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Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?

Steve Long

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Action Hero would be a good title. Modern Hero was the name I thought of, but probably Action Hero has more shelf appeal.

Which reminds me....a Military Hero book, covering WW2--modern era military PCs, would probably have a strong niche market appeal, and if it included rules for modern mass combat, and various military weapon and vehicle systems, could sell pretty well.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I'd go for all of those aside from Dark Champions in the 25-40 dollar range; although I might go larger for Mythic Hero - assuming hardcopy + PDF.


Any book that is just a redo of a 5th ed book of one sort or another I'd pass on - although I was thinking about the Empress book. I don't use the 6th Ed Champions universe, but just like buying M&M, SAS or Gurps Supers books, I could use elements from it in my game. There were a lot of books announced for this year and next I was going to buy. And I did love the advanced guides. :)


I love supporting Kickstarter projects. At this point if any Hero book comes out that is new (Mythic Hero, StormLords) or that wasn't covered in 5th (Cyber) I'd get.


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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Cyber Hero: Probably $50. I'm working on ideas for a campaign.


Mythic Hero: $40 for this one. I see it more as a reference and idea source.


Dark Champions: $20-40, depending on how much is new and how much is a conversion of the 5e material.


StormLords: Not interested at this time. It sounds like a cool game to play in, but I have no interest in running it.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


STORMlords - Very interested in this... my interest was so great I posted for the first time in a while and pushed me over the edge in buying 6e (been playing other stuff for a while). I'd pledge $25-$50 for this, maybe a bit more depending on perks (get Storn to do the art and I'll kick in more). Normally I'm a PDF only guy now (iPad works well at table) but for games I'm definitely going to play with visual appeal I get the hardcover too.


Mythic Hero - Sounds interesting. Probably $25-$50 again.


The others dont' interest me that much. Maybe $25 for Cyber Hero.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Gee they all sound like fun. However I would like to see more of the "Ultimate" books; most particularly "The Ultimate Power Armour" which was promised long ago. I have found all of the books in the "Ultimate" series to be very usefull and would love to see more!

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I know you probably have it already, but I feel that Gadgets and Gear/Hero System Equipment really covers power armor well. Throw in Energy Projector and I can't imagine needing more.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


  1. STORMlords – Very interested in this one. $25-$50.
  2. Mythic Hero – This one if it also has meta-stuff like Wizards of the Coast's Primal Order series (I wish they'd been able to continue it. They really make you think about how to run a deity as an NPC). $25-$50
  3. Cyber Hero -Interested but not so much. $25-$35.
  4. Dark Champions 6E – Not really interested. Pretty much covered in DC 5E and Ultimate Skill. Danger International-type setting book would be better.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


You know, something that might be worthwhile is a kind of subscription model like the one Profantasy has for their cartography annuals. They sell an annual subscription, and then each month the subscriber gets content (maybe equivalent to a chapter?). At the end of the year, they put the whole thing up for sale as a single product. Not sure if this makes business sense for Hero, but what if Hero was more about content than print books as such? Imagine a "Mythic/Legendary Hero" year (or 6 months, etc.) where you could cover as much of the product as you liked and stop when you feel you've covered it adequately rather than being constrained by print, and you kind of pay as you go. I'd probably buy a Steve Long's doing Mythic and Time Travel Hero subscription to roughly six chapters each. Maybe pay $50-60 depending on how meaty the chapters were? (Would be easy to keep up with Hero Designer character packs that way too.)

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Having now pledged to BoTE...


Mythic Hero


Probably $50 range (similar to BoTE price for a copy of the book)


Cyber Hero


Not a genre I use - unlikely to pledge


Dark Champions for 6E


More relevant to me than CyberHero, but I have the 5e version, so absent some significant change, probably not a supporter.




An interesting concept - again, probably the $50 level (enough for a printed copy - not overly likely to pledge without committing to get the book anyway).

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I guess the question is how do we follow this to know when you are committed and when to send the money. For example I visit the forums rarely but check emails daily.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I guess the question is how do we follow this to know when you are committed and when to send the money. For example I visit the forums rarely but check emails daily.


Actually, this seems like a great idea for you, Steve. And for Darren and Jason as well. A bi-weekly or once a month e-mail with updates would be a great way to keep connected with people who otherwise don't visit the forums on a regular enough basis to keep up to date. I'd also want to join up on that kind of e-mail list just to help keep up to date just in case I miss something on here.


La Rose.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I guess the question is how do we follow this to know when you are committed and when to send the money. For example I visit the forums rarely but check emails daily.


