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5th Edition; the correct application of the Independent power limitation


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Re: 5th Edition; the correct application of the Independent power limitation


Replacement characters are a difficult question. Some see the replacement as receiving points he didn't "earn". However, where is the verisimilitude in the group deciding to bring some wet behind the ears neophyte in, rather than recruiting a seasoned veteran such as themselves.


I find it less an issue in many Hero games, as experience often means breadth of ability, rather than raw power, growing, but the issue can still be there.


In the last campaign I was playing in, XP was given out as a mixture of earned XP and an increase to the character "base". This wasn't so much for boosting up replacements (no one ever died) as it was to ensure that new players joining would not be too far behind the curve.

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Re: 5th Edition; the correct application of the Independent power limitation


I think people need to keep in mind the following with regards to the Independent Limitation.


1. It was only ever intended for Heroic Level games.

2. Abilities that take it as well as a Focus Limitation should be treated no differently than any other "special item that is found" by the characters in the course of an adventure.

3. A character that starts with an "Independent Focus" should be assumed to have a back story that explains how they acquired it.

4. The (-2) Automatically negates any player argument like the following: "...but I spent character points on that!" When (not IF) the item is lost, stolen or destroyed those points do to. PERIOD.

5. Any special treatment given to characters in such a situation over others that lose a "special item that is found" (see #1 above) violates the spirit if the (-2) Limitation thus rendering it a Limitation that does not limit.

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