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Teleportation Gates and Close Combat



Hi Steve, a second question in conversation with a player who wants to make teleportation gates much like those in the game Portal.


In 6e1 301, you wrote with respect to teleportation gates that

...the Gate can be seen through, and characters can attack through it with the same Range Modifier as if they stood immediately on the other side of the Gate.


I read this as permitting

  1. Transit through the gate
  2. Sight and Targeting through the gate
  3. Ranged attacks through the gate with modifiers based on range from source to entrance plus range from from exit to target.
  4. Not Hand to hand attacks, i.e., grabs, strikes, disarms, or weapons.

My thinking was that teleport is a travel power, so while people and ranged attacks (e.g., a projectile or an energy discharge) can travel through, one cannot "partially teleport" weapons or parts of oneself for the purposes of close combat attacks while still remaining on the originating side. I designed a linked stretching power that would give the player the relevant hand to hand reach instead.


Partial Access
: Stretching 24m, Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+1/4), Usable by Other (+1/4), Indirect (Source Point Varies, Direct Path to Target; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Linked (Transit Portal; -1/2), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4), Unified Power (Gravitic Powers; -1/4)


I know it's within my discretion as a GM to rule that (4) is in fact not covered by the teleport power, but I thought it would also be worthwhile to pass the question along as well. What would your ruling be? Thanks again for your insight.

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