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Follow up about Possession



In an early question you explained that you can do Possession with Affects Physcial World Advantage when combined with the projection/merging version of desolidification. You also said that the HSB Ghost was an example of this. Now I wanted to play a superhero in a campaign that was basically a ghost with possession, would that character have to buy desolidification twice, like the ghost, once for his always on version and once for his projection/merging version? Would possession still be the same as the ghost bought it, buying it twice and in that version even though he has always on desolidification? Also if you wanted to then add a body he could possess when he wants but isn't necessary to his survival what would you recommend? My current design concept is to use a multiform with reversion advantage to demonstrate that if that body is stunned/knocked out he reverts to spirit form, still stunned and knocked out.

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Re: Follow up about Possession


That's really up to the GM, but given the way Possession works versus ordinary Desolidification, I suspect that most GMs would make you buy both powers.


Beyond that your question seems to be getting into "how to" territory, and I don't answer those kinds of questions here. I'd suggest posting on the Discussion board, where anyone can respond and you're bound to get lots of useful input. ;)

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