u) STR +25, 1/2 END (+1/4)**

2 u) Telekinesis 20 STR ["Superbreath"]

2 u) Tunneling 6" DEF 6

15 ES: N-Ray Sight [Not Through Lead], PER +1, Telescopic Hearing +2, Telescopic Sight +2, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)


5 ES: RPT, OAF: Radio (-1)

20 Flight 10", Variable Advantages (+1/2), [Megascale or Use Underwater or 1/2 END Only (-1/4)], Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

6 Healing: Regenetion 1 BODY, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation (-1/4)

9 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Minute], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Head, Low Pressure/Vacuum,

Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

Total Powers Cost: 100 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Lois Lane (Unaware Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Lex Luthor (As Powerful) 8-

20 PsyL: Code of the Hero (Very Common/Strong)

20 PsyL: Code versus Killing (Common/Total)

10 SocL: Secret Identity [Kal-El/Clark Kent] (Occasionally/Major)

20 Suscept: Green Kryptonite Radiation, 3d6 STUN/Turn (Uncommon)

10 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points




**In The 250 Points 60 Active Point Maximum DC Universe Superman is the only character with 75 STR. Supergirl would have instead of +25 STR, 1/2 END in the Multipower +20 STR, No END to reflect on Superman's greater mass, and her own more efficent conversion of yellow sun energy (See Batman/Superman: Apocalypse).

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Re: Cassandra's Corner




Val Char Cost

50*/20 STR 34

14 DEX 12

25*/20 CON 28

12 BODY 4

13 INT 3

10 EGO 0

20 PRE 10

14 COM 2

22*/8 PD 10

17*/6 ED 10

5*/4 SPD 24

15*/8 REC 0

50*/40 END 0

50*/32 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 137 Points


*Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)


Cost Skills

6 Combat Luck +3 rPD3 rED

2 Rep: Man of Steel 11-

Total Skills Cost: 8 Points


Cost Powers

12 Damage Resistance 20 rPD 10 rED, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

8 Flight 5", Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

6 Healing: Regeneration 1 BODY/Turn, Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

9 LS: Extended Breathing [1 END/Minute], High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum,

Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

75 VPP 48 Points, No Skill Roll (+1), Half Phase (+1/2), Multiform Only (-1), Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure (-1/4)

Total Powers Cost: 110 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Lois Lane (Unaware Slightly Less Powerful) 8-

10 Hunted: Lex Luthor (As Powerful) 8-

20 PsyL: Code of the Hero (Very Common/Strong)

20 PsyL: Code versus Killing (Common/Total)

10 SocL: Secret Identity [Kal-El/Clark Kent]

20 Suscept: Green Kryptonite Radiation, 3d6 STUN/Turn (Uncommon)

10 Vuln: Magic, 1 1/2x STUN (Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points




Recently I produced a Batman with a Batmobile, Batplane, and Batboat using Bruce Wayne and Multiform. This version of Superman uses the same concept with a twist. Superman can use multiform up to 60 Points with a Does Not Work During Red Solar Radiation Exposure Limitation, bringing the cost to 48 Points. This allows a Superman/Clark Kent forms with instant change, or four forms such as one that can survive in space, time travel, etc. Since they are different forms they could have different skills, simulating a super mind.


Comments Welcome.

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Re: Cassandra's Corner


Question: How often do your characters get captured like Wonder Woman in Fausta episode?


Not completely sure about the reference.


Our characters in Champions would get captured on occasion, if the GM had a deathtrap worked out. This wasn't often, and usually if we lost a fight we were just left out cold as the villains absconded with whatever. I think this worked out for the best, as not all the players in the group got the whole captured/escape trope.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Cassandra's Corner


Question: How often do your characters get captured like Wonder Woman in Fausta episode?


Relatively frequently but my players trust me so they don't have a problem with the being captured concept. Its just part of the genre. They always get a chance to bust out on their own though.


Back in college however, I had quite a few players that equated capture with death and were very upset if captured. So it depends on the group how it works

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Re: Cassandra's Corner


From Big Bang Comics



Thunder Girl


Val Char Cost

15 STR 5

20 STR 30

18 CON 16

11 BODY 2

18 INT 8

14 EGO 8

15 PRE 5

18 COM 4

5 PD 2

5 ED 1

4 SPD 10

9 REC 4

46 END 5

28 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 100 Points


Cost Skills

6 Combat Luck +3 rPD +3 rED

2 CLS: EB +1

5 CSL: HTH Combat +1

2 PS: Librarian 11-

Total Skills Cost: 15 Points


Cost Powers

36 Armor +15 rPD +15 rED, OIHID (-1/4)

12 EC [Magic]-15 Points, OIHID (-1/4)

20 1) EB 8d6, Variable Special Effect [Lightning/Super-Breath] (+1/4), 2x END (-1/2)

12 2) Flight 10", 8x NCM

23 3) STR +35, 1/2 END (+1/4)

2 ES: PER +1, OIHID (-1/4)

5 ES: RPT, OAF: Radio (-1)

15 LS: High Pressure, High Radiation, Intense Cold, Intense Heat, Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self Contained, OIHID (-1/4)

5 LS: Longevity [immortal]

5 Transform: Instant Change [One Set of Clothes], Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)

Total Powers Cost: 135


Total Cost: 250 Points


150+ Disadvantages

10 DNPC: Professor Eureka (Useful Unaware Normal) 8-

10 Hunted: Dr. Hy Q. Banana (As Powerful) 8-

20 PsyL: Code of the Hero (Very Common/Strong)

20 PsyL: Code versus Killing (Common/Total)

10 SocL: Secret Identity [Molly Wilson] (Occasionally/Major)

30 Vuln: Ambushes/Treacherous Attacks, 2x STUN (Very Common)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points



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Re: Cassandra's Corner


Relatively frequently but my players trust me so they don't have a problem with the being captured concept. Its just part of the genre. They always get a chance to bust out on their own though.


