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Questions for players when making new heroes


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Hey All,


I'm starting a new game with players who haven't played much (if any) superhero games. I am working on a questionnaire to help them with giving background to their characters. Questions that hopefully will get their creative juices flowing and give good roleplaying elements.


Does anybody else have a list of good questions to share?






What do you look like as a superhero/in superhero form?

How old are you?

What do you look like when not a superhero?

Who are your enemies?

Who are your friends?

Who is your family? Are you married? With kids?

How did you become a superhero?

Do you have a superhero mentor?

How long have you been a superhero?

What do you do when you are not heroing?

What jobs have you had?

What education have you had?

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Re: Questions for players when making new heroes


Here is a set of 20 Questions (supposed to be answered from the point of the character), that I got from my first campaign. When having a character idea (and I have many) these is among the first things I write down:

1. Who were your parents? Did they raise you? If not why? If not them who? What is your current relationship with the person/people?

2. Did you have any childhood friends? Any siblings? Where are they now (if you know)? Do you stay in touch? Why or why not?

3. What sort of childhood did you have? Try to give more than one word for a response. "Normal" isn't as good as "I had an uneventful suburban childhood with no major family drama to speak of."

4. Who is/are your role model(s)? Why?

5. Prior to becoming a superhero, what did you do for a living? Were you trained to be a superhero? By whom? What sort of relationship did you have with your mentor/master?

6. What are your ethical beliefs? Moral beliefs? These can vary greatly. There were Samurai, for example, that valued honor above even their own safety.

7. Do you have any unusual habits or physical traits that are noticeable or easy to identify you by? Where do they come from?

8. If you meet someone for the first time, what is your general reaction? Why?

9. How do you feel about killing? When did you decide (or learn) that you could or could not? Why would you kill someone? Do you have any true enemies? Would you be able to kill them?

10. Detail some of your relationships? Do you have any close friends? Any bitter rivals? A girl/boyfriend, or a husband/wife? How do you act around them?

11. What sort of things do you have bad reactions to? Do you have any phobias or intense dislikes?

12. How quickly can you learn to trust somebody? How fully do you trust people?

13. Describe your physical appearance. This includes style, manner of dress, any tattoos or piercings, any deformities or physical defects or injuries.

14. Do you have a daily routine? How do you handle interruptions and changes to it?

15. Were you present for any major event in the world, historical or otherwise? Did it affect you? If so, how?

16. Is your lineage, ancestry, or family name known for anything? Does this affect you?

17. Where are you from? Where are your parents from? Do you embrace their culture?

18. What are your dreams and/or ambitions. What are your lifelong goals?

19. What are you doing to seek to obtain them? How does adventuring fit into this dream, or does it at all?

20. How do you feel about the opposite gender. Again, your answer should be detailed. Men, do you hold the door for ladies at any chance? Do you think all women are crazy? Women, do you let the men buy you a drink? Do you drink it? Do either of you have a significant other in your life? Do you ultimately want to meet one? Does/will they know about your superhero career? Do you plan to have a family someday.

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