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How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


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Good day.


I am currently running a cyberpunk game and during a mission into a research lab one of my players was exposed to Nano Techno-Organic Symbiots (Trust Players to do something unexpected, but I guess that this incident will provide us all with some fun). The Symbiots now resides within him. They have now combined into one organism. They still have separate minds (at present) but physically are now inseparable. I have represented this union and dependence on each other as a Complication Dependant - Each segment they are apart they take 1d6 damage, with it be Extremely easily available. Was unsure if this was the best way to so this, as unless an extreme situation occurs they can't be separated.


What physical benefits (Enhanced characteristics & powers) he received from the merge will come out during play, but at present the Symbiot controls his enhanced abilities, I have said that if he gives me some of his experience I will slowly unlock his new powers and he can gain control of them. This represents the merging of the two. At some point in the future the PC and Symbiots will become 1 new character


What I am having trouble with is how to represent their interaction. The PC is unaware of the symbiots but the symbiots can access his memory and knowledge, influencing him and in extreme situation exert control over him. At present the PC can't communicate with the Symbiots or access its knowledge but the Symbiots can allow the PC to access its knowledge for using certain skills.


Have built the Symbiots as an Sentient AI. Initially have used Mind link and Telepathy to represent communication and knowledge transfer. Given the PC the accidental change disadvantage to represent to Symbiots taking control in certain situation. (When the PC does something that threatens his life and therefore the Symbiots.) However I think I have done this wrong. Was thinking the power Possession from the Advanced Player Guide Vol.1 would work quite well. Possible with a limited form Body Switching. As this allows the transfer of knowledge and the sharing of senses.


Was wondering if anyone has an suggestions on how to handle this situation and what powers and complications to use?

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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


I would follow your first approach. Actually I wouldn't even stat out the symbiont as an AI.

Technically for the "Sybionts take over" a Enraged would be more apropirate (it can mimik any situation when where the player/gm looses controll of the character, not just when he goes on a rampage).


The rest coudl just be the SFX of the Complcaitions and the way he get's powers.

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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


The enraged idea is interesting.


The powers (i.e. enhanced characteristics, healing and perception) that I have given him due to the symbiosis all have the Limitation - Techno-Organic System -1/4. This limitation represents the fact that the powers are dependant of the symbiots and that if they are distrupted so to will his powers.

Some powers also have the Limitation - No Concious Control. Allowing me to determine when they activate.

I could always create a VPP to simulate the knowledge of the symbiots and what they can aquire from the net, similar to the Skill Jack from Kazei 5. With the No Concious Control limitation and allow him access to the skills when I want him to.


As you said I can just RP the transfer of knowledge and if the PC developed the ability to communicate with the Symbiots (Or use Mind Link).

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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


Personally I would buy the powers for the player with no conscious control. I would make the symbiont a DNPC which would have a separate INT, EGO, PRE OECV and DECV. The personality of the symbiont would be for you to decide and how well the player got to use the powers might depend on their relationship with the symbiont. Obviously the symbiont has an interest in keeping the PC alive - they share the bodily stats and, if the PC dies, so does the symbiont...



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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


I could always create a VPP to simulate the knowledge of the symbiots and what they can aquire from the net' date=' similar to the Skill Jack from Kazei 5. With the No Concious Control limitation and allow him access to the skills when I want him to.[/quote']

When it has access to the net, then it needs at least some values to defend vs. Machine Class Mental Powers so you need some stattign out. I heard that Kazei 5 has very special rules for that, but if you need them, the APG I (page 70) also has some rules for "Simulated Intelligence" (INT that only is there so you have a substitute for EGO during a Mental Manipulation atempts).

The Rule is AP/5 and thus equal with the PD/ED and Body the Focus get's from active points.

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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


My take would be a combination of the above. I'd...


1. Give the player a small VPP, with No Conscious Control: the symbiont can change the character as needed but will do so in a way the symbiont thinks appropriate, not necessarily a way the player wants. Note that the sfx of the powers can make the PC look a bit odd if you want them to. Also this mean that every character can have a different power set but it is not 'fixed', although the GM might decide the powers manifest in line with a 'personality' attributable to the symbiont (see below)

2. I would not create the symbiont personality at all as a separate build, but would treat it as sfx or even a side effect of the VPP. This assumes that the symbiont:

2a. Does not have a useful skill set of its own it is 'pure personality' and,

2b. You are not planning on having the symbiont 'take over' (although that could be done with a 'mental transform' side effect)

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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


2. I would not create the symbiont personality at all as a separate build, but would treat it as sfx or even a side effect of the VPP. This assumes that the symbiont:

2a. Does not have a useful skill set of its own it is 'pure personality' and,

2b. You are not planning on having the symbiont 'take over' (although that could be done with a 'mental transform' side effect)

2c And is not connected to the outside world by any means. Having a WiFi Conenction in a Cyberpunk game is like running around with a "Hack Me" sign.

