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Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


Plot seeds:


Catwoman is pregnant. She says Batman did it.



Batwoman is pregnant. She says Catman did it.





Batman is pregnant. Batmite did it.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is pregnant. The Joker did it.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


On tvtropes.org there is a section called "Dating Catwoman" about romantic relationships between heroes and villains.


What sort of plot seeds would you suggest for a relationship between a male hero and female villainess that would be along the same lines?

If the relationship is stalled, or to get it started, be sure to use the ever-popular amnesia gag. This works particularly well with an isolated environment, such as a tropic island after a plane crash, or an icy environment requiring the two characters to cooperate closely to survive, and snuggle up warm at nights. Affected by the amnesia gas or whatever it was, neither character remembers their past run-ins or what any conflict would have been about; similar costumes (likely) and the simmering attraction between them are the only clues to what their relationship might be. Maybe they're already married, or at least engaged? Maybe if they haven't been, they'd like to be, and this is the time!


In order not to railroad a player character completely, you can slip in hints from time to time that something is wrong. Going through the character's costumes and utility belts to pool survival tools could be sexy, practical and disturbing, as he wonders about his beautiful partner's lethal cat-claws and mini burglar's tools while she wonders what sensible, profitable purpose a miniature fingerprint kit could serve?

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


If the relationship is stalled, or to get it started, be sure to use the ever-popular amnesia gag. This works particularly well with an isolated environment, such as a tropic island after a plane crash, or an icy environment requiring the two characters to cooperate closely to survive, and snuggle up warm at nights. Affected by the amnesia gas or whatever it was, neither character remembers their past run-ins or what any conflict would have been about; similar costumes (likely) and the simmering attraction between them are the only clues to what their relationship might be. Maybe they're already married, or at least engaged? Maybe if they haven't been, they'd like to be, and this is the time!


In order not to railroad a player character completely, you can slip in hints from time to time that something is wrong. Going through the character's costumes and utility belts to pool survival tools could be sexy, practical and disturbing, as he wonders about his beautiful partner's lethal cat-claws and mini burglar's tools while she wonders what sensible, profitable purpose a miniature fingerprint kit could serve?



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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


The newest issues of Catwoman have a pretty good plot so far that illustrates how you can use the relationship to create an adventure for the hero and his compatriots.


Catwoman has been ripping off mafiosa types and gets her apartment firebombed in the process. Batman shows up towards the end of the first issue to check in on her, having heard what's been going on. Before he can get any details from her, he gets his bones jumped by her.


Fast forward to issue two and the bad guys have caught up with Catwoman and beat her silly. The leader is the guy called Bone, I think, and he likes to play with his victims, especially the ones that have been stealing his money. That's where the issue ends. Luckily for Selina, the plot setup that Bats is following her around. This could easily become a situation where our thrillseeking feline fatale has bitten off way more than she can chew and requires the timely intervention of her erstwhile beau to give her the opportunity to escape so she can cause him even more trouble sooner rather than later.


So... hero likes femme fatale, femme fatale is running a scam that's got her playing above her league, hero has to stop her while at the same time trying to protect her from the big bad she's scamming.


Love sucks.


Also, yes, Starfire has a short attention span and is a bit on the loose side these days. I don't hear Jason and Roy complaining though.


Dick might.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


There are "Signs" that she is an "affair" (interest in somebody else).


Meeting other man (and if they happen to catch one, he has scratchmarks on his back ;) ), perhaps going out with people in Secret ID (works best when your batman knows her secret ID, but she is unaware of his (or didn't notice him), finding some signature item/something only a lover could by somebody else.


All so vague that it could just be a missunderstanding....

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


I suppose it all depends on hoe evil or what type of mora code the hero has. If the character has a very strict moral code and the villian truly evil it's just going to be doomed to failure. If the villian goes out of his ir her way to keep property damage to a minumum and make sure innocents are not harmed the relationship imo has a chance of working. Having a moral code does not make a character inflexiable. Were not talking Lawful Good from D&D here. One of the better examples imo was n Champopns New millenium. Behmoth in a relationship with the Lady Blue of that universe. It flat out sai both new each others secret identies. Both new what each other had done neither really cared they liked and enjoyed each others company. There was a comic in the core book where Lady Blue attacked a memeber of the Champions and Jaguar attacked Lad Blues minions. So even of they had a realtionshiop they both seemed to have an understanding that bring on opposte sides would mena facing each other.


