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Stalker Chick


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theres a character in my campaign, and Im looking for a psychotic obsessed female supervillian, who has a crush on him. He rejected her, so it makes even more insane and more obsessed. (Kind of like wasp - whirlwind story from years ago.) Can u guys think of any female villians in the Champions Universe that could fill this role of psychotic stalker.

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Re: Stalker Chick


I am not certain about stalking Villianesses. Those who would tend towards stalking would make rather bad villianesses in the first place. It's a form of obesission that doesn't works well togehter with professional supercrime.


I could see it happen in one situation:

Villianess is know to use seduction (maybe even seduction power), her target would be generally succeptible (interested in her species/gender), but resists. No matter how often she uses her powers/tricks, her target always resists. Maybe he/she is in a happy relationship or just doesn't likes to bad girls, or is naturally resistant to such tricks.

But the failure/rejection on this "professional" level let's the villianess try even harder.


The first idea for this form of Stalking would be Talisman:

She is know to use seduction and usually get's what she wants, rejection might be something she can't accept. She could muster a lot of things to get her way: Magically Scrying on her target to learn more about it. Love potions or spells (as a twist, she might not want to resort to her full arsenal and try anything except outright mind controll).

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Re: Stalker Chick


If the hero is powered-armor, android, or cyborg, the Engineer (Champions Villains Vol. 3) would fit the bill. She's desperate for companionship with someone else who understands the experience of merging flesh with technology. And she's pretty psychotic and obsessive.


If that doesn't fit your bill, tell us more about the hero. That might suggest another candidate.

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Re: Stalker Chick


There was a character in one of the Dark Champions books--Tenderheart perhaps? who had this as her entire schtick. Her day job is running a bookstore that specializes in romance novels, and she's kind of obsessed with the hero/villainess "Dating Catwoman" thing. You might need to change her powers and abilities drastically to fit your campaign, of course.

She's also an MtF transsexual, which may freak out more conservative types.


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Re: Stalker Chick


There was a character in one of the Dark Champions books--Tenderheart perhaps? who had this as her entire schtick. Her day job is running a bookstore that specializes in romance novels' date=' and she's kind of obsessed with the hero/villainess "Dating Catwoman" thing. You might need to change her powers and abilities drastically to fit your campaign, of course.

She's also an MtF transsexual, which may freak out more conservative types.



Yeah, she was called Tenderheart. Not knowing the players' comfort level (or admittedly how GM runs his campaign), I'd probably be careful in using her.

Since the last thing you really want to do is to promote transphobia in a game, especially if the GM goes for bad stereotypes.


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Re: Stalker Chick


Can u guys think of any female villians in the Champions Universe that could fill this role of psychotic stalker.


Well, if you want a literal psychopath, Scorpia from Eurostar would probably work. She's also incredibly vain. You could even have it that Mentella has planted this suggestion in her head as something of a detraction from there little "feud".

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Re: Stalker Chick


Or you could just take any villain that strikes your fancy, male or female, and use the character sheet for your stalker. Just change the name and Complications and possibly tweak a couple of of her powers, especially if you change the sfx. It sounds like you have an idea about the personality and background already, so use that in place of or to compliment the existing background. I love writing up new characters, but I recycle character sheets like this all the time for the sake of expediency.

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Re: Stalker Chick


Pantera might make an interesting "Love interest". Having decided that the character is her "mate" she starts stalking him' date=' eliminating "rivals" and leaving him gifts..like the kind domestic cats leave for their owners...[/quote']

Except for mices and birds, she goes for mice- and bird- themed supers. I wonder how long it takes until a tied up foxbat lies on his doorstep ;)

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