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MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter

Steve Long

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


(say, as a Supers team pantheon, or assigning d20 Domains - in fact, I wonder how much interest just offering d20 domains for all the deities might create - not a likely add-on, I know, especially at this late date)


I have a variety of ideas along these lines, but they're all more or less moot if the basic project itself doesn't succeed. There are lots of things I could offer as encouragement rewards to reach a secondary goal, or to make the book useful to gamers who prefer other rules systems. But I can't do that in advance; the book's going to involve enough work as it is.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


So far the new thread over on ENWorld has done a good job; it's brought in three backers. That's triple the numbers and about double the money brought in from mentions on RPG.Net or RPGGeek. I don't know what, if any, statistically valid conclusions can be drawn from that, but it makes me glad the ENW thread was started. :)


I've done what I can at my level to promote the book, posting about the kickstarter project on the forum of my french PBP website (http://www.liber-mundi.org). I hope this will bring new pledgers... Good luck!

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


Has anyone advertised Mythic Hero on the Giant in the Playground forum or on 4chan's traditional games imageboard? I don't know those communities that well, but I know they are fairly large at least as RPGs go.


I haven't, for a couple reasons. First and foremost, I'm not familiar with or a member of either. Second, I wouldn't want my first participation in an online community to be a plea for money... unless there's a thread or forum set up specifically for that. Most gamers don't take well to such things. I was happy to go to RPG.Net and ENWorld (for the first time in ages) and RPGGeek (for the first time ever) to mention MH in threads that had been specifically set up to promote Kickstarters. But just showing up and "advertising" generally doesn't go over well in my experience.


However, if there are any Hero fans active in those communities who want to post about MH, I'd be happy to see 'em do it. ;)

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


I haven't, for a couple reasons. First and foremost, I'm not familiar with or a member of either. Second, I wouldn't want my first participation in an online community to be a plea for money... unless there's a thread or forum set up specifically for that. Most gamers don't take well to such things. I was happy to go to RPG.Net and ENWorld (for the first time in ages) and RPGGeek (for the first time ever) to mention MH in threads that had been specifically set up to promote Kickstarters. But just showing up and "advertising" generally doesn't go over well in my experience.


However, if there are any Hero fans active in those communities who want to post about MH, I'd be happy to see 'em do it. ;)

That's why I haven't done anything myself on those boards. I have mentioned Mythic Hero in the Shadowrun boards I frequent, but reception there was virtually nil unfortunately.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


Already posted this in the MH thread in the General Discussion area but thought I'd cross-post it here since this thread has been active lately:

I just had an idea. Some Kickstarter projects give optional bonus incentives for increased pledges. This is different than stretch goals because only those who increase their pledges get them and only the initial goal needs to be met. My thought was what if you did something like that with a HD Character Pack for Mythic Hero? Anyone who pledged at the $25 or above could increase their pledge by $10 (or whatever amount you think is right) would get the HD Character Pack once it became available. I bet there are plenty of people at the "PDF only" level that have HD and could make use of it but might not pay full price for it later and those at the $75+ level can kick in a little more to help the project succeed and still feel like they're getting something of value for that little extra donation. Thoughts?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


All right, folx, we've got just about a week to go -- and still a bit of a haul to get to the $33,000 goal. Let's make this happen! If you haven't backed Mythic Hero yet, we'd sure appreciate your support. If you have, thank you!, and please help us spread the word.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


It's very strange (to me) that this project seems to have less interest than The Book of the Empress. No insult intended to Empress, but Mythic Hero just seems like a more generically useful book so I would have expected to see indications of broader interest. Ah well, still a week to go.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


It's very strange (to me) that this project seems to have less interest than The Book of the Empress. No insult intended to Empress' date=' but [i']Mythic Hero[/i] just seems like a more generically useful book so I would have expected to see indications of broader interest. Ah well, still a week to go.


Possibly speaks to the extent to which the HERO System remains very Champions-driven...

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


I think that's true to some extent, Derek. Additionally, there are some people who are interested in the CU setting and would buy books describing it, but who have no interest in system-related supplements without CU info in 'em. I had hoped there'd be more "general" interest among the folx here on the Hero Games boards, but that may simply not be the case. Live and learn, I guess.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


To be fair, at the time I write this Mythic Hero has a few more backers, and has raised significantly more money, than Book Of The Empress. Perhaps the upper limit of number of contributors or dollars from this community for a single project is not equal to what Steve needed.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


To be fair, at the time I write this Mythic Hero has a few more backers, and has raised significantly more money, than Book Of The Empress. Perhaps the upper limit of number of contributors or dollars from this community for a single project is not equal to what Steve needed.


You're right on the first point, but MH has also run significantly longer. BotE only ran 36 days. On its 36th day, MH had 171 backers and a little under $15,000 in pledges -- both less than what BotE had.


I think your latter point is, sadly, correct. There simply aren't enough interested consumers, or dollars among the consumers who are interested. But at least KS makes it possible to learn that in advance. ;)



I still think it's possible there could be a big last-minute surge.


This, too, is correct. ;) I have not lost hope!

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


You're right on the first point' date=' but MH has also run significantly longer. BotE only ran 36 days. On its 36th day, MH had 171 backers and a little under $15,000 in pledges -- both less than what BotE had.[/quote']


Frankly, I'm still not convinced that a significantly longer pledge period equals greater opportunity to pick up pledges. It may just mean that interested people feel they have more time before they have to commit.

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


Frankly' date=' I'm still not convinced that a significantly longer pledge period equals greater opportunity to pick up pledges. It may just mean that interested people feel they have more time before they have to commit.[/quote']


I'd imagine it must be a fine line to walk. If you don't have the project run long enough, people may not have enough time to hear about it before it's over. If you run it too long, you risk people feeling no time-driven urgency to pledge at first, and forgetting about it later...

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Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter


Frankly, I'm still not convinced that a significantly longer pledge period equals greater opportunity to pick up pledges. It may just mean that interested people feel they have more time before they have to commit.


Generally I agree, and I think Kickstarter's statistics tend to as well. They seem to support sticking to around a 30-day period to maintain more of a feeling of immediacy. I would've done that for MH if there wasn't a good reason to extend it: hoping to take advantage of peoples' tax refunds. ;)


Ultimately I don't think the length of the pledge period negatively affected the MH Kickstarter.

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