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Penetrating "Force Wall" like Barrier

Dr Divago



i apologize if that's a silly question, but really there something i don't understand about barrier used like old edition force wall


let's assume PC got this power

You Must Stop Before My Mind: Barrier 8 PD/8 ED, 1 BODY (up to 6m long, 3m tall, and 1/2m thick),
Non-Anchored, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DCV; +0), Configurable (+1/4), Mobile (+1/4) (67 Active
Points); No Range (-1/2), Costs Endurance (to maintain; -1/2), Extra Thin (only 1 cm thick) (-1/4)

this would be similar to old edition force wall (don't asking "how to do", btw :) )


and now assume an evil robot killer got this power with penetrating:

Laser Beam: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6+1, Line Of Sight (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (40 Active Points); Beam
(-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4), Cannot Be Bounced (-1/4), Restrainable (Only by means other than Grabs and Entangles; open
face; -1/4) Real Cost: 20


now, evil robot killer target and hit PC... and then what happens?

Penetrating means laser beam (on average roll) 1 BODY pass through the 8ED defense so possible scenarios are

1) laser beam penetrate barrier, laser pass through wall hitting nearest target causing 1 BODY

2) laser beam penetrate defense of the barrier, damaging the barrier itself with 1 BODY. A man-sized hole appear on the barrier (maybe collapsing them if lesser than 2m x 2m large)

3) laser beam penetrate defense of the barrier, damagint the barrier itself with 1 BODY. 'cause of small size of the laser, GM says it create a small bullet sized hole, not a man-sized one, thus subsequent attack need to be targeted to the hole to bypass the barrier or create another hole


in the latter case (2 if barrier does'nt collapse, or 3) PC can "repair" the hole on the barrier? (barrier is "configurable" and constant 'cause of "cost end to mantain")

it would be possible to repair if the barrier was neither configurable or constant

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1 answer to this question

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Re: Penetrating "Force Wall" like Barrier


The correct answer is that first you roll the robot's Killing Attack die. If the die roll is 1, there's no Penetrating effect and the Barrier stops the attack altogether (since it can't do enough BODY to get past the defenses). If the die comes up 2 or higher, there's 1 point of Penetrating effect. The attack therefore would normally create a 2m x 2m x 2m hole in the Barrier. However, since the attack has the Beam Limitation, the GM may prefer to rule that it simply creates a laser beam-sized hole instead (or in any event, something smaller than the rules-standard hole).


In either event, the GM has to decide if the laser continues onward with the possibility of hitting and damaging a target on the other side of the Barrier. This is discussed on the bottom left of 6E1 171. Normally this would occur, but of course the GM's well within his rights to say it doesn't if he feels that the full Penetrating "force" of the attack is taken up in just affecting the Barrier (since otherwise it couldn't affect the Barrier at all, since the Barrier's defenses exceed the maximum BODY roll for the Killing Attack).


Once the Barrier's damaged, the character creating it can "repair" it using the rules on 6E1 171. He cannot "repair" it using Configurable, as discussed on 6E1 173.


As a last and semi-related point, the "Extra Thin" Limitation you added to the Barrier isn't legal. As noted on 6E1 169, a Barrier can be defined as being less than the default starting dimensions. This is simply a choice a character makes; he's not entitled to any Limitation value for it.

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