Back in college however, I had quite a few players that equated capture with death and were very upset if captured. So it depends on the group how it works


This is one of those things that always bothers me a lot. Players will do ANYTHING to avoid being captured, even though it's a comic book staple. The problem is that you have to be careful what you do when you DO capture people. If you get captured by "The Cyborg Master" you should expect to wake up with a couple robot parts. Players HATE this, regardless of how appropriate it is.


If you get captured by Doctor Genetic Experimentation, and you wake up with two extra sets of arms, most players howl. Why should they suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?


Here is the reality. Marvel and DC have competed over what constitutes appropriate comic book genre tropes for years. One or the other sinks into your brain. In DC comics, the heroes are largely infallible and rarely make mistakes. In Marvel, the characters have epic failures and make tons of mistakes. This makes the Marvel model better for roleplaying games for a number of reasons, not the least of which are these:


1) Characters are less powerful. Yeah, you heard it here first, folks. This makes things a lot easier for the GM. You can actually capture people and make people say "That could happen."


2) When players screw up, thematically, that makes things more believable. Champions in particular was originally designed around this model, when Marvel was in it's heyday and DC was producing some truly awful stories that put me in a snit month after month.


3) In DC, the heroes are basically invincible. Invincible is boring. In Champions, your characters are built on points.

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Re: Cassandra's Corner


The problem is that you have to be careful what you do when you DO capture people. If you get captured by "The Cyborg Master" you should expect to wake up with a couple robot parts. Players HATE this, regardless of how appropriate it is.


If you get captured by Doctor Genetic Experimentation, and you wake up with two extra sets of arms, most players howl. Why should they suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune?

I have never seen something like this happend in the books or comics. What I have seen happening:

When you are captured by Cyborg Master/Dr. Genetic Experimentation you wake up in your cell where he tells you his plan to "augment" you.

If one DNCP was captured along, then the villain takes that one away while ordering his minions to "prepare the procedure". Otherwise he goes to "prepare the procedure" for the PC's.

Then they have a moment to escape, get thier egar back (if it was even taken!) and rescue the DNCP/stop the evil professor.


The few times the character was already experimented upon/the others couldn't stop the professor in time, this was just an in-story radiation accident. Something the (single) affected player had planned and wanted.

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Re: Cassandra's Corner


It wasn't always the case that DC had there heroes to be invincible. There was a Justice League-Justice Society team up in the 1970s that had members from both teams kidnapped by a group of villains. The plot was to put them in a reality altering machine that would eliminate all superheroes from one of their worlds.


Granted the heroes didn't actually free themselves as one team of villains from the world where the heroes didn't disappear from were double crossed and took revenge.


I thought that would have made a good crossover scenario for the JLA and The Avengers, but instead they used the old cliche about to super powerful beings making a wager or some such nonsense.





Justice League of America #195-197 were the issues in question.


Justice League - Black Canary, Wonder Woman, Atom, Batman, Firestorm


Justice Society - Flash, Superman, Hawkman, Hourman, Johnny Thunder


Secret Society of Supervillains - Ultra-Humanite (Superman), Rag Doll (Flash), Cheetah (Wonder Woman), Psycho Pirate (Hourman), Plant Master (Atom), Killer Frost (Firestorm), Signalman (Batman), Monocle (Hawkman), Mist (Black Canary), Brainwave (Johnny Thunder)

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Guest steamteck

Re: Cassandra's Corner


Actually I tend to use the DC animated series model ( Timm Dini stuff) with more than a little pulp thrown in and it works perfectly for us. The heroes are larger than life, the power level is good and they are heroic while still being fallible but aspiring to be more. The Marvel movies have been a strong influence recently but IMO the current comics are no longer a fit influence.

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Re: Cassandra's Corner


Actually I tend to use the DC animated series model ( Timm Dini stuff) with more than a little pulp thrown in and it works perfectly for us. The heroes are larger than life' date=' the power level is good and they are heroic while still being fallible but aspiring to be more. The Marvel movies have been a strong influence recently but IMO the current comics are no longer a fit influence.[/quote']



You just say that because you're one of those weirdos who doesn't like a good cannibalism story.

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Re: Cassandra's Corner


I love the DC Animated movies, although Doom having Cyborg as a major player was rather implausible. Marvel's The Avengers is the greatest movie ever made since J-Men Forever.


I tend to live in the Silver Age with DC characters and the period just before the Secret Wars with Marvel Characters.


Ever notice when the comic book writers are out of ideas they change the costumes?

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