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Triggered power interrupting anothers action



I've had a fair search through the forum rules posts, but can't find anything specifically pertaining to this situation. The build is something that I have devised for an NPC, but one of my players is questioning whether this is a legitimate interpretation of the rules...


If I have a power that is triggered (e.g. Teleport) such that the effect is to teleport behind the (HTH) attacker when they launch an attack, is this legitimate? Can the trigger go off before the attack is completed, or is this a useless build because it would never function the way that I think it would.


I've found that actions can be interrupted by another character's held action (I think I saw an example of a held action 'going off' "when he closes to 4m", say, which would happen before the attack at the end of the half move). Can triggers that take no time work in a similar fashion.


Anyway, here's the build:

2m Teleport, Facing change (+5), Red. End (0END, +½), Trigger (when attacked in HTH from in front +¼, activating takes no time +¼, trigger automatically resets +½) [17AC], No conscious control (i.e. always behind attacker, -2) = 6RC

{plus: +10 Safe Teleport adder, Red. End (0END, +½), Trigger (as above, +1) [25AC]; Only to avoid attacker (-1) = +12RC}

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Re: Triggered power interrupting anothers action


That’s a good question — I’m surprised it’s never come up before.


When a character has a power that’s Triggered by another character’s Action (such as making an attack), the character with the Triggered power does not automatically get to act first simply because his power is Triggered. In this situation, the default rule is to use the “Who Goes First?” rules on 6E2 19 to determine which Action actually occurs first. (Exception: if the Triggered power is a defensive ability that’s Triggered by an attack, the defense should be considered to “activate first,” much in the same way that an Abort to a defensive action always succeeds in providing the defense to the Aborting character.) Of course, the GM can override this rule in the interest of common sense, dramatic sense, game balance, or other factors and declare that one of the characters automatically acts first.

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