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NND Martial Arts Maneuvers and Characters Resistance



Hello !


here is a question about an argument we are having on 6 E2 p84, Choke Hold and Atemi Stirke Martial art maneuvers, both NND maneuvers


If a Character is having the following defenses, on a Density Increased SFX character based, will she be affected by a simple 4 point character cost maneuver ? it seems to be the case if we follow the rules strictly on the rule, but it seems too largely unbalanced.


Defenses are :


rPD 30 & rED 30, defenses are Hardened and Impenetrable. The resistant defense is simply a Skin reinfoced by a Density Increase power.


Choke Hold indicates you need a Life Support : Self contained Breathing to resist it, as you crush the target throat and Atemi Strike a Rigid Armor.



Thank you for the help that may seem childish and silly, but quite needed for a whole uunderstanding and coherence setting.





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Re: NND Martial Arts Maneuvers and Characters Resistance


The defenses listed for the Choke Hold and the Atemi Strike are correct. But that doesn't mean the GM can't add to the listed defenses, change them, or otherwise alter things to suit himself. If he thinks a character has some ability that should provide a defense to an NND attack, he's well within his rights to rule so regardless of what the rulebook says. ;)

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