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How Damage DC works and Adding Damage



Good day, I need some help understanding damage.


Generally 5AP in a power equals 1DC. However add advantages to a Power which increases its AP does not increase the DC.

i.e. 3d6 Killing Attack (45AP) = 9DC, 3d6 Armour Piercing Killing Attack (56AP) = 9DC


I have a Character with a 3d6 APx2 Killing Attack (67AP) = 9DC Damage

Character has STR 60 = 12DC (For this example no cap on damage)

What I am having trouble with is understanding how to add the damage. If the power was a Straight 3d6KA = the modifed damage would be 21DC = 7d6.

However as it is an advantaged power, with the advantages directly effecting how damage is dealt we do a bit of math.

1d6KA cost 15pts; 15 x 1.5 = 22.5; 22/5 = 4.4 round to 4.

Therefore is takes 4DC to increase damage by 1D6 with this power.

There for the 12DC STR divide by 4 will give us 3.

Therefore the Modifed Damage for the attack is 6d6.


However to complicate things in the game damage can only be increased to double the Base.

Therefore can only add 9DC from STR to damage. Bit of Maths 9/4 = 2.25.

So Final Damage would be 5D6+1.

(Hero Designer 6 (Build 20110203) using Heroic Template says damage is 5.1/2d6 and 7d6 from a straight 3d6HKA)


Have I got this right or am I totally off the mark?


Why is adding damage calculated differently for Advantaged powers? To speed up the game can I just add the DC together as with non advantaged powers or is this too unbalancing to the game.


Having trouble understanding the Tables on 6E2 p.97 & 101 - Must be reading them wrong because can not get them to work. Could be because the damage goes off the table.


Thank you.

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Re: How Damage DC works and Adding Damage


The easiest thing to do is just to use the tables on 6E2 101 (there are expanded versions of those tables in APG2, if you want even more entries to reference). In your case, on the Killing Damage table, find the first entry for 3d6, then count down 12 entries because you're adding 12 DCs from STR. That carries us beyond the basic table in the rulebook, so we whip out APG2 and discover that your character does 5 1/2d6 damage with this attack when using his full STR. (You could also run the calculations to determine this, which is how I built the tables, but the tables are much easier. ;) )


Generally speaking I don't answer "why" questions, but you've hit on the answer yourself: Advantages have to be taken into account when adding damage because otherwise attacks become too powerful. If a GM wants to ignore this in the name of simplicity that's certainly his right, but he's got to handle the problems that result. :)

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