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Piercing Invisibilty


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Re: Piercing Invisibilty


I depends how the Invisibility was bought:

When it only covers normal sight, then any alternative sight (Infrared, UV) would overcome it.

But there is no "Penetrates Invsibility" advantage or adder.


If it is the entire sight group, yes then you need a targetting sense in another group or a special targetting Sense (one without any sense group).

I personally would put a "Detect Light" in the 5 Point Catergory. Of course, dependign on the SFX of the invisbility, the GM might still rule it to be affected (but technically it wouldn't be affected).


The most reliable way are special senses - when you don't put them into a sesne group and pay the high price for them:

Danger Sense

Spartial Awareness


Classical are things like:

"Targetting" for hearing. Or active Sonar. But then Invisbiltiy often also covers hearing as well and flashed often target hearing.

Radar might be a good choice too.

Mind Scan might be overboard, but is a viable solution. Of course you could also make a "Mental Radar", that works in the Mental Sense Group (it only misses "Sense" compared to Radio).

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Re: Piercing Invisibilty


Piercing Gaze of the Third Eye: Detect Things Invisible to Sight Group 12-/11- (Mental Group), Discriminatory, Penetrative (otherwise the spellcaster would only have the stunning revelation "My head is surrounded by invisible air!"), Targeting (28 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), Requires A Magic Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), IIF (Large needle held to center of brow; -1/4) Real Cost: 8 End Cost: 3



Lucius Alexander


Detect Palindromedary

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Re: Piercing Invisibilty


The air isn't invisible. It's parts (atoms) just have to many size modifiers to be seen with the naked eye.


Were that the case, all ordinary matter, which is also made of atoms too small to see, would also not be seen with the naked eye.


Most tellingly, a single atom of chlorine is obviously microscopic, and chlorine like air is a gas, yet a cloud of it is quite visibly yellow-green.


That said, whether or not Penetrative is really necessary is up to whoever is running the game.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary buys Invisibility with Invisible Power Effects

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