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Strength Minimum sort of


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I had an idea for equipment that was created with Attribute Minimum instead of using Strength, and was just wondering what you thought would be appropriate limitation values.

The idea being that the character needs to have a certain level of the attribute selected for the power before they can use it, and maybe have any amount of the attribute above the minimum increase the affect.

I could see DEX, INT, EGO, and PRE all as possible attributes that could be used in this manner.

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Re: Strength Minimum sort of


This strikes me as more of a conversation topic than a rules question, so I've moved it to the Discussion board, where I'll answer further.


So, further answer: there's nothing inherently wrong with such an idea; in fact, it's been used before in print (the Azgandian Magic system in FH, which has INT Minima for spells). I'd suggest looking at the STR Minimum Limitation values and then comparing their assumptions to your campaign's assumptions about the average levels that characters will buy the Characteristic in question at, its cost as compared to STR, and other factors. That will allow you to assign the Limitation an appropriate value.

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Re: Strength Minimum sort of


How would you work in the idea for increased effect, much like strength minimum has.

That one is already built in because it's strength, other characteristics don't have that built in ease of use.

I think APG II has an Advantage that allows an attack (that normally adds damage from STR) to use another acharacteristic instead.


If the attack has no STR bonus by default (or it's disabeled because of limitations), the only way is to build the extra damage and link it to the characteristic.

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