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Destroy Your Geek Cred!!

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Have no desire to read/watch Game of WangstThrones or Harry Potter.


Game of Thrones is really well done, but for some reason, the opening of the second season completely lost me.


I just kind of shrugged and said "whatev." Haven't watched since 3/4 of the way through S2E1.


My daughters love Harry Potter and harangue me for being ignorant of their Pottage.

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Haven't read comic books in a long, long time.  I have no idea what is going on in any of the universes.


Never played an MMO.  Don't want to either.


Only video games I play are little time wasters on my phone.  Currently I'm playing a crossword puzzle app.


Never seen Dr. Who and don't know anything about it other than he travels in a phone booth and the people who are always talking about it are ones I don't want to talk to.


Never seen Serenity or Firefly.  Or Battlestar Galactica.


Saw the first Harry Potter movie and didn't care for it.


Saw a girl naked once.

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Never read or watched Game of Thrones, nor had any desire to do so.


Watched the pilot of the newer Battlestar Galactica and didn't feel the need to watch any more.  From what I heard, if I'd kept watching it, I would have been rooting for the Cylons.


Tried playing a few MMOs (City of Heroes / Villains and, very briefly, Champions Online) but didn't care for them.  I refuse to call them MMORPGs as IME a vast, vast majority of players are not RP-ing at all.


Read the Harry Potter books but only reluctantly watched a handful of the movies.


Never watched Blade Runner except for bits and pieces in passing.


Don't like Zombie Apocalypse or Anime / Manga at all, and only reluctantly play any fantasy RPGs.

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I have never watched The Big Bang Theory although I have the first season on DVD - was a gift from one of my students. I am just indifferent about it.


Never liked South Park.


I think The Hobbit blew chunks and I even sold the DVD back to Amazon. Did the same with the new Conan for the same reason. Same with Avatar.


Only Matrix was worse! Yes, all three of them!


3-D technology did to movies what techni-color did to black-and-white films and talkies did to silent movies and silent movies did to the theater and the theater did to telling stories 'round a campire - IT DESTROYED and DESPOILED an art form!

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  • 1 year later...

I've seen like every other Potter film, so I have a really hard time keeping the stories straight in my head. 

It might not be that you've seen too few to make sense. They cut a lot of necessary plot out in favour of nice looking setpieces that don't exactly make a cohesive film together.

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I haven't watched anime in over 10 years.


I haven't played a console game since 1999. That will change very soon as someone got the boys a Wii for Christmas. We just haven't hooked it up yet.


I have never played a single sit down RPG of any kind. I have read rule books of different systems and even wrote a computer program to help me build characters in one of them. I used to use those rules for building characters in my fiction. Now I just use the packages for ideas and don't worry about balancing the party.


I have watched exactly one episode of B5. That was plenty. I have seen only pieces of reruns of the original BG on a friend's cable in the late 80s/early 90s. I have not seen one episode of the new BG.


I recently traded in all but three of my Discworld series on a book swap site.


I stopped watching Voyager after Seven of Nine joined the crew. I realized I was watching the show not for the story, not for the sci-fi, not even for the characters. I was watching it because of Jeri and her catsuits.


I loved Enterprise and DS9. ENT because it went back to the roots of exploration and optimism. DS9 because it threw out Roddenbury's rule of "the future is going to be nothing but awesome!" and looked at what happens when you take away the Federation's creature comforts. Yes, I love the war seasons.

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B5: Skip the first and last seasons.  Start with Season 2.


New BSG: Watch the first two seasons then come up with your own ending for the series.


Voyager: Ski the first and last seasons, and all seasons in between.


DS9: Skip everything up until the Dominion War.


Sit down RPGs: Remind me again why you are here?

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Sit down RPGs: Remind me again why you are here?


Camaraderie, mainly. Even though I don't play, I have created many characters in several different systems. And I'm a writer, this place discusses sci-fi, fantasy, and other genres I like. While I can't answer questions about specific rules, I can answer when people ask about creating drama in their setup. And I've asked questions on those lines, too.


This place has a whole lot of geeks, and I feel comfortable here.

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