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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


All are interesting ideas, some I will work into the game.


The PC merged with the symbiots had cyberware already:

1) He has a cyberbrain - This in an I/O device which links cyberware and Direct Neural Interface devices (Devices outside of the body which can be linked to the character and controled by the mind).

2) A Replaced Left Arm (Skin Graft to look normal) - The Symbiot is slowly converting this to a techno-organic system. His arm has been itching but he has not noticed the changes.

3) Has an impanted commuication system and AV recording equipment.

4) Symnaptic Accelerator - Enchances Speed, cost END.


All these systems have been absorbed by the Symbiots and converted (or in process; represented this by some of his powers requiring skill rolls to activate) to Techno-Organic version. Of course they are not stopping there, given time and material his whole body will be converted.


What this does mean is that the Symbiots can use his cyberware to access cyberspace. They do have quite potent defensive systems to prevent being hacked. The reason I wrote them up was someone might try to hack them. Several members of the party are very skilled at hacking both cyberspace and machines. Some of them might become aware of the symbiots and their intelligence before the PC infected does.


Also as it has access to cyberspace it can access certain skills - These could be combat programs or skill sets for a particular job. So could build the Symbiots as a character and give them a host of skills or create a VPP with No Concious Control for the PC which gets what skill the symbiots think he needs to survive.


If I did build the symbiots as a seperate character they would still need there own physcial stats to represent the integrity of their systems against hacking and for running there own software (mental powers to represent hacking) Have already designed a Hacking VPP for Players to use and other NPCs. as well as share the Hosts physical stats for damage of a physical nature


Please keep the ideas coming, it helps spark the creative juices.

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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


If I were you I might simply write up the symbiots as a completely different character - this character would be what the symbiots would be capable of if they were completely in control of the character body.


Given this is a plot device rather than an addition to the player character sheet, then I do not think you have to stat it for the player. You might want to add Symbiot VPP - no conscious control, and gie it a point cost. However, in play, I would indicate whenever you wanted that that symbiots had "improved" systems to do whatever, or the character finds that his hands seem to know how to defuse the bomb even if his brain does not.


Effectively you are reading from the symbiot character sheet to get an idea of the capabilities. The symbiots may be able to raise the PC's CV - your hidden sheet will indicate how much. You simply say that it is all part of the VPP kicking in through his cyberware...



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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


I like the idea of the Symbiots as a seperate character. However I will have to give some thought to how physical characteristics and Powers work. The Symbiots have detailed knowledge of anatomy, cybernetics and Genetic Manipulation. They are constantly correcting percieve flaws within there host, this was there designed purpose; To enchance their Host organism.

i.e. 1) The host is trapped underwater the symbiots will compensate to allow him to breath underwater.

2) The host is running, they will enchance his running and endurance to allow hin to move faster and longer.

3) In combat the host will grow stronger, more accurate and more reslilant with time.


I have predefined maximums for all his characteristics already worked out.


I could represent these on the symbiots sheet and just say that he runs faster, takes less damage, etc. But it will add alot more work to my load and slow down the game. I was planning that after the first time these abilities appeared he would add them to his character sheet so he could keep track of them and do the maths and working to keep the speed of the game quick. Also from an ingame perspective this would represent that the host is learning the limit or lack of his abilities.


I think what I will do is a little of everything.

1) I will create the Symbiots as a character.

2) I will enchance the PC abilities on my copy of his character sheet with limitations - No Concious Control and Tehno-Organic Systems (custom limitation -1/4). As the PC progresses he will gain access and later control of these powers.

3) Work out the rest as we play, changing it if needs be.


Any more ideas would be appreciated.

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Re: How to build a Symbiotic Relationship?


i.e. 1) The host is trapped underwater the symbiots will compensate to allow him to breath underwater.

Since Life Support is a Standart Power and only needs 5 Active/Real Points should be little problem.


I had some thoughts about a "adaptive Body" vpp lately, her is what I got:

Unless the symbions have a power skill, changing the VPP selection will require one Turn to one Minute. I would advise to buy off the Skill Roll, but also increase the time to change downwards (at least one Turn). If they can change it in one phase, you might loose to much abilities on the side of his enemies and might have no way to disable him if needed for the storyline.

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