When you pledge to Kickstarter, you give them either your Paypal or your Amazon account (possibly you can enter a credit card instead; I haven't done it that way). The money is automatically withdrawn if/when the project reaches its goal. If the project never reaches the goal, your money is not withdrawn. Once the project reaches its deadline date, everyone who pledged will get an email informing them of its success/failure.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Dark Champion & Cyber Hero' date=' The main other book that was coming out I was looking forward to was Profit & Purity, alas not to be :([/quote']


I wanted this one a lot too, and I'm not giving up on it yet. With the Kickstarter model Hero Games can quantifiably gauge whether a project has enough interest to produce it.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Checking the list of "successfully funded" game projects, I note there's one (1) tabletop RPG project which received more than 20 grand in funding. So, offhand, I'd guess that's probably at or close to the "ceiling" for a KS RPG project. There's some dice and card games which got up to 80-170k in pledges, but I'm thinking that's probably unlikely for even a high-profile RPG like Hero System. From a developer and consumer standpoint, we should be thinking about what's feasible for Steve & Co. to write/produce for, say, 5 to 25 grand.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Mythic Hero


I'd definitely be in for $25 for the PDF. If the rest of the kickstarters are similar to the Book of the Empress, I have an issue with putting more up front: $50 gets the physical book, but there's $50 postage as well!


I like having both books and PDFs, but I'd be more likely to put up for the PDF in advance and order the physical book through the Hero store. $50 for postage is truly excessive.


If the postage came down to a reasonable rate (say $10), I'd be far more likely to invest at the $50 level.



Cyber Hero


Again, I'm interested and would put up $25, hoping to get the physical book later.



Dark Champions for 6E


Less bothered with this. The 5e version seems pretty comprehensive. But I do like having the current edition, so I'd probably join the kickstarter at $25 if it happened.




Not hugely interested in this, but I'd probably join the kickstarter at $25 to help out. It may be one of those books I just stick with the PDF, though.



Other stuff I'd back/buy without hesitation


Ultimate Vehicle 6e version - I know this was on the old 2012 release schedule, and I'd still love to see it happen. I regard vehicles as core, so I'd want PDF and print versions, with HD files as well.


HD files for the Grimoire (surely this can be done fairly easily - would it even need a kickstarter?)

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I'd like to see a Galactic Federation sourcebook, though perhaps that's more something Darren might write. My general assumption has been that the GalFed setting is fairly close to a Star Trek setting in many ways.

I've already mentioned Hero System Weapons(and maybe Hero System Armor). I'd very much like to see a military sourcebook(weapons, vehicles, bases, tech, package deals, etc) for Hero System, rather than it being a subset of other books(Dark Champions had military package deals, Ultimate Vehicle and HSVS had vehicles and ordnance, etc.).

A sourcebook for Vanguard, or for the top 3 teams in the CU, would be nice...something fleshing out team history, past and present rosters, etc. A nice counterweight for the master villain sourcebooks. Even if GMs don't use those teams, it's nice to see writeups for experienced heroes.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I'd like to see a Galactic Federation sourcebook, though perhaps that's more something Darren might write. My general assumption has been that the GalFed setting is fairly close to a Star Trek setting in many ways.


You're correct; the Federation of Star Trek is very much my main influence on the Galactic Federation setting. I have no interest in doing that as a Kickstarter, though, unless there's an enormous hue and cry for it.


I've already mentioned Hero System Weapons(and maybe Hero System Armor). I'd very much like to see a military sourcebook(weapons, vehicles, bases, tech, package deals, etc) for Hero System, rather than it being a subset of other books(Dark Champions had military package deals, Ultimate Vehicle and HSVS had vehicles and ordnance, etc.).


That's an intriguing idea, though probably one that would have to be left to Hero itself, or some sort of Hero-me collaboration, since I haven't retained the rights to the vehicle write-ups or the like. I will keep it in mind, though.


A sourcebook for Vanguard, or for the top 3 teams in the CU, would be nice...something fleshing out team history, past and present rosters, etc. A nice counterweight for the master villain sourcebooks. Even if GMs don't use those teams, it's nice to see writeups for experienced heroes.


Personally I have no interest in doing books of NPC superheroes, but perhaps that's something Darren would enjoy tackling once he gets big projects of other sorts out of the way.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Steve, what are your thoughts on a Kickstarter for a "6e Concise Rulebook" as discussed on this board?

Since 6e1 is OOP, and the new book would only be an editing rather than new writing job (although a substantial one) I feel it should be a high priority.

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