As for scenarios to use what I wanted to say has pretty much been said by others. To be honest though I would not use comics as they are to define a relationship. Comic writers almost always make superheroes want to settle down with the girl next door who has no powers let alone comba training. While leaving the loved one undefended not even giving them some sort of armor or weapon and not expecting a supervillian to retailaite even when the superhero has a supervillian list a mile long. If comic writers wanted to portray relationships in comics properly superheroes would be dating within the superhero community and only within that community to ensure that neither partner is ever defenceless or in danger. Not to mention a supervillian almost never seems to change personality no matter how often they date or jow much the character really caress about the supervillian.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


In Champions:New Millennium there's a rumour going around (or maybe it isn't a rumour) that Behemoth from the titular team (and thus a good guy) is dating Lady Blue, a supervillainess. How that's working out, I don't have the data to say, because it was just a throw away line by an NPC.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


In Champions:New Millennium there's a rumour going around (or maybe it isn't a rumour) that Behemoth from the titular team (and thus a good guy) is dating Lady Blue' date=' a supervillainess. How that's working out, I don't have the data to say, because it was just a throw away line by an NPC.[/quote']


I think it was it one of the later sourcebooks. It pretty much said they knew who each other secret identies were which teams they were on and they pretty much did not care as both seemed to like each other companies. Mind you I'm going on memory as I no longer have the books.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


But the quote is in the C:NM sourcebook. . . Gary Pinchiot from Hype magazine: "Behemoth, is it true you're having an affair with Lady Blue?" But then, as villains go, Lady Blue is hardly the most dangerous. In all incarnations (4th Ed, C:NM, 5th Ed), she tries to avoid property damage and noncombatant casualites.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


The Succubus with a Heart of Gold is an interesting variant on "Dating Catwoman". The hero meets a comely demoness who first tries to seduce him, then reappears to flirt with them, and even offers them some minor aid on occasion. Turns out she's on the outs where she comes from, and is trying to turn over a new leaf and do something...heroic. Or is she just trying to get the hero to lower their guard, and finish their seduction in a much subtler fashion, before laying a trap for his/her fellow heroes? Only time will tell...


Of course, any "cross-alignment" romance requires, at minimum, a willing player. Otherwise the GM is just spitting in the wind, as an unwilling player will blithely blow off any attempt at romance or seduction, no matter how alluring.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


The Succubus with a Heart of Gold is an interesting variant on "Dating Catwoman". The hero meets a comely demoness who first tries to seduce him' date=' then reappears to flirt with them, and even offers them some minor aid on occasion. Turns out she's on the outs where she comes from, and is trying to turn over a new leaf and do something...heroic.[/quote']

One of the character concepts I want to try out some day.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


One of the character concepts I want to try out some day.


I have a PC like that in mind, but in this case it's an exiled demon princess who's (too) easily fallen into the role of a trickster. She appeared in Terminator time-travel SFX and a smell of brimstone on midnight one Halloween in St Patrick's Cathedral, New York.

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


I have a PC like that in mind' date=' but in this case it's an exiled demon princess who's (too) easily fallen into the role of a trickster. She appeared in Terminator time-travel SFX and a smell of brimstone on midnight one Halloween in St Patrick's Cathedral, New York.[/quote']

My idea is the result of the experiment of a Mad scientist/Mad magician. She is the prototype of an artifically created Shapeshifting Infiltrator. And since he knows he would never sell his prototype, he envisioned other uses for her - a cross of secretary/familiar and concubine.

To that end he planned on "imprinting" her as perfect mate, using magic / some device. The process backfires: she get's his knowledge, a totally not amiciable personality, hits him in a high stun mutliplier area, destroys his works so far and vanishes into the night...

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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


Not all "Heroes" have the strong moral code. In fact it's considered something of a dated idea in some places these days. Or the Code has morphed to include things that it once did not.


A guy who is a hero because he enjoys the fame/Glory (and the occasional reward thrown his way) might find a flip side of the coin attractive. They have much in common and they both look sexy in their skintight suits. Friends with benefits...


Or a Vigilante who thinks nothing of taking the drug money to fund their war on crime might take a shine to a criminal who is so obsessed with bringing down a criminal organization they'll rob and kill to do so.


A couple of "Misunderstood Monsters" might find solace in each others company.


I think he means the classical definition of a hero. What you're describing has a name: antihero.



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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


I think he means the classical definition of a hero. What you're describing has a name: antihero.




That word gets used a lot, but The American Heritage Dictionary defines an anti-hero as "A main character in a dramatic or narrative work who is characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities, such as idealism or courage." In other words, a nebbish, a nerd, a dweeb.


Significantly, where I got that quote, there was a pic of Woody Allen alongside it.


Anyway, my point is that a hero who enjoys being a showman and the rewards gained thereby, is a hero because he displays courage, (probably) tenacity and (arguably) idealism. He's just looking for more material rewards than the traditional hero, super or not. It is his actions which makes him a hero, not his motivations.


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Re: Dating Catwoman plot seeds?


That word gets used a lot' date=' but[/font']The American Heritage Dictionary defines an anti-hero as "A main character in a dramatic or narrative work who is characterized by a lack of traditional heroic qualities, such as idealism or courage." In other words, a nebbish, a nerd, a dweeb.


Your second sentence here does not follow from the first. Nothing in the definition says or implies anything about being "a nebbish, a nerd, a dweeb".


In many cases, a character is described as an anti-hero because of their lack of idealism, rather than any other attribute.

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