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Hunteds for Foci

Laundry Knight

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I have an idea for a focus as an amulet with special powers that is being hunted by a mysterious group that wants to acquire it. The organization is capable of murder to acquire the amulet or to escape afterwards, but once the amulet is safely acquired they bare no threat to any previous possessors.


Mechanically, I see that as a hunted applies to anyone possessing the amulet, but disappears once the amulet is out of possession. What is the best way to write this mechanically?

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Re: Hunteds for Foci


Since this is a "how to," I've moved it to the Discussion board, and will answer further there.


So, here I am answering. ;) I have several thoughts:


1. This strikes me as a plain old plot device/background element that shouldn't be written up in rules terms, if you're the GM.


2. If you're not the GM, and you absolutely have to write it up mechanically rather than just assuming it as a background element, make it an automatic Side Effect (character acquires Hunted by X as long as he possesses amulet). Typically I'd guess the base value of the Side Effect is -1/4, for a final value of -1/2 because it always occurs, but the GM might increase that depending on how powerful, persistent, frequently appearing, and/or troublesome the Hunter is.

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Re: Hunteds for Foci


I have an idea for a focus as an amulet with special powers that is being hunted by a mysterious group that wants to acquire it. The organization is capable of murder to acquire the amulet or to escape afterwards, but once the amulet is safely acquired they bare no threat to any previous possessors.


Mechanically, I see that as a hunted applies to anyone possessing the amulet, but disappears once the amulet is out of possession. What is the best way to write this mechanically?


This is hard to answer unless you can tell us more. What genre is this for Superheroes, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy? Also is this an item that you as a GM are giving to the PC's or is this part of a PC you are planning to run. All of this changes what I would answer :D

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Re: Hunteds for Foci


Take a hunted that desires to mildly punish the character. The 'mild punishment' is taking your focus off you. I would assume the focus is unique and that you can not simly replace it. Effectiely, if they succeed, then they can get some of your power and you lose some of your power until you get it back. If you get it back.


I would not worry about the 'they can murder' thing because they CAN but will not necessarily do so.

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Re: Hunteds for Foci


This is for a character I have in mind for a Champions character but could conceivably work for a pulp. The character is a stage show magician, Zynar the Mystic, that buys the amulet cheap in a curio store to accentuate his magician's outfit. Unknowing to him, the item both grants him seemingly magical powers and is sought out by a mysterious eastern cult. The character isn't for any planned campaign. I am just new to the system and am trying out different story ideas and trying to write them up in Hero System format.

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Re: Hunteds for Foci


This is for a character I have in mind for a Champions character but could conceivably work for a pulp. The character is a stage show magician' date=' Zynar the Mystic, that buys the amulet cheap in a curio store to accentuate his magician's outfit. Unknowing to him, the item both grants him seemingly magical powers and is sought out by a mysterious eastern cult. The character isn't for any planned campaign. I am just new to the system and am trying out different story ideas and trying to write them up in Hero System format.[/quote']


I would say that the Amulet is a reason that the PC has hunteds in his Hero ID. I would just buy a plain hunted for the character(As a Complication/ Disadvantage). it sounds like the Amulet is a large part of the Character's Superpowers, So it isn't likely that it will be going away (At least not permanently) .

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Re: Hunteds for Foci


I don't have APG, and it's not high on my to buy list, yet, but those suggestions are also good. When I get down to making the character, I may have to try it both ways, and see which one I like best. Of course, if I ever get the character in a game, I would have to find out which one the GM likes best, but for now, my character creation is just for exercise.

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