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Defense Powers and VPP



I know that:

From 6e1, 400: "Defense Powers: If a character has a Multipower or VPP with a Defense Power slot, he can Abort to activate that slot even if the Framework’s already allocated to some other slot."

From 6e2, 23: "Activating a Defense Power (this includes shifting the allocation of points in a Power Framework to use a Defense Power;"


Is that also true if the VPP takes a Half Phase to switch slots (as many VPP's do)?

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Re: Defense Powers and VPP


Ordinarily, of course, switching VPP slots takes a Full Phase. Since the rules you cited apply by default to ordinary VPPs, they'd certainly apply to one that had the Advantage allowing a character to switch slots in a Half Phase (or Zero Phase).


But naturally the GM can change this if he prefers otherwise. For example, see APG2 56, which has rules for Aborting to defensive abilities with Limitations like Concentration or Extra Time (you can also find this info in the Rules FAQ for 6E); some GMs may wish to apply a similar logic to Power Frameworks regardless of what the book says. ;)

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